more like pooSa
She was unironically dying anyways.
Who's gonna pay up if she dies?
Who pays the bill if she dies?
No one, it's illegal to go after their estate too if they die.
Hivemind bro
>be murishart
>go to local walmart
>fall over some other murishart's sharts
>got sprained ankle
>you now owe 4599.99$ to a doctor who put bandage over it
>plus 15% tip, of course
is this chinese proxy day?
Doesn't debt get inherited to their family or something in the great land of the free?
Who was paying for her?
>hold on bro let me paint my lawn real quick
Amerisharts BTFO, I hope they all die desu
it's crazy how it's always exponentials
imagine the cancer.
this is going to look so bad after it rains.
USA is 3rd world shithole and saddest thing is that both parties are full subhuman
maybe they can start a new surrealism trend.
Maybe you shouldn't have gotten Corona you dumb commie libtard slut
looks like the daily mail.
this has been shown hundreds of times and none of you idiots have figured out it's grass seed mix with a starting medium and fertilizer
>Hello human, where are we?
>United States?
>We have to talk to your leader, take us to Israel.
if you think that's the case then you're tragically uneducated in Norway
>daily mail.
Not cool.
Netherlands went from 500 to 5000 in the last 11 days. US went from 500 to 13000 between March 8 and March 19 and jumped to 44k over the weekend. They lost control.
It doesn't matter. The price is completely made up and has no basis on reality, so it is not like they are actually losing anything.
we just got more new tests out
the cosigner
give link
>applying for insurance AFTER you're sick and in debt
oh no no no why would you do this
Oh, so it's actually much worse but you didn't get to test anyone until 6 days ago? I hope every last American gets the rona.
jokes on you, my city is only testing people over the age of 65
What the FUCK is wrong with them?
>he tries to justify it
shut up fat
>give link
yeah, so do you, it's called hydroseed
The enemy of the us are their corrupt healthcare
euro neets having been spamming about corona and America for weeks you lot are legit mentally ill
>searching for news stories about the U.S. on the daily mail to farm for you's on Yas Forums and /pol
legit hope all you wops die
But that is not freedom are americans communists?
it's almost like we have 350 million more people than you math sure is crazy huh?
new york about to be a fucking wasteland
Psycopath scum. Is that what they teach to children in school of Netherlands?
>underlying health problems
>refuses to believe in science
>has shook hands with people who tested positive
he's gonna die lol
no its gonna look fucking gnarly dude!
it's not paint
imagine being this obsessed with a politician from a country not even on your continent
imagine worshipping a jew puppet lmao
what? I hate that jew loving rat.
is that why you voted for him lmao
I didn't vote for him or clinton you absolute schizo. I was just pointing out being so involved with shit that doesn't have anything to do with your country is bizarre.
every dutch poster on Yas Forums who lashes out randomly is an autistic weirdo who's upset they remain an incel despite living in the most normie country on earth
Oh, you want to compare it relative to population size? Alright, let's do it:
NL: 0.003% was infected on March 13. In the last eleven days that grew to 0.03%, or 10 times as much.
USA: On March 8, 0.00015% was infected. Eleven days later on March 19, it was 26 times more: 0.004% was infected. This is comparable to NL on March 13. Only 4 days later it's 0.013%. Let's wait and see if the Netherlands has 17000 infected this Friday.
Can't disagree with this.
Forgot to say: the US has been on a growth rate of 1.4/day for the last weeks and shows no signs of slowing down. The Netherlands was slightly speeding up the last few weeks, but didn't get above 1.25/day before the soft lockdown and is expected to slow down.