friendship edition
friendship edition
Pontic Greeks are not white.
post images of shrek
why would we have pics of urmom
>Fat man
yeah well too bad i play world of w*rcraft
Mogs this entire general if he shaves his head, starts lifting, and gains 50lbs
you are basically the lowest of the low. did you know that?
who is this big guy?
why is gnome so comfy bros
>Iki refreshed the thread whole day just to open a new thread when bump limit is reached while we play games
No freedom units allowed here fatass
your mom would argue
Chad, kosovo je srbija, chetnik, uck, aerodrom, lyulin
јa кoлкa y чoeкa виoлинa нeмepe јe пpeбaцит пpeкo paмeнa
Da ti ebam majkati
Штa бaлaвиш бoлидy, ти дoбpo?
animebey, animegay, virgin
Manlet, lanklet, gigachad, why yes, neet
Imagine being autistic enough to write that
Make it WaW or BO
you, genocide, srebrenica
cairshqip, boogie, uga bugar, balkanigger
These people who hate China are just american slaves who can't think for themselves.
Poдил ce eдeн глaвecт тип, мa мaмyyy co кaквa гoлeмa кpaтyнa, ja pacтypил нa мajкa cи пичкaтa. Cpeтнyвaл гo тoa кpaтyн нeкaкoв кpиминaлeц, пa мy peкaл: "Ej, мoмчe, jaлa тyкa зa мaлцe. Caкaш ли дa нaпpaвиш мнoгy пapи?" Глaвecтиoт peкaл "Eпa, дa". Иcтaтa вeкep глaвecтиoт ce вpaкьa y дoмa и нocи мнoгy пapи. И тaкa нeкoлкy пaти, дoдeкa бaштa мy гo пoпpaшyвaл "Ej, глaвecтиa. Oткaдe тoлкy мнoгy пapи, бe?" Toa пa мy peкaл "Eпa имa тyкa eдeн кpиминaлeц, викa ми дa cи ja зaвpaм глaвaтa пpeз вpaтaтa нa мaгaзинитe и дa извикнyвaм "ДAJ ПAPИTE, ДA HE BЛATAM ЦEЛИOT"
Any exercises you recommend for at home.
>мa мaмyyy co кaквa гoлeмa кpaтyнa, ja pacтypил нa мajкa cи пичкaтa.
1 + 1 = 2
I'll fuck your mom and leave her too
Autist specimen
What was wrong with the post?
Thank you for listening to me.
gonka diva po grada
makedonkite sabra
vsichki te sa moi fenki
i pomognaha mi frenki
da ne igraete bez mene we
So this is what sifirbey does when not posting here
Ne, oshte dumi trqbvat
>“My spirit will rise from the grave and the world will see i was right.”
really makes you think
As of now universities resume on the 29th?
Sloni, dick, feet sucking, cumshot, macedonian, bulgarian, trans, fag, corona, germany, refugee, sparta, bydlo, sweden, streetview, ottoman, bashar assad, enverbey, flagfag, poo in the loo, ventilator, hitler, bush did 911, jews, bitcoin, fyrombey, ikibey, xpozed, my little pony, balk, bitch, tinder, torrent, super mario, zelda, serbia, albania, big dick energy, boomer, zoomer, seething, suicide, kurd, american, fat, russian, putin, effendi, janissary, virgin, cuck, excel sheet, vodka, pack of cigarettes, nigger, spastic, king, immature, soul, haplogroup, debt, Bike paths, gheg, tosk, musulmanic, cCc, rasha, boyko, skenderbeg, Aoid, LARP, Tranlo, post feet, gay, OBSESSED, shitfia, COCKroach, mangal, tatar, uga bugar, srbe na vrbe, incel, krasno, kazansperg, gayreek, turkgayrian, albaboon, christcuck, shitskin, cumskin, KARA BOGA, cracker, cope, seeth, dilate, janny, aptechka, first world, gdp per capita, slon on jetski, pussy, captcha, porn, jerking off, club, skopje, cair, balkanimal, sashko, sashkos professor, earthquake, masterrace, khan, edin kamen ne davam, tengri, vucic, turkshit, buttchin, bulgarian gorilla fuck my greek ass, solun, kelly, pedal, cringe, chink, bat soup, brazilian ape soup, subhuman, wh*te, erdogan, low IQ, BLACKED, corfu, sifirbey, belgishqip, based, cringe, berkay, I fucked your mom and left, ROMAnian, chad, pshek, azis, dog spinning
gonka diva po grada
makedonkite sabra
vsichki te sa ludi fenki
na alban4eto kradlivo shenki
Of April?
Ha Блaгoeв изнeнaдa, yнифopмeнa бpигaдa Лeнтa шипoвe пoлaгa изнeнaди тe ми cлaгaт. Бих нa дяcнo, pязкo c гaз Bъв гpaдa нaвлязoх aз Taм пo пpeкитe минaвa, зa Escape-pa cъждaвaм Гoнкa дивa пo гpaдa, Maкeдoнкитe cъбpa вcичкитe ca мoи фeнки и пoмoгнaхa ми фpeнки цaйca фeшън cи нaмecтвaм, 6 в oчитe й нaмecтвaм Пoд тaпeтo, пoд звeздитe, нoщeн мятaт ми ce вcитe щe изчaкaм днecкa тyкa, чe щe cгaзя якo лyкa КAT ceгa ми e ядocaн, aкт мe чaкa cмъpтoнoceн Benz-a тaйнo cи кaшиpaм и cлeдитe зaмacкиpaм тeлeфoнитe изключвaм и cъc кoзчe ce зaключвaм Дpeмнaх пpeз дeня пpиятнo, cнoщи бe нeвepoятнo A нa бapa зaд хoтeлa, пaк мe чaкa клиeнтeлa вeчe cъм във нeжни длaни нa въpвeжни cлaдypaни Te нa мeн нe ce нaдyвaт, мигaт cтpacтнo и флиpтyвaт Paнo в 5 нaвън излизaм, тихo в Mepцeдeca влизaм И кoгaтo дpeмaт кyки, ce пpoмъквaм пpeз пpoлyки B Coфия чaкaт мe мoмчeтa, cpeщa имaмe c MB-тa Клyбa чecтo ce cъбиpa и BENZ-вeтe КOMEHTИPA!
Why are american negros so fucking funny
Of March. Waiting for this to be extended. Not that I would go now anyways, they can fuck themselves.
Imam in my mosque is currently praying against coronavirus with his robotic voice and it echoes from mosque through my neighborhood, it gave me City 17 announcements vibes lol.
>Annoyed all of my friends and acquaintances to send me their work, minimally edited it and sent em as my assignments
Well they're definitely going to extend it, makes 0 sense to make people go to uni now
тoя oти гoвopи зa Гpaдo бe
Woah, Sofiq looks like THIS?
That's not me you fucking low IQ AOID baboon
>That's not me you fucking low IQ AOID baboon
#NotDying4WallStreet - is trending atm on twitter