damn americans get free $1200 dollarinos each and we get jack shit
Damn americans get free $1200 dollarinos each and we get jack shit
petition to get the transatlantic semen pipeline back up again
they have to spend this immediately on some crap to keep the economy going on.
isn't it tax cut ?
Yeah but they also have a retarded and incompetent government. Also a fucked up healthcare system. So we win in the long run.
I'll split half of my 1200 with a cute looking German twink
we get 165 USD minimum 330 maximum per week for the next 6 months at the least :^)
all european colonies get money but we dont?
Does it vary by area? 1200 is pennies for someone in San Fransisco but royalty if you're living in the middle of bum fuck nowhere
Is this only for centrelink though?
it's nothing when all the work is being cut
economic downturn is going to be devastating
especially considering how stingy the republicans are at these handouts
Brownentinians get 30 dollars
And they work 55 hours a week for 200 dollars a month
Brownentinians truly are subhumans
Our government said they would loan people money as a part of their "help" plan.
you won't be living in sf if you are poor in the first place
It's a c-link payment yes, but you don't have to fulfil the mutual obligations
took me 6 hours online but I successfully submitted it and got it
also it doesn't start for about another month
we had a successful stimulus package in 2008 that prevented a recession, I think we have more confidence that it can work
its not nice i want free money not this jewry
no why should rich people get more?
it's funny because it's predatory
Yes because nobody in SF is on a low income
>Canada only giving money to people on EI and not students looking for work now who will never find a job
Well fuck me even more for bad timing I guess?
NEET for 10 years to come it seems.
Maybe I will get 1200 dollars.
But you will never understand my pain....
My sorrow....
Yeah, in your example, $1200 would be half your rent in SanFran for one month, but in Tulsa or Cheyenne it could be as much as 3 months rent.
economically you don't worry about location because they will be where they are or they won't be, that 1200 for whatever amount starts being reduced after 70k and completely eliminated at certain amount i forgot
I went to Buenos Aires once and I went to the part of the city where the buildings look like Minecraft buildings.
no one can live outside of their means
true but isn't earning pretty proportional to rent
maybe this will encourage people to move from the big expensive cities to somewhere more affordable?
Anyways I don't get jack shit and will have to work through this whole thing.
What part? 99% of buildings here are plain and ugly.
Not if you've lost your job
Yes, when i get rich i will use all my money to kill ooga bugar scum.
There is a reason we're the fastest diminishing nation on earth, all bugars must be eradicated, utterly.
If you don't use your 1200 to buy USO calls you're retarded
yeah true but anyways it's to stimulate the economy hopefully it helps small business
>German twink
It would be ironic if they saved most of it.
Feels more like an effort to coerce people into voting Trump because he gave them a gift. Doesn't matter because it's only a fraction of what it will cost for the treatment.
Once it starts, don't people demand more free gibs?
>we get jack shit
you more than likely have a better health care system and transportation system than us, being the eu's piggie bank must suck but at least you know your economically sound unlike latvia or something (no offense to latvians)
Saving that money so when all of this is over I'll go to Thailand.
pretty common argument for not giving out welfare, not really true plus the people asking don't exactly band together and protest
>plus the people asking don't exactly band together and protest
If dole bludgers had the energy and organization skills to protest, they would have jobs.
thankyou for answering your own question
I don't even earn that much when I work
implying you can politically cut doles. In a country like yours where voting is compulsory, not a smart move.
t. Already spent his coronabucks
I'm getting $11800 over 6 months. God it feels great not being a wagekek
you can cut the requirements, that's what counts
it's a crazy strenuous process to get it, you have to prove you receive no help from anyone and actually struggle
We get to die.
>implying parliament and Boris are competent
Lmao ever since the news aired Americans are getting free money people here want it as well
Seeing how our governments response to Corona has so far just been lagging behind public opinion we might as well get something by the end of next month
So your economy is pretty good shape. I might even try and immigrate. Call me Aussieboo HOLD ME IN YOUR ARMS, DON'T LET ME GO, I WANT TO STAY FOREVER
Germans get to brag about their socialized medicine not you dudes with your NHS shitshow. I've legitimately had to use NHS while in England for school and it was fucking terrible. I live in California and even when I was a poor fuck I still got better, borderline free healthcare thanks to Obamacare.
That can't be right, that's less than what low Mexicans make. I thought you guys were some of the wealthier of the Latin Americans?
went to techno set the other night and japanese dudes there were sick as
come anytime g
Do aussies not social distance?
it was the last night shit was open
club only let in 100 people
just enjoyed the last night of freedom together
aussies are social distancing for sure
I'm about to get $3000 paychecks in addition to free gibs.
feels good to be essential business
>essential business
I don’t work for an essential business by my company is still giving me a $1k/m housing bonus in addition to my regular pay for the next 15 months
My work is blue collar but obviously the shelter orders don't affect people who work real white collar jobs. My brother has just been working from home for the past three weeks.
Why the fuck should I even work when you slobs get paid to do NOTHING. This isn't fair. I should be rewarded, not you. My tax money was supposed to be for hospitals and schools etc not every dumbcunt Lauchlan to pay for VB + internet so he can wank to nurse porn. You should suffer for your poor life choices.