
Take me back edition

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All women are whores subedish

ribena looks like THAT?

Take me back to the sweet times
The hot nights
Everything is gonna be alright
In the summertime
Baby in the summertime
And even if I have to wait til next year
I don't care
All I know is that I'll meet you there
In the summertime
Baby, in the summertime
That is where I'll be

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Lads I am 85% certain I've got COVID-19

>can't smell anything
>feeling lethargic
>mild fever
>mucus in the morning
>dry cough

Ask me anything!

alexa google thai ladyboy escorts plymouth

peking duck pringle de lads

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just smoked a lil weed :p

Lads do you reckon maybe we could just put all slagposting on hold for two weeks until lockdown is over, I dont think I am gonna make it at this rate.

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I guarantee she's used to it, go for it if you really wanna

does your mother enjoy BBC?

just a flu bro


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>walk to lidl
>fuck it, I'll order chipper

This whole coronavirus shtick is actually interfering with my life

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how yuh catch it?

it's no challenge it's considered a delicacy there

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remember when notre dame burned down

that got swept under the carpet quick

just kys rn

>mumberg going off about corona being more dangerous than the flu because "it spreads faster"
Anyone got the source that says it spreads at 0.15% the speed of the flu?

I hope you have a speedy recovery. Good luck!

pretty sure I got it too, went out today too. Whoops.

remember when australia burnt down


pain is the essence
the game is the lesson
violate us? a mistake you'll be maken
aiming the wesson
bloodstains on the weapon

has a girl ever rimmed your arsehole?

really like the curry flavoured ones desu

still not sure I believe you

Plymouth mentioned

Derriford here

Meet me outside the jack rabbit in 30 minutes and I'll stand within 6 feet of you

>Anyone got the source that says it spreads at 0.15% the speed of the flu?
probably not cause that's utter bollocks

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please stop posting cute slags lads

personally i had the 'rona in 82. caught it off ozzy osbourne.

Made my ex rim me a few times. Was alright, didn't live up to my expectations. The second time she made me do it to her after, was the most aggressive she got during sex. Really hot

might give mad max a watch

nah thest peking duck ones are the best of the bunch x


Would you lads?

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does /brit/ live in a terraced, semi-detached, or fully detached house?

Nah some lad posted it the other day and it was from an actual medical journal.

this is me every day due to sinusitis and acid reflux. cos of my excessive boozing.

What a Loomis thing to say

Still living in uni halls so that probs
Cheers bro
You fucking dickhead
He wasn't asking you knobhead he was asking me

What the fuck has she done to her face? I mean beyond the makeup.

only ever been with lads

hate nhs staff



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you read Narnia ain't you? They live in weird almost old new york style houses but they're connected through the attic and kids move through like plague rats.

genuinely forgot about this

Joel get on Skype

gave megumin corona lads

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hideous shooping and her face is nightmarish

it's true they love that shit

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what a ghoulish grin
at least she's happy

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same, uptight wankers

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Give NHS nurses knighthoods and free luxury apartments

thanks to Barratt, every briton can enjoy the luxury of their own detached or semi-detached house in the suburbs

The 72 year old coofer

so according you it spreads slower than the flu and has a lower death rate than the flu.... then how the fuck are all of these people dying?


Just because its published doesn't mean you can trust it, that's true of any paper in any journal, theres always a chance its fabricated

Plus coronavirus papers are getting churned out at the minute on high priority, so the science might not be as thorough as normal

drawings can't get sick faggot

I'm from Texas and we eat snakes.




Its times like this I wish I lived in a forest in the mountains and not a council house in South London

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So am I and I’ve never eaten a snake in my life

no you don't
be quiet

bit lonely lads

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1st for a free and united Ireland.

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and the author has the same amount of citations as alan

why is she on the floor then retard?


me cock is semi detached. youre postin too many slags mates

*washes down some of the pringles with heineken* yeah

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might watch spinal tap

>Its times like this I wish I lived in a forest in the mountains and not a council house in South London

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We only had rattlesnake once as a kid

my guess is some sweaty japanese man drew her that way

>the 150 year old isolated nationer

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How long until we're mocking quarantine beards?

10 seconds
no excuse not to shave

14D chess right here

Got a new vape and it’s turning me into a coofer

semi detached with an attic conversion

the house on the other side is kinda vacant though, an old lady used to live there but she died, her son comes and stays in the house sometimes

I was scoffed at in toil just 8 days ago, when I tried to explain the implications of Boris's shift in tone the previous night, to explain what suppression meant, that our toil surely couldn't continue and that business would plummet overnight. One of the toilbergs said the idea of us closing was "bullshit".

Now the whole company is mothballed indefinitely haha.

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this but without terrorism or catholicsm

Practically no one is dying though, it's killed about 15,000 people worldwide in about four months, the flu has killed more than 1.5 million in the UK alone this year.
If it's published you can use it as a source in a PHD thesis.

mmm bat

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Donating my wages to the brave NHS Nurses and Doctors battling out on the frontlines. When V-Day arrives I hope you all will join me in showering them with our gratitude

good post.like it

killing ALL the nhs staff

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Is Heat (1995) a good film lads?

Kinda wanna watch it but it's so long I feel like I might not get through it all

wish edward cullen was gay and i was the male twink version of bella

haha bat go crunchy

wearing my new hat

Need to shave to keep morale up innit

lmaooooooo XD

I guess they do eat bat soup and that is gross but all meat is gross when you think about it

How the fuck do chinks eat lairy shit like live rats and frogs without flinching

What the fuck is wrong with them

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>all meat is gross when you think about it

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i am bat shit insane lads

>the flu has killed more than 1.5 million in the UK alone this year.

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nhs staff should be knighted and have CEO wages

its shit mate dont waste your time

excellent film but not as good as point break (1991)

>the flu has killed more than 1.5 million in the UK alone this year.
fucking lmao
Both world wars combined didn't kill that many British people mate, give your head a wobble

want to do this to an NHS doctor

>on the annual flu jab list with all the OAPs cause of some shit I had when I was 10
can I get off work or na

>File: black-man.jpg (136 KB, 500x342)
>sunburn on his scalp


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Why are you still working?

cause they do what they need to do to survive
maybe if you lot weren't such fussy eaters then you wouldn't have died en masse after a few spuds went smelly

*destroys the world economy by 20%*

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This the sort of shit that goes on in brown and yellow countries

People don’t even bat an eyelid

That doesn’t sound right but I don’t know desu

Adrenaline and cortisol sweeten the meat

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cant believe this is cheadle now lads

sorry mate nothing personal

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went to beijing and shanghai and was paranoid as fuck on every escalator, horrible feeling

seriously though why didn't they just fish

what is nhs?
starting to think it has nothing to do with hockey anymore

cease the dog posting dumb mutt

STILL can't believe my cat ate a chilli


>the flu has killed more than 1.5 million in the UK alone this year.
absolute state of you mate
hope you use this embarrassment constructively so you never fall for such nonsense ever again

We "closed" but are still operating for deliveries and now they want us to work at Sainsburys or some bs, one colleague dipped last week to self-isolate but I'm pretty sure he's just playing the modern warfare BR shit

Okay, you can stoop to eating rats and frogs live when times get hard. I’d rather die than compromise my dignity like that you literal subhuman rodent. You are vermin.

>NOOO!! Us white people would never eat a bat
*enslaves and rape half the world whilst killing all the elephants*

don't get it

nah mate EIHL has been shut down for the season

>bat an eyelid
this is a specialty in chinko land

have never spoken to my neighbour

im half irish, im allergic to seafood. very common thing. cant eat it lad

i will do mate and i'll fucking enjoy it, the eternal anglo never dies but you irish freaks are fucking cowards

bit of a hothead

Hope things get worse

can't believe idris elba took the tube

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>12 hours until alert level 4

someone get this hothead outta here



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BRUHHHHHHHHHH @ 0:15 MY NIGGA BE LIKE YO FUCK THIS SHIT IM OUT LMAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [laughing crying emoji] [laughing crying emoji] [laughing crying emoji] [laughing crying emoji] [laughing crying emoji] [one hundred emoji] [one hundred emoji] [one hundred emoji] [one hundred emoji] [fire emoji] [fire emoji] [fire emoji] [laughing crying emoji] [laughing crying emoji] [laughing crying emoji]

There is a reason certain animals are food animals and some aren't. Do a tiny bit of research before you start posting about how eating bats and frogs is the same as eating beef.

a linkposted webm is seldom worth clicking


serves them right for living in fucking london

racist bint deserves to die for disrespecting china

haha lol yeah

Just not a subhuman who would stoop to eating trash foods

When you get a brain eating parasite from some filthy gutter rat you won’t be so smart you daft, stupid cunt. It’s not a matter of bravery its a matter of dignity. You have none. Btw chinks don’t eat that shit because they’ll starve, they do it because they enjoy doing it out of the blackness of their little hearts.

it kinda is though

>I’m half Irish

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this one is

god shes fit imagine those lips sucking your cock


Weird Al. Funny

feel bad for her

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thanks for sharing

>"Yeah, it's me again, officer, this is the second time user's left his house in the past 24 hours, better send someone around to give him a stern warning"

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been on the chan for 15 years and i have no clue how to do it. but im glad some have figured it out



yui kasugano


Death stats have crept up from 9% to 15%

boggles my mind you can differentiate them

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