
Nickel sturgeon edish

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luv bondage

Jog on npc

would love to see america destroyed

the air is so clear with no pollution from cars.

i am breathing better. i can smell the grass and soil. fuck the city i am out of here ASAP. dirty nasty shithole.

would love to see my bollocks destroyed

7th can of fosters

that mega volcano in yosemite or whatever cannot come soon enough

The British Empire was the only morally justified empire in history.

>be irish
>hate brits
>post on /brit/ for hours everyday
Explain this logic to me lads.

Yeah, it is tbf.
I was hoping to go the year without a haircut, but I think I'm going to end up going for a trim when this lockdown ends, if it ends.

Some traveller came into my yard the other day trying to pedal stolen tools

the NPC shows himself

if only... the younguns... kept two metres distance... from each other... uruurrrrrghhhh

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toil on the morrow
got a mask yeee maaann



tell that to Tasmanians
or Indians
or Boers

The stiff upper lip meant that in ANY situation when you personally are in deep shit you affect an outward demeanour of unperturbed coolness and do not internally indulge in pointless emotional hysteria. The worse the situation the more you do so the the point where the "stiff upper lip" is actually a bit of a misnomer because you're supposed to show lightheartedness if its at the point where you're basically guaranteed to die or get wrekt

>did my shoulder in a couple of weeks ago
>like a man, i just put up with it
>two weeks later its now its agony but with covid on the prowl, i dont want to go near any doctors
hands been tingling last few days lads

I don’t actually hate brits it’s just banter, our past is behind us and we’re both doing fine

I do however have a passionate hatred for orange cunts up north

How have volcanoes not ruined the earth with all the evil toxic green house gases they produce?
You think the earth gives a fuck about what we do.

might buy this to build on my indefinite hiatus from toil. i can't just wank non stop.

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Le Jeune I was 0321 believe it or not. 2nd Battalion

Wasn't worth posting the first time.

>tell that to Tasmanians
>or Indians
>or Boers

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british empire was evil
you'd have to be a psycho to disagree

>le space rocket
nobody ever went to the moon shut up

Texted the girl from work saying we're shutting down and she doesn't need to come to work for the feasible future.
She responded by asking why she needs to come in if we're shutting down.

enjoy your necrosis (again haha)

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Dont reply to nordie monkeys.


The 'stiff upper lip' always meant keeping a calm head when wronged by, say, the natives of one of your dominions, so that you could remain cool whilst administering the appropriate retribution. It never meant 'meekly accepting your situation' to anyone until the modern yoofs started adopting it to fit their whiny modern yoof ways.

yeah but it was also based

Imagine walking into Nippon like "Gomenasu i'm not like the other Gaijins i feel like Glorious Nippon is my spiritual home desu desu and i'm not just another fucking sex pat who failed at life back home karishimass"

>It’s not just a question of dying, it’s a question of being the very lowest, stupidest, most retarded pollywog that has ever been screwed under the skullcap of all the Heavens. Just what do the Jews want? behind their socialistico-communistic blather? Their demagogic carnival? That whole infernal swindle? just what do they want? That we go get ourselves killed for them, that arms for their sake be taken up again by us, and that it will be us, we, who will go to be made to dance like marionettes before Hitler’s machine guns. Nothing else! The very Idea! as they call it, is phantasmagorical, a dirtier trick than the pucelage of the Holy Virgin! For century after century men have been sent out to be eviscerated for the sake of such Jewish-influenced causes as the Holy Virgin's pucelage, or the Pope’s balls! don’t laugh! … The causes for which the Jews are currently able to push us towards the firing line are similarly null, similarly stupid. As for Communism, they themselves don’t believe in it! they’ve never believed in it. The Jews agitate, propagandise, and commit aggression in the name of their very greatest Ideas, using the guts of their Goyish dogs.

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mental how good twin peaks is

Assume anyone whining about the empire is brown
Never ever think about it, but the brownoids can't get over the fact that they were once ruled by us

Thank you for your service

glasgow was a fucking mistake

You must be looking for /britfeel/

season 3 is the best season

oi read the thread brainlet

the bass from my bluetooth speaker is doing a number on my cursor
cant go two seconds without it making its way to the other side of the screen

hitler bad (actually true)
but dont mind the fact we sent 10000000000000000000 brave men to their deaths

It's ceased production now.
I got one for Christmas and built it recently.
Will sell you it for £300

Hope this virus absolutely wrecks all our economies and decimates the population. Don’t even know why I want that to happen but I do

went to shit after the reveal

>It should first of all be asked of the Jews, that they sacrifice their own guts first of all! in person… before committing ours. That all of them go get killed first, and after that we’ll see… Perhaps then the Idea will germinate within the Jewish cadaver. That it is in this way that they can prove themselves to be martyrs, real martyrs, and not in words only. The Jews are always committing to the future, while having confidence only in the present… It is in the present that they are feasting upon our stupidity, upon our credulity in the form of an Einsteinian Universe of billions of years of night. These messiahs, these emaciated apostles make no contact with the Spirit, nor enter into any spiritual intercourse, save with the assistance of the very greatest comfort. Don’t be confused! Luxuries and the good life come first! Absolutely. The only thing which will ultimately come from either the Hitlerian or the Judeo-Mongolian crusade, is to divide the slaves between two quite competitive boutiques. Any non-Jew who descends into the arena will surely be left in the barbecue, and will never again emerge. He’s a dog, at best, he’ll get a bone!

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People stopped stabbing each other here in Scotland over nothing years ago

Feel as though I've seen many of these posts in previous threads...

Crazy how quickly boris went from herd immunity to paying everyone's wages and locking them indoors

What about disney+

The funny thing is that all the browns whinging have had their lives vastly improved by the empire, if it wasn't for us they'd be sustenance farmers.

What's your job then?

Assume anyone whining about the holocaust is jewish
Never ever think about it, but the jews can't get over the fact that they were once ruled by germans

Amazing how dedicated this Australian chap is to grovelling and licking British arse

What a freak, just because Australia has no history or culture of its own.

Ah yes, cracking stuff, repost the exact same stuff everyone saw in the last thread again

what do you gain from copy and pasting my post

just bought my pet nigger a new bouncy toy

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