I don't like the implications of this. Please don't tell me that a large number of people dont wash their hands.
I don't like the implications of this. Please don't tell me that a large number of people dont wash their hands
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You'd be amazed.
i just wet wrists a bit so people think i wash
You'd be surprised... I worked maintenance in a bathroom during a football game (soccer..) last year and maybe 45% of the dudes left without washing their hands.
Most people don't do it properly.
only 2/3 women and 1/3 men in the US wash their hands after using the bathroom
There were also articles about the McDonalds touchscreens being checked and all testing positive for fecal matter and other nasty stuff.
It depends if they count pissing in this though. When I piss I never wash my hands because I got in that habit from late night backyard beer pisses. My hands never touch my dick anyhow, I just use the front opening to hold up my dick hands free.
You don't even wash your ass so I'm not too hopeful
I fucking hate Europeans so goddamn much.
my dick is cleaner than public faucets, and often it is the only thing i touch in a public restroom
how come wh*Toids so backwards when it comes to washing hands?
I remember an English study from 15 to 20 years ago, where they found traces of urine from more than a dozen guys on the peanuts bowls given in pubs
there are traces of waste on literally everything that gets touched by random people
There's no magical way to wash hands. Just get soap all over and make sure to rinse every spot for 20 seconds.
I wash hands before I touch my genitals.
This. 99% are lazy fucks about it.
Literally no point of you just take a piss, my cock is probably less exposed to bacteria that most table surfaces
Shut up you retard. Stop being disgusting in my country.
this just means turks lie more
Would you shake my hand after I've touched my cock?
most men don't wash their hands because they think it's gay and/or that there's no need because their dick is "clean"
>most men don't wash their hands because they think it's gay
What the fuck?
should've read the thread before answering. there are even nasty fuckers admitting to have this way of thinking ITT you've never talked to men?
>Would you shake my hand after I've touched my cock?
Depends on the cock.
Embrace the light of one god.
Post that in /balk/, they'll seethe
No thanks. Muslims literally use their hand to wipe their asses after taking a shit. Do you think they wash their hands afterwards for at least 30 seconds with lots of soap and hot water?
No, they don't. Muslims literally carry shit on their hands all the time. ALL THE TIME.
>you've never talked to men?
I'm pretty sure there is no such sentiment in the U.S., at least I hope so. Guys only wash their hands less because we're lazy, not because we think it's gay. Don't know what the fuck is going on in argentina though.
My favorite Pokemon is the Very Busy Guy who runs out of the toilet stall, squirts soap onto his dry palms, rubs for 2 seconds, quickly rinses and dries and barges out smashing the door into the face of some boor bastard just outside
I wash my hands both before and after taking a piss so that I don't smear any bacteria on my dick
>I'm pretty sure there is no such sentiment in the U.S.
HAHAHAHAHA. It's common sentiment in the US that hugging another man is gay. The US might be the most insecure country when it comes to their masculinity.
Times I wash my hands
1. After I've been outside my apartment.
2. After I've been to the toilet.
3. Before I cook.
4. Before I eat.
>perfectly correlates with the severity of each outbreak in each country
You can’t make this shit up.
I would hug a cute smooth american twink.
No we don't Hans
I always get told that my hands are soft. I'm here for you.
Pooey hands Mehmet
in my country everyone washes
No, the dutch are doing fine despite being worst in Europe.
But I guess that has to do with North European social distancing, so it checks out
You are a good man, little burgerbro.
Okay, but you also eat each others shit every time you have sex.
>you also eat each others shit
We learned it from watching YOU.
Portugal is kind of an island to itself.
Shut up or we're coming back to dresden.
Can you come back to Saigon too? :^)
I would rather suck your cock
How do you feel about Bavaryan penis (15 cm, uncut)?
People actually wash their hands after bathroom? What's the point. Unless you are an idiot who sprays on his hands or gets fecal matter.
An educational message from Paulie Wallnuts.
little fellers living on your dick
Is it true that muslims can't even grow dick cheese?
>Guys only wash their hands less because we're lazy
lazy AND actually think your sweaty cheese ridden disgusting ass dick is clean. dirty animals. see
yeah it's pretty sad
Oh user :(
Wtf what a filthy people
Disgusting. Don't you wipe the piss in your dick?
Not one of us is gonna start healing until Laura washes her hands!