Press S to spit on the whore's grave

Press S to spit on the whore's grave.

Thank you, based COVID-19.

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Why does she make retards seethe so much?

She's very cool and kind of cute. I hope she doesn't die.
Get well soon, Greta!

dont make a post about this attention whore. fucking typical drama queen.

ok boomer


>implying this isn't part of her plan to intentionally infect old, anti-green politicians and businessmen

Fucking finally


just a desperate plea for attention

she can't get on the news, but wuflu is on the news so she claims to have it

oh yeah, and


Doesn't surprise me at all considering Sweden's complete lack of any measures to combat this pandemic. They have made fools out of themselves.

too much attention was given to a nwo autistic cunt toddler that wants everyone to eat rubber or something

Just how big a piece of shit must one be to wish death upon a valiant young girl who is fighting to save the planet?

Incel rage

losers. Get a life. Stop being jealous of successful children, as you will continue being losers forever regardless.

ould fuck

The most intense anti-Greta people don't even know what she's proposing. She just triggers a primitive defense mechanism.
The most psychotic level of aggression is from conspiraboomers like Ben Garrison. Frankly, I have trouble understanding why grown adults get so worked up about her.

Please do not spit on my wife. I would hate to have to merge the curb with your brain matter.

Greta will become stronger by the end of this. She will look the b**mer in the eyes and they will cower in fear.

Wouldn't be funny if she starts fucking badboys who do nothing but ride motorbikes, eat steak and mogg soyboys once she finally hits puberty?

>17 years old
so she just chills 2 weeks at home

Sensible and responsible. Everyone her age should follow her example.

>once she finally hits puberty?
So like age 50?


Vegan diet, not even once

imagine hating a little girl because you disprove of her climate opinion
and on top of it the hate is induced by your masters in usa

how DARE you

so why do you hate on a kid, exactly? Yas Forums told you to?

I can imagine thinking she's a dork; but why treat her like some crook?





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Pretty much this, yes!

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>little autistic kiddie wants the world to be a good place
>that's somehow risible and bad

>why treat her like some crook?
Because to imply that we may need to change the way our society operates and live lifestyles slightly less convenient or luxurious than we do now is a crime among boomers. There is nothing the boomer fears more than discomfort. They are stubborn, decadent people.

wait ben garrison is ACTUALLY like that?
those images are not Yas Forums edits?

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Greta is based, did more in one year as a teenager than all pathetic incels ITT in their sad bitter lives, also she is like 17 lmao she will lay in bed for one week and be ok


Now that you know that she's infected with a mortal virus. Would you?

would and checked

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>The most intense anti-Greta people don't even know what she's proposing. She just triggers a primitive defense mechanism.
>The most psychotic level of aggression is from conspiraboomers like Ben Garrison. Frankly, I have trouble understanding why grown adults get so worked up about her.

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The "Zyklon Ben" ones are edits.
Otherwise, he's a vulgar libertarian who wholeheartedly believes in conspiracy theories. He also opposes vaccines. His portrayal of Trump is almost like homoerotic fan art compared to the rest of his art.

She's young and is going to live. When the Corona pandemic is over seh'll go back to making the surviving boomers rage and seethe

Is this meme still alive? We should grant it a dignified death.

The Yas Forums edits are very light in comparision with the other edits. Because the psychosis was so manifest that it didn't need any more.

>new start ignoring her for chinkflu
>says she got chinkflu
what an attention whore

Edgy incels seem to think otherwise. They delusionally believe it gives them airs of masculinity as well as humor and that it equals an argument. Sad people really.

>His portrayal of Trump is almost like homoerotic fan art compared to the rest of his art.
Slander and lies! This is totally not homoerotic. Because it's from LoTR, yes? And everyone knows that it's for asexual nerds.

Checkmate, SJWs!

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"says she may have" like the entire fucking planet? no shit.
This, there is not a single week she is not interviewed, she is not even testes.
I wonder fucked will her brain be when she reaches her 30s and nobody gives a flying fuck.
Honestly I hate her parents for exposing a young person like that.

>Edgy incels seem to think otherwise. They delusionally believe it gives them airs of masculinity as well as humor and that it equals an argument. Sad people really.

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>haha i have no actual response to what the finn is saying so I’ll just post a soyjak edit! that’ll show him!
you’re so pathetic lmao


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are they ban on sight on Yas Forums too or is that just on /vg/ ?

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Greta CHADberg will easily survive this and continue to make boomers and trumptards everywhere absolutely seethe



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This is a Garrison original. Ticks every box on the furious boomer checklist.

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well at least the globe is round


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>Greta CHADberg will easily survive this and continue to make boomers and trumptards everywhere absolutely seethe

Like the oceans, we are rising. And basically, she's smol but important!

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There's still hope. If he hears that Soros made fun of the flat earth community, he might become an enthusiastic anti-globehead.

She'll calm down once she gets a good dicking. I volunteer for the job.

a bit gross but ok

>There's still hope. If he hears that Soros made fun of the flat earth community, he might become an enthusiastic anti-globehead.
Please, Soros! Make fun of the flatties!

Neck yourself bro

praise god for the gutteroil boils

>getting dabbed on by an autistic yuro teen
why are rightoids so easily triggered?