
any unhinged man in edish

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Those bats sure must be tasty.

3M and BASF dumbass
If you can find a good biotech startup that too but choose wisely.

WFH is the real killer

want to blow my fucking brains out

>Climate activist Greta Thunberg says she’s been ill and suspects she caught the coronavirus after a trip to Central Europe

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>invest in biomed, no one else will have this idea, the price of biomed stocks definitely will not yet reflect that biomed firms will be a major beneficiary of a pandemic, you can definitely beat the market with information from a 2 month old Yas Forums post.

do not care one whit about this cunt

Really loves to make everything about her

nobody cares

imagine not having a garden

I forgot Greta existed but I'm glad she is okay and will be around for DECADES to come



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think i unironically had the ol' 'rona the weekend before last.

Hope its severe
Sick of seeing her stupid potato face

Get well soon beautiful x

coronavirus has killed at least 8 million people in china
how do we know this? from looking at canceled cell phone plans

we know it's not due to people not paying because they have a 3 month grace period to pay


90% of the people on earth have covid symptoms

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jan - iran ww3 + brexiterinos
feb - very windy and rainy
march - corona

what does april have in store? more corona or something new?

Youre still alive so ummmm no sweaty? Was probably just the sniffles

greta thumberg can suck a wet fart out of my arse fuck her and her little gay woolly hat

Would you sex are Greta?

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You think 8 million people can just die like that without the rest of the world knowing? What is this, 1944?

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We all get gfs

Niggering a golf ball

Got the ‘rona lads

Coughed all over my grandparents I did

Wish Greta dressed like this


look it up it's new outbreak starting in china now
it was previously unable to transfer human to human but it has since mutated and human to human transmission is now occurring in china

Im thinking the normoids start to lash out after eing denied their social events


Witching hour and walpurgisnacht

what part of that is breaking

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Britain has never needed a socialist revolution more than now. The masses are crying out for liberation from capitalist terror and bourgeois police. If you can't see that this is cover to transfer even more power and wealth to the rich, you need to wake up, unless you enjoy being a slave to your boss, forever.

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Is that a man in a dress

she looks like she


You reckon Corona (the beer) will have to change their name now?

buttery butters bitch


Hiya Greta and Greta's father, how you feeling?

breaking my bollocks

how can i get a gf who looks like that?

source on human transmission?

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Finance user did say it was much more lethal in its current form when it did it's first round of China.
It's probably also why Italy is suffering so badly because of all the Wuhan residents who work there.

This is Communist China we're talking about, 8 million people dying is nothing to them. They've also banned any Western journos funnily enough, just as they announced they'd overcome it.

China will not recover from this anytime soon.

lucky virus, i wanted to full her lungs with sticky liquid

1st for a free and united Ireland

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i went through a mentally ill phase from between the ages of 18 and 23
it didn't do me any favours

That looks both like a dude in a dress but also like a young one I used to work with called Rachel.

I would

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I don't think they have to, maybe even seeing increased sales from it, but I think they probably will.


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Looks nice but not that special

why would anyone think we could get a vaccine for this when we couldn't with SARS?
Covid-19 is basically a strain of SARS by the way

youtube.com/watch?v=znJKlE1_ZUw bloody love these two


>China bad! Boris good! BBC good!

Very Irish face, I suspect this slag is Irish

>Italy says 25 doctors died in Lombardy alone

Why do docs keep dying. Even the main medic they put in charge of corona died of corona

send this to your gay wog pm not us

toilberg cries out 'save me' as the long opressed toiler has the whip hand

every zoomer and soyrunt will start ironically drinking corona now

Marks got the beers in lads!

his gaping faggot asshole

irish arse too, it's barely there

High viral load, shitty working conditions, hospitals being somewhat dangerous anyway, long hours and stress.

Christ I would but that fucking jaw

At least she could sire a high test litter of übermensch chadoids

Oooh Fosters, the ONLY beer they drink in Australia!

fuck me its the crimson chin

Some guy said we could have had a vaccine for all coronaviruses after SARS and MERS but there was no money in it so companies didn't look for it and governments didn't grant research on it.

I cannot believe the same country could birth an angelic beauty like Keira Knightley and a repulsive little deformed goblin like Maisie Williams. It just doesn't make any sense.

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There was never a vaccine for SARS because people lost interest as it stopped spreading and most of the people who had it died. It takes a lot of money and research to make a vaccine, and SARS was new.

The Lidl bag is a sure sign as well.

English girls have the same bodies as Irish girls

We’re one in the same, big bums are not needed in our grim temperate rainy climate

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never got this gimmick
what do they do?

>High viral load
Explain this one more.

Love how capitalist parasites have the gall to call British workers selfish for going outside

*sniff sniff*
*sniff sniff*
hmm yes i think i smell a lot of bullshit in this thread

why do you retarded gimps think jaw genes are good
I bet you're the same mick who sticks out his jaw and posts his selfie here time to time

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also virus more effects the elderly, most doctors are older.

Shut up you dummy

They're subjected to the virus a lot more. I obviously don't know so please don't take my word as gospel but that's my basic and limited understanding of it.

Actually looks good with the chin shaved.

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>go out on a friday night to a pub
>take lots of photos
>make an article about how people are going out for no reason

does no one see the irony in this?

We won't have the whip hand until there is a proletarian dictatorship.

All shares are still plummeting. Even the savviest hedge fund managers have to deal with the fact that Joe blogs is selling his shares and buying gold instead.

Keira is an outlier
Most british girls look like maisie or worse

SARS mutated into something that wasn't serious, same with MERS and the same thing can happen with the chinese flu

>*sniff sniff*
Reckon the police will be round your house soon lad.

SARS went away quickly before a vaccine was ever really needed so R&D essentially all but halted.

I'm hoping that we can find a vaccine for this but the evidence seems to point towards treatment rather than preventative measures.

I'm hoping that that Norwegian poster was just a LARPer and the S strain/L strain thing was just him being a cunt, it read like it but I wouldn't put it past the Chinese to do shit like that.

Why aren’t jaw genes good?

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they all died off before a vaccine was needed

it does when you consider multiple ethnicities share the country: ugly celtic goblin subhumans and the nietzschean norman ubermensch
me personally i’m a celt

An Irish serf defending the class which to this day partitions his country.

>15000 dead after 4 months

literally and unironically nothing
grow up

Boomer Protection Squads seen battling roaming raider gangs for control of the Andrex stockpiles in the streets of Milton Keynes

4 weeks off the beers coming on strong

communism is a jewish invention


Juxtaposition is strong with this one

If proles want to die en masse then they can go outside, that would be deductive for both classes. Proles lose their life and Bourgeoisie lose their labour. Be sensible.


Flu kills 500k every year and there is no shutdown or care for them
This is capitalist hysteria and I don't believe a single fucking word coming from the mouths of our rulers

Yes it does. Keira is a mutation, reptillian

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am VERY histrionic and emotional rn

Also, hearing rumours that government is going to start blocking certain internet usage soon. Non-vital websites and gaming traffic etc. Could just be nothing but keep your ears to the ground.

can we talk about not corona?

boring as fuck. most of us have had it by now anyway.

He failed on day 2

I took her out, it was a Friday night
I wore cologne to get the feeling right
We started making out and she took off my pants
But then I turned on the TV

And that's about the time she walked away from me
Nobody likes you when you're 23
And are still more amused by TV shows
What the hell is ADD? My friends say I should act my age
What's my age again? What's my age again?

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*emerges into the thread*

Why are politicians afraid to use the word 'lockdown' when that's exactly what it is?
How exactly is it a scary word? If anything it should be used to stop idiots going outside

the outbreak is just beginning in most places. Idk about total but the CDC expects up to 1.5 million American deaths alone in the coming months.

because average jaws are fine
being a jawlet implies that you are a mouthbreather i.e unable to be a sufficient hunter gatherer since you can't get oxygen fast enough when you're running
you've just been duped by a bunch of incel memes to think big jaws = aesthetic or good looking

From where? Why would they do that?

Corona means crown, so no

just dont understand it

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Capitalists are parasites on our backs and should be annihilated. They do not work.

Just realised Blink-182 is the perfect band for smug tuxedo frog

i hope we get bombarded daily with the death figures for every single other type of illness or accident for every country so everyone can piss their knickers over those too.

idea: fixerino the economini

price of gold is dropping you mong

i only come to these threads to take your apus if i'm honest lads

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i doubt the internet is being that much more used than normally.

quice is gross as fuck

Mate works in BT and he's been hearing they'll be severely restricting internet access across the country in the coming weeks

the chinese flu, aka the shanghai shivers, is gonna mutate into uselessness just like SARS did


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Drivel and jawlet cope

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so peng. god i really want a quiche now

She's getting older and wrinkled and beginning to look a lot like one of my old English teachers. I fapped to that going grey cunt so much.

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"hearing rumours" = "some shit I read on Yas Forums"

what do you not get lad

quiet, yanks are forbidden from discussing food

bloke down pub reckons they're going to start doing food rations. he's cousin drives a food lorry to some restaurants and that so he's quite an in the know geezer

my dad works for nintendo he says coronavirus is infecting the switch its gonna get bad soon

genuine cope

the only sites you'll be able to access are 24/7 DEATH WATCH and REPORT YOUR NEIGHBOUR FOR TAKING THEIR SECOND JOG

stick to the fried chicken and watermelon mbembe

Hahah JF’s run freeeeee


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She looks amazing for her age



will never forgive china for making the toilfu cry over their fucking virus and furloughing my workplace so i can't even see her

that isn't even a big jaw, just an above average sized chin
go pose in front of the mirror with your jaw sticking out gimp

There’s no way they can do that since different sites are “essential” for different people.

hearing rumours that Javi Martinez has been spotted flying into John Lennon Airport

ordering a dominos lads

gimme suggestions

Make sure we're all working. My guess is, if they start doing that it'll be on a 9am to 5pm basis.

The text I received informing me to stay at home this morning didn't actually show up on my phone until I started moving around indicating that they're already using shady technology spookism.


left london on friday.
had one last morleys for old times sake.

Can't believe it de lads
They're still going on about it

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It's just the truth, sorry bro. Frog legs are great though and in America, French bread is a luxury.