The world would be a much better place if Bavaria had unified Germany instead of Prussia.
The world would be a much better place if Bavaria had unified Germany instead of Prussia
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Why are americans obsessed with Bavaria?
It would make more sense for Austria to unify Germany than Bavaria
OP, that's simply ridiculous.
you're right, north-germans should join poland like the slavs they are. Württemberg, Bayern and everything west of the rhine are the only civilized places.
Shut up Italo mutt
I'm german-brazilian lol
you're thinking the argentine
brazilians are mutated portugese, with a dash of german, and japanese
I've never seem a japanese in my entire life.
They live only in a single state
this. Americans just don't know German history or culture so they equate everything with Bavaria. Truth is they are all soulless cultureless mutts so their opinion is irrelevant anyway
oh, and the greater body of their person being african (slavery was something practiced in the nation widley into the late 19th century, and was a case of it being actually central to the economy for hundreds of years)
you make a great many assumptions, OP just didn't pay attention to anything in his world history classes.
This kind of opinions isn't uncommon for your flag though. I think it's not a isolated case.
Could be propaganda, because the bavarian king tried to cuck himself to America in the hope of regaining his throne
bavaria was at the unification an agrarian society with no or small industry compare to prussia.
no, bavaria just has the most marketed image of any german region, even within germany
it's the face of germany worldwide
precisely why OP's thread is ridiculous, they bankrupted their small nation building a single castle
>they bankrupted their small nation building a single castle
not entirely right, the king of bavaria paid for the castle himself, the bavarian state didn't go bankrupt because of this.
that would have never happened
also Germany was already unified before France invaded
>north-germans should join poland like the slavs they are
northern germany is not slavic
we descent of the ancient saxons
I thought the invasion is what galvanized the remaining states to be incorporated
Prussia only invaded those who didn't want to unify or were under foreign influence
I always heard much more about Prussia than Bavaria in history class
To anyone who thinks G*rmany is a 1. world country, watch this
>"Prussia only invaded those who wouldn't join them willingly"
Thanks, every empire ever.
Yes, but why not Luxembourg?
the only states they invaded were those part of their enemies. Germans were at that time subject to the whims of powerful neighboring empires for centuries.
No in Brazil.
Here we see Germany as basically a Prussia,
because luxemburg was sadly forced out of the German Union
luxembourg joined belgium in 1839
Some germans were, most were not.
Austria was one of the major powers by itself.
Poor people are everywhere, I saw hobos in both Japan and Switzerland because it's just how it is.
they were a multinational empire that wasn't the same thing as the minor german kingdoms, and exploited them for their own ends like any other neighbor of the germans
Every country in Europe was like that at the time. Ethnicity didn't mattered for the kings of old.
Most frenchmen weren't even french at all at the time for example.
Still haven't found a Luxemburger who wasn't pleased with living in the Grand duchy yet.
Saxon Chad here
such definitions were awakened following napoleon's bulldozing of the HRE
>Why are americans obsessed with Bavaria?
Bavaria was in the American-occupied sector. Once those soldiers went back they popularized their impressions and the Bavarian image took over the Prussian-dominated one in American culture and later global popular culture.
their prominence as a german image on the global stage is more the fact that they're just more interesting and colorful
It's also because Stalin destroyed Prussia.
Bavarian history is boring.
I don't find their culture really that interesting
North germans are scum, the only pleasurable and enjoyable thing to ever come from Germany came from Bavaria or BäWu
stalin, and the misapplied efforts of the allies to punish prussia for the existence of the nazi party
No one cares about you, stupid ape. Silence yourself
personal preference
meanwhile, they are very popular
t. divide and conquer nigger
There's no need to be rude.
That's how anglos behave
You called me a nigger, apologize first
all non-north germans are manlet mutted subhumans by comparison
I called you a nigger because I supposed you were french. I didn't knew you were black, sorry
How shorter south germans are compared to northfags?
Are east germans considered north germans too?
Bavaria was a poor as fuck farmer state and a baren shithole and filled with south germans (i.e. literal negers) at the time of the unification. If you said Austia, I'd agree.
I’m French, you’re a nigger.
I spit on you *TFU*
Then why did you felt insulted?
> If you said Austia, I'd agree.
Aren't austrians south germans too?
Seems that they were just rich south germans
No one enjoys being insulted even if the insult is unrelated to you
>How shorter south germans are compared to northfags?
10-15cm shorter on average
>Are east germans considered north germans too?
We are not German. Any German state would be better than Austria, since that empire would be Austrian instead of German
No, it wouldn't. And it would have never happened because Bavaria wasn't powerful and wealthy enough. They were really fucking poor for quite a while.
If you're not german, then north germans aren't germans either. Standard german is closer to your language than to low german
They are Germans that got told they aren't 75 years ago, so now most of them avoid the topic or even deny it. It can't change who they are though. Imagine being "German Emperors" for centuries, having literally 99% support for Greater German unification in 1920 and then making a 180 degree turn.
For me, it's Franconia.
this guy is your king now
Here in Brazil there's a few austrian colonies.
If you talk with them they'll say they're germans
Austrian nationalism is based on nothing except dodging responsibility for crimes against humanity
No, they are German. East Francia and later the HRE has its foundation in the north German states (Otto the great). We were Celts who got germanized by B*juwaren, but since then we have developed our own regional culture and are happy with it
They are just retarded then
No, the majority of us know that we were co-responsible in the nazi crimes, we just came to the conclusion that a Greater German unification is bad for you and us
Are East Germans shorter than South Germans due to commie shit?
My family is from Baden-Württemberg and we are manlets lmao
Saxons are the best of the best. Dont forget that
>we just came to the conclusion that a Greater German unification is bad for you and us
That doesn't mean you're no Germans though. You can be Germans and live in your own state, that's the model we adopted in 1866. You're no Piefkes, but Prussia isn't Germany as well. Bavarians aren't Piefkes as well, but they're Germans. Admitting you're Germans doesn't mean you're any less Austrian. All people here respect the Austrian state.
Everyone who isn't north German is inferior to north Germans.
simple as
Where does North Germany start according to your definition?
We know we are co-responsible. Everyone knows it. So I'm not sure what you are talking about. We decided for ourselves to be a sovereign state and are proud of our accomplishments, even if they are very few of them.
And no, "Germany" and "German" denotes a nation state, in this case BRD. All your accomplishments are not ours and vice versa. That's why we do not like to be called Germans, since we are not part of the BRD
>We were Celts who got germanized by B*juwaren,
That's all of Germany except the far north
>Saxons are the best of the best. Dont forget that
Based Saxon brother. Saxons are the only true Germanics left in Germany. All of the rest have been mutted.
Most Germans are pretty tall, I could imagine older East Germans being a bit shorter on average. But not that much. We do have a few manlets here as well, but the average American is definitely shorter than the average German. North Germans probably are the tallest... I've heard the average in Hamburg is 6'1 and that's with all of the foreigners dragging down the average. Quite a few old people are very short though.
Alles nördlich der Elbe.