Your country

>Your country
>Do you have any special names for countries that are unusual for other languages
a few
>Netherlands: Paises Bajos (Low countries)
>Latvia: Letonia
>Germany: Alemania
>UK: Inglaterra (England)

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Other urls found in this thread: kuningaskunta

>Netherlands: Paises Bajos (Low countries)
That's literally what Netherlands means. We call it "Nederländerna" (Los countries)
>Latvia: Letonia
And we call it "Lettland". The italians "Lettonia". Not special. French is the same but with e at the end.
Literally the same in Italian and French as well.
Also the same name in all latin countries. Even the arabs say Ingilterra.

None of your names were special :/

>Włochy - Italy
>Węgry - Hungary

pedantic autist, its special compared to the english names

You said unusual for other languages, not unusual for English.

>Latvia: Letonia
>>Germany: Alemania
>>UK: Inglaterra (England)

Germany, as most other countries seem to call them after one of several ancient tribes.

>Netherlands: Paises Bajos (Low countries)
That’s literally what the “Netherlands” means in English though.
“Nether” - “Low”
“Lands” - “Clay”

>Oroszország - Russia
>Fehéroroszország - Belarus
>Lengyelország - Poland
>Olaszország - Italy
>Görögország - Greece
>Törökország - Turkey

What is wrong with you?

Arab here:

Al maghrib (or marroc)
Al jazair (or dzayer)
Al Nimsa
Al Sueed
Al majar
Al ordon

man, it should be special names

no one says marroc beside butthurt algerians

Poland is Polanda so you're not special I'm afraid. Sorry
and there he is

And what is Englad? Enghlanda?

Literally means White Russian country.

>>Görögország - Greece
>>Törökország - Turkey
How is this special or unique you dork?


The unique ones are Austria (Al Nimsa), Egypt (Masr), Morocco (Al Maghrib)

there's a lot wrong with hungarians, but it's just white - rus - land like in many languages (norwegian: hviterussland). greece and turkey are just greek- and turkland.

the rest are mega fucked though

We say germania not alemania

I know, but... what kind of people create such fuckd words?

In Czech:
Rakousko - Austria


only Rakousko and Řecko is unique

We do.

>Netherlands: Países Baixos (Low countries)
>Latvia: Letónia
>Germany: Alemanha
>England: Inglaterra

Países Baixos

País de Gales





>its special compared to the english names
Angle-land became England
the Alemanni were a Germanic tribe
Low Countries, again, actual historic name
Latvia, who the fuck knows, you've got that one


Armenia-Somxeti ("Land of Somxi", which were non Indo-european tribe)
Greece-Saberdzneti ("Land of the wise men")
Cant remember anything else

Maďarsko is unique because only conquered peoples called them that way
Německo is unique because only Slavs call them that way
I only heard Poles use Litwa and so I assumed that it's also only regional
Lotyšsko is fair enough

Germany: Vācija
Russia: Krievija
Estonia: Igaunija
Finland: Somija

Attached: EuroopanKartta.png (1200x1325, 621.09K)

Bortugal :DDD

Attached: 103-1034638_spurdo-sparde-hd-png-download.png (860x688, 78.4K)

Germany: Germany
That's all I could think of.

how the fuck do you pronounce that name for great britain
kuningas sounds hilarous kuningaskunta

The ABSOLUTE state of the Finnish language

Attached: just fuck my shit up fam.jpg (1280x1888, 139.56K)

Lithuania - Litva
China - Kitai
Hungary - Vengria
Georgia - Gruzia

ok, for real now

>Cameroon: Shrimps
>Peru: Turkey
>Sri Lanka: Ceilão
>Taiwan: Formosa
>Angola: Ours

why ranska and not franska

Well, it's a literal translation:
yhdistynyt=united kuningaskunta=kingdom

Yksi - one, yhden - the firdt yhdistää - to unite, -nyt - passive/perfecy tense ending -> yhdistynyt - united
Kuningas - king, kunta - state/municipality, kuningas-kunta - kingd

We have difficulties using/pronouncing more than one consonant in the beginning of a word.


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You're weird

truly an autistic nation

You don't know hissing sounds like š, ž, č, šč

>says createuonaux (crito)

is finland the only country to call germany "saxony"? im guessing thats waht saksa means

shut the fuck up
how do you say germany in slav thing

>Germany: saksa
>Russia: venäjä
>denmark: tanska
>sweden: ruotsi
>estonia: viro

Germaniya - Гepмaния

Yeah, especially elder people who don't know any other languages tend to butcher foreign names in a peculiar manner:
Bratislava=Ratislaava etc.

thats amazing

because they don't speak our language so they are niemi (mute)

Yeah, it derives from "Sachsen" and no, we're not the only ones. Estonians use it too and possibly Latvians.

Niemcy means bunch of people, like francuzy or poliaky, country itself is Germania

Not in Polish. We don't use germania at all.

Even hohols do it more properly calling people niemcy and country itself niemečina

How do you know all this? Are you Finnic yourself?

France is Tsarfat(which comes from a translation error)
and Greece is Yavan which comes from Ionia

Olen opiskelut suomea ja muutan Ouluun tänä kesänä

Ok. Koodari vai?

Oon koodari, joo, mutta menen opiskelimiseen (oliko se oikein?)

>mutta menen opiskelemaan.