Probably the ugliest shape of all countries
Probably the ugliest shape of all countries
Looks like a dead fetus
a challenger approaches
terrible shape
Not that bad
Who cares, we bully americans
yes i agree with the fattie here
this looks awful
i'm canadian
Not really
it's sort of charming, really
Chile is hella ugly.
u fat as hell as well
hate that little detached turd in azerbaijan's borders. just give it to armenia
I nominate India due to ita retarded exclaves and the easternmost portion that basically everyone forgets and thinks is a part of Bangladesh
looks like balls hahaha
I like it
i wouldn't say it's the worst. the main part of india has a really nice shape. i think india would be top tier if not for that shitty eastern exclave
This must be even worse with all of the mountains there, i wonder how long it takes to get from the southeast part of the country to the capital for example. And if they have to go through tajikistan and uzbekistan to do that
Not as ugly as Russia without Baltic, Belarus, Ukraine, Caucasus and Central Asia
just give iranian azerbaijan to the azeris and give nagorno karabakh back to armenia
Fucking old worlders
ay lmaoo
a meme country
It's better to give Azerbaijan to Iran instead.
Iran has a cool shape
It exists because it attracts tourist soyboys
>haha, le convoluted next-door borders, haha
Too slender?
That's disturbing
ok this one is probably the worst
what the fuck is that border
That's a rectum.
Why doesn't the tail just belong to Chile?
Argentinians have a weird obsession on Antarctica
This one actually makes some sense: it's built around the Gambia River, which continues to beyond the east end of the country.
Is the tip really cold? Didn't know.
>Final status of Gaza Strip and West Bank to be determined
Not in our lifetimes
Chile and Argentina signed a treaty in 1881 defining the border between them, roughly following the continental divide. Chile might not have originally wanted any of the island of Tierra Del Fuego, but they had just found gold there.
If i drive straight from ndola to mansa will I get raped by congolese?
Imagine being cucked out of one of your main rivers by a worm country.
kek, the first thing I wondered as well
Canada is a hideous country
Fun fact: a store in that town has to close half of the store because it is in the Belgium territories and non-essential stores in Belgium have to close because of the coronavirus
Looks like a laser pistol
Breddy neat
Southern Patagonia too. Why did they split the final island in half like that in the south?
>What is the Nagorno-Karabakh War
>nobody's posted my country yet
I am unironically extremely jealous of this span
It's big, can't say the same about Denmark :^)
yeah you can
I wonder what it's like growing up there
>inb4 some Dane tells me it's unemployment, gibs and alcoholism
it's unemployment, gibs and alcoholism
Same as the Native Americans. It's really fucked up. Almost a fate worse than death for these people
No, because that is not Denmark. It's part of the kingdom but it's not Denmark the country. Two entirely different things.
don't care lol
I've always thought this too.
and it's all the norwegians fault :(((
it's part of denmark in all aspects except on paper. we are the 12th biggest country in the world (((:
It's part of Denmark (kingdom) but it's not denmark (the country)
Big difference, oink oinky
Greenland is a big north american chad getting free money from danish wage cucks in a tiny country :^)