Haha you are all m*orities Hahahahah
/MENA/ - /مينا/
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;7.&& 697
go back to your general and self-bump it you seething tranny
gib mena qts
you know obsession with me and us does increase our ego...
t. majority
t. m*nority
t. majority
dont blame you.
how can i become based like this?
Actually ar*bs are the minority in my beautiful KURDISTAN regional government
Big brother
All Algerian posters here were based exempt you
t. m*nority
>*removes privilege*
Kill t*rks
Kill jaraps
Get freedom
Simple as
Iraq will be 95% Arabs in 2030
Today I saw two dead cats on the side of street
Bost some songs guys, i'm bored asf
allah yerhamoun
Stop youing me
Where's Saudi user ?
domest*cation was a mistake
keeping a domestic animal simply for company is the most cucked there is
D*gs keep barking and waking me up at night
Cats are alright tho.
Also Shepard dogs always attack me for no reason
Imagine saving such a gif on your computer.
This is the gayest post I've ever seen and I have shared in countless erp threads
>white man's dog attack him for """no reason""""
check your melanine levels abdul
maybe they think you're palestinian?
This is the second time I've posted this pic today.
Why so many Yas Forumstard wannabes here?
do sephar dogs really?
most domestic dogs are cringe too, d*g owners larp as if their dog helps guard their property when in reality they keep it for company.
you are saying this only because I insult you whenever you start ERPing, you think you're being funny right now
please focus on this gif. (it's a projector, i'm saying that you are projecting because it's you who's a fag)
is the place for you i'm sure you can find someone there to erp with
did you see how I put that ERPer in his place?
man i'm so based
>literally just Jordanians and Egyptians their home countries didn't want
>can't even come up with their own flag
>kicked out of every other Arab nation they've been refugees in because they're constantly causing shit
>kicked out of Lebanon for starting a civil war
>kicked out of Jordan for trying to take over sections of the country
>Egypt build a wall to keep them out before Israel did
>Saudi Arabia fucking can't stand them
>literally cause problems for fucking everyone in the region
>frequently agitate the IDF on purpose to garner sympathy points from leftie retards in the West (no one in the region falls for it anymore)
>literally subhumans that live like dirt monkeys and demand gibs from everyone while pretending to be le sooper speshul paluhstinean
Palestinians are literally worse than kikes.
Be black
Not joking Mena women worship black men
Well I'm a fag and I never denied that.
Still you are a whole different level of gay to me.
Any w*jaks?
nobody calls me gay and gets away with it
i'm getting your coordinates right now
you are fucked kid
يقولون العراق لقو علاج للكورونا صحيح هالكلام؟
>pro-aswad gf
She costs like 2.4 dollars, pretty cheap, and easy to find since she would most likely be in lebanon making her living by sucking off random niggers
>pre-war syria was better than jordan
I don't think it was
The one with 2 green stars
علاج قيد الاختبار يعني مو صحيح انو هو علاج ناجح
مثله مثل باقي التجارب الخ...
Oh pls come and discipline me daddy!!
يقولون تم الاختبار ونجح
ما اعرف...
That would be pretty based.
I imagine western nations begging Irak to give me the cure.
Doubt it will happen tho, I have seen thousands of do urs about a cure
Calm tits i'm sure you are a balding manlet who still lives off his dad's money. Plus you're a nafri
what about pajeets? asking for a friend haha
Based pajeet in Europe
Any luck with white womenz?
thought you had better musical taste user...
What bout me?
shut up reatrd show me your sister's tities on snapchat
omfg this fucking mentally ill schizo n*fr*
my queeennnnnnn
Acting tough are we?
Go back to containment retard
Spend at least 3 years to realize that you are a shitskin sanding her and start to cringe at all your posts.
Fucking subhuman fuck off
maybe it was one of those isis scintests
This is our best song as arab and muslim pipo enjoy youtu.be
Why my post get deleted
nice projection
>lives off his dad's money.
are you saying this because I called you a poorfag last time? i apologize
>he doesn't know yet
The new Janny is a literal faggot who will ban you for the slightest offense
He is taking it too seriously that it feels like he gets paid to do it
>The new Janny is a literal faggot
>He is taking it too seriously
ילען רבק כהנא צדק זבלון בן זבלון, אנו מאחלים שיהיה שלום עם סעודיה ונזמבר אותם
whoever wants to polish it go ahead not doing that nigga
> ילען רבק כהנא צדק זבלון בן זבלון, אנו מאחלים שיהיה שלום עם סעודיה ונזמבר אותם
What do you mean by projection retard ? You claimed to be a 237 cm giant, who does that except people who wish they were so, aka manlets ?
>are you saying this because i said you're a poorfag
No, i'm saying this because you're behaving like the deadbeat you are, seething and complaining at everybody while contributing nothing useful to any matter discussed here
I can imagine you crying with your face down on the pillow and loudly screeching because your dad didn't buy you the xbox you asked for
Now fuck off this site and go jack off to a picture of your spiritual daddy Kais