What is _________ worth?
dont like brits
Africa is far, far larger than China. Not everyone in China is some sadistic dog boiler. Just like not every Brit is some sadistic elephant killer.
>no, give me a source.
Im not Google, lad. How do I know more about your country than you?
>on average the chinese treat animals far worse than white people
White people have driven countless animals to the brink of extinction
Gonna miss you /brit/
The average /brit/poster.
Is this yank STILL insisting if we give all the chinks an extra 50p an hour they won't eat all their weird cultural bushmeat recipes? I saw one of them eating live baby mice at a fancy restaurant for fuck sake.
I've also seen the millions of videos of how animals are treated in factory farms and how no one who eats meat gives a shit. People are all the same, white black asian gay straight cis trans, they all fucking suck.
>I saw one of them eating live baby mice at a fancy restaurant for fuck sake.
noooo...not the raterinos!!!
The worst anxiety I’ve ever felt in my life was when I was at a festival and got lost from my mates with no phone or anything and had 3g on me and just kept sniffing and sniffing while completely sober. I was so jumpy and paranoid, my heart was constantly pumping adrenaline and my stomach was being barraged with stress chemicals. Literally didn’t want to move, felt totally uncomfortable in my own skin and didn’t want people to look at or notice me. Couldn’t even talk properly, was stuttering and all.
Then I got home and had a beer and instantly felt better. Coke can give you some badddd anxiety, especially if it’s shit coke.
What do we say fellow sneachta heads?
i only do it when ive had a few cus im not thick
fuck china
fuck chinks
Read various philosophy books last year and while they may have made me more introspective they haven’t improved my life at all. Nobody wants to talk about that shit and it doesn’t help you get a better job or gf
imagine that cringe case sat there reading his books thinking hes above average intelligence
have people who read books for fun just not heard of video games or something?
Coke is my least favourite recreational drug. It makes me feel genuinely suicidal the next day every single time I've done it.
i read books then forget what i read
loved his performance
how many men have made a "boohoo I'm sick" video so far
>Spend hours compiling thousands of books you will never have the time to read a tenth of
*thunderous applause*
Very impressive!!!
190cm got a proxy
theres several books i read when i was smashing benzos that i can't recall anything about
theyre the same people that say
Nah doing coke sober isn’t something you should do
Coke is one of them ones you get drunk first then do some coke to level you up.
Anyone who says their coke is good enough to do without drink are either Tarq or straight up lying novices.
Anyways in a festival which are highly anxiety inducing atmospheres, doing coke by itself is literally the worst thing to have done.
I get the same with no alcohol in me
just let her die lmao
is coke a big thing in the uk, i swear it comes up all the time in these threads. don't know one person who does coke here.
>video games
do people actually say this. when i was growing up they were called computer games.
pondering whether the cokeman will be about on friday
again we are talking about averages. the chinese on average have little regard for animals, whether it’s genetic or cultural is actually irrelevant. its reflected in law, china has very little animal welfare laws and what few laws it does have aren’t enforced. again - why would you assume cultural parity regarding attitudes towards animals? cultures are different and this is one aspect that varies very significantly. and give me a source lad, otherwise you just look like you made it up. and yes white people have driven animals to extinction but that is more to do with capitalism than animal cruelty really
i have a 3 hour comedown of crippling anxiety, then once i sleep it off i'm fine. had far worse experiences when i abused the fuck out of MDMA. every week.
for it's videojuego
Shut up virgin
Those who love life do not read. Nor do they go to the movies, actually. No matter what might be said, access to the artistic universe is more or less entirely the preserve of those who are a little fed up with the world.
i.e. wankers
why are you racist mate? we need answers.
>video games
t. Zhang Dao Peng
I've just had a txt message come through from UK GOV, anyone else had the same? Silly question but how have they got access to my number
Yeah it’s Britains worst kept secret.
I’d say up to 30% of London aged between 18-40 have a weekly coke habit.
Philosophy is just largely ignoring common sense
never experienced kissing a girl
never experienced going down the pub with a mate
never experienced heartbreak or falling in love
never experienced anything that normal people take for granted
video games bore me to death
no idea how you people play that trash all day
VERY punchable face
just called them games me, never heard anyone say video games in my life
i know a lad who sniffs coke at work all day. he's always wired and chatting shit at a hundred miles an hour. dont know how he does it.
If you don't read you aren't interested in anything worthwhile
yeah loads but i'm more of a pepsi man myself x
yeah cause it don't cost 250 quid a gram
love a sniff me
There is a huge difference between a Socialist State showing collective concern for the well-being of the proletariat versus a Nazi capitalist regime looking for the next opportunity to ratchet-up Fascism. Beware how they use examples of the PRC to sell us their type of society.
yeah every basic cunt does it these days
fuck off yank
>Why read books when you can just play video games and watch anime, bro
everyone is a subject of the queen
shut the fuck up she looks just like my nan you cunt
apologise to my nana Anne
Yeah, massive in Ireland too.
Know lads like this, they have a different brain type to me and you altogether.
You do know that for the past 2000 years the most common position on animal rights in the west is that they do not have souls and it's okay to do whatever you want to them because God said so?
reckon lots of people getting born nine months from now
>video games
some suspect posters ITT 24 hours a day ngl
Do audiobooks count?
by being an addict presumably
no one's impressed you read books, virge
home video game consoles are a recent phenomenon
there was the shite from the 70's like the atari 2600 and magnavox odyssey, but the games weren't advanced enough to spend a long time playing them
there's no framework for when somebody is or isn't permitted to enjoy video games
if you insist there is then you're a luddite.
Hopefully they are white and not of your ilk you foul nigger
gonna open a bat soup stall in camden town when this is all over, the hipsters will go crazy for it, will charge £15 a bowl
used to hold my breath whenever i walked past/drove by a cemetery when i was a kid. older brother told me it'll keep me from getting possessed. i was very serious about it.
No it doesn’t lol
Coke comedowns aren’t that bad because it’s really obvious it’s the coke comedown talking
Take some designer research drugs and then come to me about comedowns.
I don’t mean to belittle your mental health but you’re chatting shit.
i've experienced all those things and im still a miserable loser
i'd assume most people cant do coke like that, but maybe im in the minority. i cant do it without a few drinks and if im doing it sober in a social or work situation i'd be shitting myself not saying anything
used to date a girl who played WoW
>it finally clicked
Wow nice
stfu and learn to fish you starving crybaby
>white people have driven animals to extinction but that is more to do with capitalism than animal cruelty really
So here we come into a conundrum. You're hinting at things like money playing a factor....almost like....whats that word....socio-economics. As if certain economic and social stances drive certain actions....
In that case, can the eating of dogs in China not be driven by capitalism?
Feeding dogs to lions:
Turnspit dogs
>im gonna be bored with all this new free time
>you should try reading books there's loads of interesting ones
lots of insecurity in here ngl
and yet the animal rights movement came from the west, chiefly the uk actually
casually thumbing through the hungry caterpillar
Notice I said:
>it makes me feel
I didn't claim everyone felt like this on coke, you absolute fucking retard. Learn reading comprehension.
is the 'rona gonna cull all these cokeheads?
doesnt seem like it's good for your heart
my gf
Most philosophy is just pointless bunk. read fiction its actually worth a damn
>tfw bugchaser and all these qt boys walking around pozzed with the bat flu
for me it's the fluffy cat from anton "robin" seplut's series of russian stray cat kinos
>you will never look like Henry Cavill
it was the "1000's in my backlog" thing people are commenting on
your strawman needs work
teeth made to bite cocks off
We should've taken all these measures around the time of the Cheltenham festival and stuff, the fact that we've let it run into Mother's day is astounding
your mother read me that one last night actually
Yeah I feel that
When I was getting cunted off mandy on the reg life was a permanent comedown
The thing is with mandy jts very hard to be aware you’re coming down unlike coke, coke is so obvious in comparison.
yeah brown babies
oh no don't say that
you'll set them off on another pseudo intellectual rant about how we should all ONLY be reading nonfiction
you've experienced a roof over your head
you've experienced 3 meals a day no questions asked
you've experienced the freedom of a 1st world country
you've experienced a lot of comfort poor people never will
It’s so popular in dublin. Literally every pub or club has queues in the toilets
let what run?
finna call the ex and tell her i still love her.
she'll probably just laugh and say 'i know'
>no it doesn't lol
Its different for everyone why are you always trying to make everything a competition and project your own supposed experiences onto everything
>muh designer drugs
Just fuck the fuck off no one cares
We just exposed you for being a pseudo intellectual, let’s not pretend your initial suggestion was a pleasant one, it was full of condescending snideness and you just HAD to mention about the “1000” books you’ve put on your to-read list which you will never read. Crying twat fuck off.
who cares
looks deranged
Then you said >genuinely
Which means you actually feel that way.
Now shut the fuck up battyman
Go back to africa you detestable coon
books are for gays
have experienced all of these.
experienced all of these too
back before i got stupid with MD, the comedowns were actually enjoyable, like a smooth ride down to sobriety and a nice afterglow. with i could go back to those first 2-3 times i did MD but i got stupid with it and fucked it for myself. arguably the best drug when you respect it;.
As people abandoned idiotic things like tradition and religion and morality yes. It was something that went against traditional western culture.
kill yourself
I wasn't trying to refrain or anything but I haven't jacked off in 4 days
Wish I was a girl iih
It's so easy for them to be sexy
sob on, gamer
why does the drooling redditor picture look like the average british person?
I'm literally whiter than you, you seething potato ape
Because doing coke on a long term basis makes you feel wavy rather than wired.
t. Knower
animal crossing CHAD
book wanker
I’m not a gamer, I read as well I just don’t gloat like a proper virgin