Is it true other countries don’t fly their flags in public that much?
Is it true other countries don’t fly their flags in public that much?
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The US and the Nordics fly their flags more than anyone else in the world, but the Nordic flag culture is quite different from the American one. Here, it's disrespectful to the flag to fly it at all times. You shouldn't fly it at night or in the rain, but in the US it stays up 24/7. The only exception to this rule is a ship that is moving, which should always have the flag hoisted. Here we usually have "vimpel" when we're not flying the flag. The flag is flown on holidays and your birthday etc. and half-masted when mourning. The flag is used for celebrations such as graduation.
it's just germans who are autistic about their flag
I think tis just americans forgettng where they are all the time
I saw a lot on Switzerland
Yes. Silly americans forget at every instant in what country they are, so the flags every 2 meters help them remember.
i was at the beach the other day and there was a group there flying the swedish flag from their canopy tent. reckon i'll start bringing a full sized US flag on all my vacations, that's pretty based
This, anyone have the gif or webm of Merkel throwing away the German flag?
Just during the specific flag days
yes, here in europe we actually show respect towards our national symbols
>. You shouldn't fly it at night or in the rain
I'm pretty sure we have the same etiquette, people don't listen though.
All official buildings (municipalities, schools, hospitals, etc) fly the EU flag, the Italian flag, and the flag of the region/province (sometimes both)
But there are special rules if there is a foreign dignitary coming to visit. In this case the flags fly like in this picture
If however the foreign dignitary is from another EU country the EU flag is placed in the middle
Showing a symbol in excess degrades it's mening. When you only hoist a flag on days marking your nations greatest accomplishments you understand why you should revere it.
State buildings fly only two flags, the Italian and EU one
Do they hate their flag or what?
a literal yacht flag talking about flag standards lol
Russian propaganda. Also it is the most aesthetic flag there is
We do but a lot of people let their flags go to absolute shit because they're too lazy to take it down sometimes.
Mainly just small businesses and random civilians who do that though.
when i see the finnish flag i think of wet toast
They have an institutionalised guilty complex because of >muh Nazis
But what if they suddenly forget where they are?
The flag those soldiers are carring.
I'm disgusted by how people treat the flag here. During some protests they tie is around their necks as capes. They use some retarded version with the coat of arms on it for some reason (it shouldn't have anything). They put it on a pillar and it just stays there until it's washed out and torn.
They think it's patriotic but it's just disrespectful.
Looks cartoonish
We're nazi larpers so it suits.
That's fucking retarded mate.
Why do this in your own country?
That's pretty aesthetic not gonna lie, but I didn't see that many flags last time I visited NYC
We do wave our flag bur not as americans do, an american poster here once posted a pic of a gas station and it had like 10 flags all over it
Noting wrong with having the flag out in the rain, as long as you don't flag it during the night.
Shit like that is so disrespectful towards flag imo, no formality at all
No here in Sweden everyone is inculcated with guilt and anti-nationalism from birth so they dont fly flags and welcome abdullahs in to fuck their women.
During international sports events, for political represenation on specific ocassions and on national holidays (independance day or so) it makes sense to show your flag, but it's just super cringe to see it hanging in someone's room or having a private flagpole in your garden. A flag is not a fashion accessoir.
WEare not patchworks.
Yeah, but we're kinda notorious for it, don't ask me why. People love their flags, and you see a lot of Swiss of canton flags in private gardens as well as public buildings. My foreign gf is always amused by how many flags we have flying around here, so I guess it's not really the norm in other countries.
We're not allowed to be proud of our country because some distant ancestors killed a bunch of blacks.
fascinating to see how we utterly destroyed German patriotism
i thought it was pretty funny
i still think you should switch to the old aboriginal flag
you destroyed nationalism. unfortunately most modern day americans cant tell the difference between patriotism and nationalism
No, its because you aren't actually white you fucking anglo mongrel. Even your black ain't black, he's actualy Indio.
I'm thinking based
We had this flag after both wars, which we lost. This flag is shameful
Inb4 its the oldest one
There is no difference when it comes to us because we never experienced it’s repercussions. We went through the world wars and came out stronger, for us it was a strength. And yes, I meant patriotism but we certainly destroyed nationalism too
My tribe is legally allowed to burn American flags, we're allowed because of dumb ass boomers think we'll respect it hahaha idiots.
its distasteful
Remember, just one drop of Non-White blood and you aren't white, never will be white, and none your descendants will be white.
Is 1% indigenous dna enough?
Yes, only race that has genetic requirements is White.
When i see your flag i can only think of lidl and milk
I live in NYC, it's rare to randomly see this many.
this same university gave me an arts scholarship partly because i'm part indigenous
maybe in sydney or melbourne, where I live plenty of people fly it proud
At no point in our history, with only Nazi Germany being an exception, did we have a flag culture even close to yours. And even in Nazi Germany flags were not present in everyday life the way they are in the US today.
Your national history only begins a hundred years after the US though
You want to see something interesting, after the quarantine, whenever that is, go to Hausman St. near the eastern edge of Greenpoint, right next to the BQE. Basically every house on the street flies a flag, it's kind of weird to see. It's a row of red white and blue on both sides
I live in Bushwick. I'm guessing it's predominantly older Polish immigrants.