I've accepted that this is the end of the American empire and its time to learn Mandarin. No point in fighting the inevitable, may as well accept China as the world authority as the world currency is about to become the yuan.
I've accepted that this is the end of the American empire and its time to learn Mandarin...
Agreed. I've already started taking classes myself.
I’m not learning mandarin but I’ve accepted it.
They literally started a pandemic that’ll cause 7 maybe 8 figure deaths by eating bats, and somehow their relative power in the world is going up from it. We can’t win unless we go to war with them or sth.
Bing bong ching chong
>Oh no what am I gonna do now that my country has had its GDP surpassed by an authoritarian nation four times its size???????
Chinese here, no thanks
I have more faith in America than China
You wrote that yourself? wow congrats dude, really, that's very cool. i just told everyone in my family about it, everybody thinks that's very impressive and asked me to congratulate you. they want to speak to you in person, if possible, to give you their regards. they also said they will tell our distant relatives in christmas supper and in NYE they will ignite fireworks that spell your name. i also told about this enormous deed to closer relatives, they had the same reaction. they asked for your address so they can send congratulatory cards and messages. my friends didn't believe me when i told them i knew the author of this gigantic feat, really, they were dumbstruck, they said they will make your name echo through years and years to come. when my neighbour found out about what you did, he was completely dumbstruck too, he wanted to know who you are and he asked (if you have the time, of course) if you could stop by to receive gifts, congratulations and handshakes. with the spreading of the news, a powerful businessman of the area decided to hire you as the CEO of his company because of this tremendous feat and at the same time an important international shareholder wants to sponsor you to give speeches and teach everybody how to do as you did so the world becomes a better place. you have become famous not only here but also everywhere, everybody knows who you are. the news spread really fast and mayors of all cities are setting up porticos, ballons, colossal boom speakers, anything that can make your name stand out more and see which city can congratulate you the hardest for this magnificent feat.
China's heading for a demographic crisis in the 2050s. They're doing fine at the moment with a large working-age population, few pension-aged people and not too many kids to take care of.
Now there are16 retirees per 100 workers. It's estimated to be 64 retirees per 100 workers by 2050.
There will be little need for workers in 2050.
cs and it professions need a health economy to grow, innovation doesn't happen in recession
With such a grey population, they'll need some kind of social safety nets and services for the elderly. China has been fairly stable because people are getting more prosperous. If the Communist Party can't meet the higher expectations of a more educated, wealthier Chinese people, shit might hit the fan.
>It's estimated to be 64 retirees per 100 workers by 2050.
Corona is already taking care of their boomer problem.
Coronaviruses are adaptable, but they can't time travel. The demographic problem will be 30 years from now.
Don't trust china china is asshoe
>Don't trust china china is asshoe
If they really needed additional workforce (they don't) they will just lax their immigration policies to attract people from the rest of Asia. Rn it's actually kinda hard to get a working permit in China.
Free Hong Kong. Auspicious dubs checked.
No boomers means no seniors for succeeding generations or the state to look after, that's the root of every demographic crisis.
t. Zangoid
>t. Zangoid
I wish both of you would just nuke each other already
>T. Cody Xiu Ying
America First. America should just stop participating in global conflicts and go into isolation.
they have been floating that idea on the internet and the reception is not good. Doubtful it will be adopted anytime soon.
And yes, the CCP has a very sophisticated apparatus to gauge public opinions after the 1989 incident.
You'd like that wouldn't you? You and your anti-semite friends like China want nothing more than for the US to retreat from their God given duty to protect His country.
Ching chong ping? Xing ling aey ey ching?
Also no point in fighting even if there was a way to stop China because those who are just and righteous support China 100% because the alternative is amerimuttica
Why do you state the obvious?
the absolute state of burgerstan mind kek
Do u not realize that the Chinese are smart and have 30 years to prepare for it? There is no way for China to lose now except some unpredictable catastrophe.
Not with that second wave of covid-19 happening tho
Seems we need to send the boys in to deal with them. Even if it's over for the US as hegemon, I hope we irreparably destroy any potential rivals before we go.
>implying you could
Your special forces got BTFOed by Finnish conscripts in training, how the fuck do u think u could do anything to China :DD?
I was talking about CIA pulling some shenanigans, but I would sign up to kill and be killed in China.
They’ll just line anyone up who needs to go and shoot them. Such is the extremity of the Chinese pest.
It’s like the nation that colonel Kurtz built when he recognized the futility in fighting the Vietnamese. Individualists cannot hope to win against thoughtless drones.
Cia can pull shenanigans in south america or the middle east, even Europe but not China
>It’s like the nation that colonel Kurtz built when he recognized the futility in fighting the Vietnamese. Individualists cannot hope to win against thoughtless drones.
Prepare? How? They need the next working-age cohort right now. They may be the world's factory, but they can't manufacture the babies that this project requires. The current birth rate is too low to support a growing economy 30 years from now.
They need to start importing more white men.
>China will fail any minute now
Yeah heard it all before yawn
both of you need to die
Fuck chinks
None of this talk about the demographic problem is about China failing. It's just something we need to account for. They're doing well at the moment, but a skewed population pyramid will be a problem even for those Han supermen.
Instead of failure, it'll probably mean growth tapering off while the problem corrects itself.
>the boomers holding this country back all go
the CIA knew what it was doing and executed it amazingly. it starts in china by far the only legitimate threat to walmart hegemony. then despite usa response being pretty nonexistent chinese travel is banned (usa wanted to get it but it didn't want to be among the first) and it is repeatedly referred to as the chinese virus. usa also reacts harshly to EU in an attempt to further weaken them during a slightly tenuous situation they already find themselves in. then finally it appears in usa and a lot of reassuring lip service is provided in the primary incubation and spread stage before "taking it seriously" now. it's 3 birds with one strone. damage china severely, damage eu severely, and wipe out boomers stateside
Wow, user.
This might be unbearably naïve of me, but I think some policymakers don't think of the global economy as a zero-sum game.
and a ching chong nip nong to you too
Taiwanese here. I stand with Japan, fuck China. I am ready for the Japanese millennium.
Get out of my country. 殺死自己的猶太仇恨者
yes yes, ching chong indeed
shut up, ill drive down to LA and beat the shit out of you for posting shit like that behind my flag
don't even have hypersonic drive and quantum fusion ayy lmao
same for everywhere, also take into consideration that old now wont be old in 2050 due to medical advances
holy shit that's a bit dark
Fuck Taiwan
Japan and China stand together
Die American slave
t. Zhang
t. Zhang
Sure, a lot can happen in 30 years. However, public health isn't a priority for the Communist party. If their current under-40 workers are to stay productive until then, it's already a bit too late to start working on the problem.
t. Zhang
asians really have taken over the world, they're literally everywhere
t. Zhang
won't matter, they will see you as another round-eye slave
I like how this board acknowledges us by replying to every flag with t. Zhang.
Prove you're chinese
I want to throw the entirety of the global Chinese diaspora into an Icelandic volcano!