What's the opinion on this

what's the opinion on this

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Very good

Should be liberated from it's vile federation and return to the crown.

CT is New York
MA would be based if not for terrible gun laws
Upper New England is based but more and more becoming invaded by Boston
Fuck Tom Brady

lol, it spearheaded the revolution against you. New England should invade Canada with Quebec, unite, and invade the UK.

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What would be the benefits if we hypothetically joined you
This idea seems better, we should unite with the Maritimes

Should've been its own sovereign nation

Only good part of the country.

Imagine this country...

Attached: 213213.jpg (2092x1356, 535.37K)

Fuck off we'are full


New England

Attached: dominion-of-new-england.jpg (793x532, 39.73K)

Attached: Map-Northeast-Canal-System-19th-Century.png (1024x755, 318.57K)

Attached: New England islands map.png (1818x1544, 263.25K)

>Lower New York
>New Jersey
>New England
Only Upper New York can claim to be part of New England

>hey bro wanna join our revolution
>to free ourselves from england and live in our own free states without massive central government?
>actually creates social liberlism authoritarian republic like a boss

Attached: Mount Katahdin, Maine.jpg (1936x1296, 1.38M)

They just wanted their own government so they could be in control, most New England politicians were Federalists

I havent seen a black person in like, 10 years.

Is new york part of new england ? and does anyone know why the rural white states in the north vote democrat while rural white areas in the rest of the country vote republican ?

It just feels kinda weird to imagine pro bernie rednecks lol

worst accent to ever exist

>They just wanted their own government so they could be in control
...Of their own states, yeah. Why wouldn't they? What point did you think you had?

New York is part of New York

tri-state area is New England

Attached: new-york-new-jersey-connecticut.jpg (515x446, 24.13K)

moosehead lake hahahahaha

Also the little panhandle of connecticut is probably the richest area in the world, literally every building there is a mansion and every house has a pool, a tennis court or both. It's unbelievable that places like that exist, where do the poor people taking of all of this even live ? Just look at the place on google maps, all mansions and forests

not really but part of northern New York is basically identical to New England. Rural white areas in the north aren't poor hicks really, a lot of these places have families and towns that go back centuries, and a lot of the greatest universities and stuff are in the area. Picture it more like the south of England...

like, the Bretton Woods financial agreement was signed in New Hampshire, for instance..

Attached: Mount Washington Hotel, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire (2011, architect Charles Alling Gifford c. 1904 in the spanish renaissance revival style), site of the estabishment of the World Bank and IMF.jpg (2823x2117, 2.12M)

I'd push it into the ocean if it was possible

that's Fairfield County, Connecticut. The funny part is that the cities of Connecticut are some of the biggest shitholes with nigger ghettos of anywhere. Hartford, New Haven, it's a joke... But yes, these suburban towns especially the NYC suburb towns of Rye and Greenwich and Darien and stuff are very fancy.

Darien, CT just turned down drive-through coronavirus testing in their town lol.

Also, similar areas of wealth can be found in Westchester County, NY, and New Jersey...

Attached: Belle Haven, Greenwich, Connecticut.jpg (1860x1237, 583.27K)

NE fag here. NYC is basically it's own separate entity. I imagine much like paris is so separate from the rest of France. Way upper NY is kinda like New England. But to be totally honest I dont consider it part of NE.

NE is only really Mass, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine imo.

>to free ourselves from england and live in our own free states without massive central government?
They didn't care about this. At least not many of the elite. They wanted to be free from the crown so the colonial elite could control their affairs

Rye's in Westchester fyi

I can break down the east coast north to south

>NH to Canada friendly
>North Virginia to Mass - shit talking assholes
>South Virginia to North Florida - friendly southerners
>rest of Florida - shit talking assholes and spics

Fun fact maine is like 96% forest. And wasn't settled by white people properly for a long time because the native americans in those forests were basically ninjas and would kill anyone that came on their land quickly.

Nice, is that some kind of resort ?

And i don't mean redneck in a pejorative way. To me a redneck is just a white guy who lives in a rural area, drives a big truck, has a few guns and likes hunting and shit, not necessarily some racist who's married to his cousin and didn't finish high school.

Interesting. I always thought that everything in America was more "extreme" than in Europe no matter what it was (shitty areas are shittier, good areas are better, liberal places are way more liberal, conservative areas are way more conservative etc...) and i guess this just confirms it.

Like we have some very rich places but entire cities with nothing but mansions are something else. The city i was looking at was New Canaan, i swear i didn't find one normal sized house within the city limits

Do you know where all the normal people who work there live ? Like all the gardeners and all that

avoiding ri i take it

New Canaan has normal sized houses too, they're all just very expensive because it's such a nice area. Go to Realtor.com or something and check it out if you're curious

All of new england, even the populated states look like they're mostly forest. It's like there's no agriculture there, the boston area for example goes straight from suburbs to fucking giant forest.

And is there anything left of these indians ? Large indian populations on the coast seems impossible, but if the entire state if a giant forest i guess they could've survived there unbothered.

>Entire state is a forest
There's still farmland, and most forest isn't that expansive, at least here in eastern MA. A lot of the forest here actually isn't original, but grew on what used to be farmland due to conservation efforts. I think there's some natives in the north, and there's some on the cape, but we killed a lot of them

i meant east coast

it's hard to find them just by looking at google maps then. And honestly i don't the prices for a normal house could surprise me, i live in Paris which is ridiculously expensive, a house with a garden within city limits would probably be unaffordable for the vast majority of people, since i think like 99% of all housing units are apartments

Cozy towns
Scary cities

How is Boston scary?

>shit talking assholes
That's me, can confirm

best part of your country if you count out the weather.

I like the weather. All for seasons, really not too bad in the winter, great falls and springs, nice summer compared to the south.

four* lol

Youhr nawt a fackin' cawp!

From what I hear, people in Boston are really rude and crass. My source, of course, is Joe Rogan talking about the beginning of his stand-up career. His logic was that Boston filters all the comedians who aren't good enough, because the audiences are so direct and harsh, which is why so many stand-up comedians are from Boston

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There'a also a very real semi-culture of being funny. Like, fuckin' everybody is kinda funny. Definitely a thing, compared to other places I've lived in. We're also called Massholes for a reason.

Doesn't a large portion of Boston have Irish background, maybe it's related. I'm sure the settler influence is still visible even today in different areas

I live in CT and this is an exactly correct assessment. The one thing I'll add though is that the inner cities (Hartford, New Haven) have rapidly improved in recent years, and are cited as successful examples when liberals are trying to get lawmakers to agree to more funding for schools or welfare or whatever. But the only reason our social spending worked is because our urban population is relatively small and encircled by nice suburbs. Also we're really rich and have a lot of money to blow on these sorts of things.

413! 413!


[spoiler]Bristol sucks[/spoiler]

Massive Irish background. Pretty much every single person is a plastic paddy. Drinking, fighting, catholic shit and "taking the piss" as the brits say is everywhere.

And then there's randomly the two best schools on earth.

I just cucked the duke of that place in my last CK2 game

What kind of retard would want to ruled by a fucking celebrity?

Yes, I myself am an English settler, Irish, French-Canadian mutt

>Do you know where all the normal people who work there live ?
Our state is 90% suburbs, some being rich mansions, and some being much poorer housing, but still suburban either way. We do have a "redneck" part of the state though, but they're basically just suburbs with farms in between.

And the reason why this state is so wealthy is because most of the rich people work in New York City but live in Connecticut, because while our corporate tax rate is the highest in the country, our income tax rate for the highest bracket is actually lower than most of the places around (it's not low, but its lower which is all that really matters).

>All white

t. american in vacation

I went to Burlington, VT once to see Bernie's former city with my own eyes and I had a great and pleasant times.

You mean like a TV reality host? Yeah haha there's no way Americans would be ruled by someone like that haha.


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>Massive Irish background
What about us?

haha :^)

>Sean Connor O'Malley, true Irishman from Boston visiting his ancestral land

But I'm 33% Irish...

10 months total in ME/NH was time of my life
I miss US badly ;________;

You guys went to New York Shitty and New Jersey. But real talk tho you're definitely around but to a lesser extent in the bean town area. Boston is considered 169% Irish.

Italians and Irish are everywhere in New England. But it turns out they're actually nice people and contribute to the successful-ness and niceness of the area, even though historically they have not been viewed in that manner.

Do yanks in those areas pronounced the place names properly or like Americans?

Scarborough for example is 'Scarbruh' but I can imagine Americans pronouncing it 'Scarburow'

What is the point of including a bunch of letters that never get said, English is such a degenerate language

love that area and am from there, nice people and good skiing

Yet you're speaking it

Worcester is pronounced wuh-ster

I speak properly and live in CT, and yes I do say 'scarburow'. It's just the Boston area with the funny accent. The rest of New England talks with a pretty typical American accent, the same one you find across the country in California.

Portsmuth or Ports-mouth?

>What is the point of including a bunch of letters that never get said
They were conquered by French bulls who taught them sophisticated-ness.

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A generation ago there were fairly distinct "Irish" and "Italian" areas in New England, I remember walking into a donut shop and a couple of older guys saying something to the effect of "Huh, don't get many of you Irish around here" or something. Nowadays it's been so long nobody really cares though.

I had a gf from southie (south boston) where the accent is the thickest. I remember she was looking at some Mountain range and was like, "that shit is fackin' gohrgusss dude"

Most masshole thing I've heard in my life

I've heard both in New England and people get teased for the latter

That's the correct pronunciation though, 'New England' my arse