Tfw no alt-right Yas Forums browsing femboy gf

>tfw no alt-right Yas Forums browsing femboy gf

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This, but gf, /x/ and schizophrenic

What a time to be alive.
Why not land yourself a submissive twink bf like everybody else?

Ban anime

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wtf is wrong with rightoids??

damn mental illness look like THAT?

Too much internet

no, I want a Yas Forums browsing, black hating, jew discriminating, Yas Forums lurking, pepe posting, gigachad admiring, Yas Forums enthusiasting, hitler loving, vaporwave grooving, meme appreciating, semiauto rifle possessing, funny witty racist trap gf

I want this too



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based & trappilled

honestly I like also leftypol femboys, they have that particular che guevara punk look that really fits girls (males). In that case, he must absolutely HATE Yas Forums and all white supremacists, and he should want to destroy evil capitalism

>lgbt person wants firearms to defend themselves against bigots and homophobes
literally nothing wrong with that
freedom ain't free after all...

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wait, men in [insert current year] look like THAT?!?!?!!?

She cute


What is it with faggots and calling every skinny dude without hair a femboy? There's nothing remotely feminine about that body.

go fucking die from coronavirus, you fucking italian piece of crap. Italians were the niggers of Europe decades ago.

Yes they do
Yes she is
Yes, she

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fuck i hate fags so fucking much. fucking fascist degenerate shits. stalin and gorky had the right idea on what to do about these rats. i cant believe i used to support gay rights, now i know they are just scum

fascism is inherently homoerotic it is based on the subconscious worship of a superior alpha male. see goebbels towards hitler, or starace towards mussolini

>these are the lil white niggas calling me a shitskin
wtf I thought traps were supposed to be docile and full of estrogen. Why are they so hateful?

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ideology is inherently gay

As long as he only lurks Yas Forums it's fine. If he posted I'd have to glass him for ruining the last decent board

>fuck i hate fags so fucking much. fucking fascist degenerate shits. stalin and gorky had the right idea on what to do about these rats. i cant believe i used to support gay rights, now i know they are just scum
>fascism is inherently homoerotic it is based on the subconscious worship of a superior alpha male. see goebbels towards hitler, or starace towards mussolini

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Because niggers are transphobic

based and sniffpilled

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Alberto Barbosa

Prove me fucking wrong. There is a reason why there were so many homosexuals in the Nazi party. There is a reason there are so many photos of Nazi soldiers crossdressing. Why?

Because Fascism is based on subdued homosexual desires and an inferiority complex. It is where the weak can pretend to be strong when marching in formation. It is when the homosexual can indulge in his erotic desires without being 'degenerate'. It is the worship of another man as the omnipotent saviour, and the recognition of the self as lower.

Hence why it attracts so many of these femboys, since fascism gets them off as it blends perfectly well with their desires (homosexuality, femininity and submission)

in Yas Forums they say that kind of shit but if you ever met one irl she(male) would be more likely to suck your dick than to call you a nigger

I never said you were wrong

They should submit to my cock not your ideology

One picture of a femboy holding a gun made you seethe this hard?

What are you?

why can't you cunts just be normal?

He is not serious, most is just larp

Fascists are fags. I would know, I'm a twink and every single one I've met has tried to initiate some kind of down low gay shenanigans. Shit creeps me out and its no wonder trans like in OP's pic thrive in the aut-right world. They're all so far in the closet they're meeting talking lions and eating Turkish delights.

Eventually, one of these dudes is going to go on a shooting spree because someone tells them fucking girls with penises means they're part of the LGBT+.

They ideologically-obsessed crowd, be it fascists, communists, anarcho-capitalists, anarcho-communist, etc. is always a bunch of mentally ill weirdos who spend all of their time online, giving them a significant overlap with trannies and homosexuals. Just look at all the niche ideologies you can find twitter circles for, and the individuals in them

From ruthless colonizers to beta sissy cucks. What happened to the white male?

t. ladyboy

the 19th amendment and a massive influx of russian jewish immigrants to the United States

What do you mean by "what happened"? We've always been like this.

Why is a twink meeting fascists IRL?

Haha, we, the gays, have been feminizing White males since 1492. Had to play the long game requiring Bene Gesserit level breeding programs, but its paying off.

You meet rightoids like that in American schools.

Both of these individuals are based as fuck. No I'm not a tranny and yes I like anime.

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No, faggotry is just a mutation that has always created a destructive parasitic minority group in any society throughout history. You are a genetic dead end and have no positive effect on humanity as a whole

Our gift to you is White Genocide. Enjoy being on the wrong side of herstory fren.

and good taste in anime too

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>>We've always been like this.
>being colonized/conquered by white sissies, femboys, and traps
I don't remember reading that in any history books

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Iberians are not white

>God made men (women)
>colt made them equal
I don't get why lgbt aren't more into firearms to protect themselves.

iberians are subhumans like you are

they want state-enforced homosexuality

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says the literal 56% iberian mutt

>RP: Federal agents should be disarmed
>The late 20th century American left: "OMG DIGUSTING"
>The Left circa 2020: "Fucking BASED!"
What happened?

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Every single war between Germanics and anybody.

*licks boot*

Thank you BASED Daddy Trump!

Seething olmec.

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North americans are the master race, I can not wait to exterminate you seething olmec centracas

He is pure olmec, its always olmecs who hate on spain

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God I want a sissy bf so bad guys you can't even imagine

>Sissy commie bf vs sissy fashie bf
Pick one.

stop masturbating, for your own good

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you couldn't deal with someone like that

I will stop when I get a sissy fash OR commie bf I can coom in six times a day while beating him with a copy of Das Capital