
Bald, not to be confused with Balt, is a new general dedicated to countries where balding is an issue.

Invited: Netherlands, Sweden, USA, hope I didn't forget anyone!

I've consulted my doctor and today I'm starting with Priorin.

How are you holding up and how are you trying to fight it?

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I keep my hair very short in summer so no one notices and wear a hat in winter

I transitioned because I couldn't cope with becoming a bald man

>trying to fight it
eh, I don't care. it's only hair.
I've long since come to terms that my only positive attributes (barring penis) are internal, so having less hair doesn't hold me back.


kek. sweden dosnt have a balding problem. shut the fuck up hairlet

Total snake oil. Finasteride and Minoxidil are the only things that help. Do or don't but be aware that fin killed my dick which made me suicidal for a while.


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You're blonde?

There's a balding Swede on int.

Source? Doctor recommend it and studies approve of the active ingredient.

Thinking about it the area that's most affected literally looks like the Roman empire...legionnaires spreading their fucking baldy genes...

Not all of those are snake oil. Some people genuinely have horrible food habits and they are lacking some minerals that the hair needs
Pumpkin seed oil is also like a light form of finasteride. I take it and I notice how it drives my masturbation drive lower.

>Source? Doctor recommend it and studies approve of the active ingredient.
Doctors are retards and afraid of finasteride. Show me that study it only improves 'hair growth' meaning it boosts the anagen phase, your hairs grow faster. It does nothing against hair loss.

This is body hair not hair loss. We're not even in top 10 of European countries with the most hair loss. Minoxidil sales in Sweden are very low

Baldest countries in Europe

1. CZECH REPUBLIC- Taking an unenvious lead at 43%, the Czech Republic has most number of bald men, making it the ‘baldness capital’ of the world.

2. SPAIN- The Spanish men are almost equally plagued by baldness as the Czech and naturally look for hair loss solutions.

3. GERMANY- Baldness is a matter of concern in Germany where almost 41% of its male population suffers from it. Opting for various hair transplant procedures remains their only hope for now.

4. FRANCE- The balding rate in France is alarming and impacts 40% of its men.

5. BRITAIN- In Britain not even the royal family has been spared by baldness. With the balding rate as much as France, English men suffer equally.

6. AMERICA- Not very far behind Britain, Americans are on the constant lookout for baldness treatment.

7. ITALY- Italians are not as severely impacted by baldness as the Czech but a 39% balding rate means lots of bald men!

>Not all of those are snake oil. Some people genuinely have horrible food habits and they are lacking some minerals that the hair needs
A tiny, tiny minority. The majority of us just has shitty hair genes.
>Pumpkin seed oil is also like a light form of finasteride. I take it and I notice how it drives my masturbation drive lower.
If I recall rightly it is a weak 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor as well. It won't be enough if you have real hairloss...do or don't. I wouldn't recommend finasteride but you can hardly save your hair otherwise.

is becoming a bald tranny any better?

regarding minoxidil/fin
do you have to take these for your lifetime? does any regrowth fall back out if you stop taking it?

What place are you in? I reckon quite bad when compared to other races still.

Tfw czech and Southern German heritage...feels bad man.

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>do you have to take these for your lifetime? does any regrowth fall back out if you stop taking it?
Yes of course. If you stop taking it your hairloss goes into overdrive and you bald at thrice the normal rate or something.

>What place are you in?
24 in Europe

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good lord, glad i never tried it.


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Why are Asians so hairless?


>tfw 25 and upsidedown w letter hairline

God damn...fuck you and fuck your Aryan Übermenschen genes. I will cope with the fact that you are turning into a caliphate soon if the coronavirus doesn't kill you all because of nonexistent political reactions.

im balding bros...

My hairline is super thin at the front so I just keep my head trimmed super low. It used to bug me a lot but then I started getting gfs anyway and now don’t care as much.

What a great source man, looks absolutely legit.

Aging skin is much worse than balding.

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It will bug you when you are thinning diffusely in a norwood 6 pattern

True but we could be both bald and a caliphate like you

My Maternal granddad and uncle kept their hair. The rest of the men in my family are bald. Tell me I'll be alright please lads.

It really isn't and it happens much slower and often later in life.

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I’ve been essentially shaving my head since I was like 22. Once there is some sort of verifiable hair loss treatment that doesn’t have horrific side effects I’ll be totally on board, but until then I am choosing not to drive myself crazy about it.

So you didn't read it or the articles it citates?

>I've consulted my doctor
Stopped reading there. What a jankmuil you are.
>ohh noes I am bald better consult my doctor

Might come handy during the neonazi uprising.
Come to think about it...with the plague and all...I could get become a rightwing agitator and dress like Bane in the Dark Knight rises. Bald heads don't look half as bad when you cover your shitty chin with a gasmask.

Nope. I thought I was safe because all the men on my maternal side kept their hair, but my hairline started looking like my Dads in my early 20s.

Fabio bald > fabio old

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i can already kinda telll that ill become bald during my 30's and 40's
im only 24

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It makes me insecure and stress.

Full article behind a paywall.5% of hair growth is nothing mate. On top of that almost everything cures hairloss in women since it is often temporary for them anyways. We men are fucked though.
I am stalking hairloss forums since half a decade, countless cases, basically no one had success with anything but the big 3.

>hair thinning/balding
>big head size
>hemangioma at the top my head

There is like 40 years between them and it is still close. Just accept that skin aging doesn't affect a man's looks to the same extent as hairloss

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you're among friends
hopefully you don't let it bother you too much

I studied Pharmacy. Try Minoxidil if your baldness has not gone too far or you are at the beginning. Most of the time it works if you keep using it. Keep it in mind: you don't get new hair but it stops the hair loss on the covered area.

finasteride works too and you even grow hair back but the side effects are really really bad (i.e. erectile dysfunction)

The Japanese wanted to clone hair this year but it will be eternally postponed due to corona. At least everyone is as miserable as me soon.

>I studied Pharmacy. Try Minoxidil if your baldness has not gone too far or you are at the beginning. Most of the time it works if you keep using it. Keep it in mind: you don't get new hair but it stops the hair loss on the covered area.
So how come you know shit, idiot? Minox promotes hair growth, it actually does grow new hair but it does shit all to stop the underlying issue which is why the most common progression is about one or two years of regrowing peach fuzz (if at all) and continual hairloss after that.

Forgot to add, minox also fucks up collagen production, it's a collagen inhibitor which is why it can lead to dark under eye circles and increased skin aging in some. It did so for me.

Here are a few things that actually make you bald faster:

Stress -> Reduce coffee intake
Prolactin -> Stop wanking, stop smoking weed
Bodyfat -> Hit the gym, eat cleaner

Quit drinking and tobacco if you do both. Also start taking zinc supplements.

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Just stop having cuck genes.

None of this will save you if you are really predisposed to androgenetic alopecia. It is 10% lifestyle and 90% genes.

t. Viking-Slave rapebaby mutt

I have thick, long puffy hair and evey time I wash my hair with shampoo or conditioner I lose a lot of hair. How many months do I have left?

shant stop wanking

I wish I knew how to de-stress
my hair was perfect until i started having health issues and lost my fiance. it just keeps getting worse now, and I don't know how to stop feeling like someone is twisting my guts up.

A viking-slave rapebaby mutt with hair.

Doesn't matter niggers look ok bald. Please leave, only white men and poos really suffer from becoming bald.

I doubt that. Because one thing I noticed when I got more into the effects of the industrial society and its effect on human health was that I noticed how relatively rare baldness is in wild tribes. Even in agricultural societies like some of those greek islands you see a lot of old men with relatively thick hair and thought it was a big redpill.

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about a hundred new hairs start growing each day

Sorry to hear man, did she die? I try to find relaxation in my hobbies, sports and meditation. You can give it a try, see if it works.

Thinking out loud here lads
Female hormone in the water supply?

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That is true, hairloss ramped up in Japan after its industrialization but we don't know what these factors actually are. I am pretty sure it's something multicasual we can't really prevent like smog in combination with several chemicals from our packaging. But then even Romans were famous baldies.
The effects of masturbation, stress, coffee and nicotine on hairloss are well studied and either not that severe or completely unproven.

in a car crash. that was almost 2 years ago now, and haven't been able to do much besides drink for the past year. I tried doing other stuff at first, but nothing really could ever take my mind off of things.

Thank you for stating the obvious, Moor.

Unlikely. Prematurely balding men have average testosterone levels. Not high not low , simply average.

I'm not black. My hair is dry according to hair stylist. No racism too. Be nic to us balding people.
Fuck. It really is over for me.

I think that even if it is not severe, every little bit might help. Why hold an umbrella when it's storming and you're already outside in an open field. I agree with what you said on industrialization, there seems to be some sort of pollution that fucks us up. Not even for hair, but all the xeno-estrogenic shit that is floating around everywhere is proof enough we're living in a toxic world.

>I think that even if it is not severe, every little bit might help.
Well measures have to be adequate. I am not putting away the beer for the possibility of 15 more hair on my norwood 6 pattern egghead.

sorry for the r*ddit link

Sounds pretty brutal man, I can imagine that must have thrown your life on it's head as we say. Have you done therapy?