Please visit Moscow and spend your money here

Please visit Moscow and spend your money here.

Attached: 24.jpg (1100x734, 139.82K)

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I'll go soon fren

i'd visit russia to get fucked by a qt russian boy

Russian borders are currently closed for foreigners, dumbass.

It is very dangerous to do so now. Also
>marx graffiti on the wall
Not making it attractive.

I'm pretty sure it's not Marx but Turgenev, a novelist.

ese no es marx pedazo de retrasado
tipico votante de macri

Closed for 1st worlders, yes, while hordes of churkas a free-to-go. Sad!

Attached: 27.jpg (1100x734, 93.71K)

I'd like to visit russia but I'm afraid they'll kidnap me and sell me on the darkweb to some german who wants to keep me in a cage and rape me daily.

So no thanks

The crime rate in russia is lower than the us

If you genuinely think its dangerous, then why do we never hear kidnapping stories from the 24 million who visited last year?

youre not a woman. no one will rape you

I will

Do Russians really admire Marx that much? That mural kind of shocks me.

Highly likely.

But seriously where you even get ideas like that? You should stop whatching B-rate movies 24/7.

*cough cough*
sure i'm on my way
*cough cough*

What makes you think that is Marx, you dumb shit?

I wanna go as a sex tourist one day

I would like to go to Russia some day, but maybe in St. Petersburg or somewhere

I don't want to visit Moscow... NO, I WANT TO LIVE THERE.

how well can I get by if I dont know any russian besides blyat and dasverdanya

Godspeed! Bring a lot of money with you, my friend!

We have nation-wide program in action to demolish all the khrushchovkas in recent years. If you want to see them that much come as soon as possible, unless they are all gone.

rape me instead

yeah, sure. You mean Moscow centre-wide

you do realize you’re taking the bait butthurt mongoloid

I remembered back around 2008 there was a video of 2 dudes attacking any Asian looking person with hammers and they chased this dude down.

I don't want that but I want to visit the Tulsa armament and Moscow metro one day

Well, Mocow is going to complete it first among others, so technically you are not wrong.

Tell us when they finish in Ufa or Samara.

Shut the fuck up, polacke. Why you always so viperous, so butthurt, so retarded? WHAT THE FUCK makes your nation like that? Jeez.

my city :)

Sergey Baklykov?
are you muslim?

I'm Bashkir yeap but I'm not muslim, basically my whole family are atheists aside from maybe grandma

B мocквe мнoгo pyccких кoшeк

are you white?

Tell me your food culture and i'll consider it

My gf is Bashkir as well and her family isn't religious either. She and her siblings are firmly atheist, her parents treated the faith more as a tradition. Only her grandparents really were religious.

my people :)

She is a good girl. Eats a bit too much, but good-hearted, caring, and not afraid of work. Based.

I'm planning a trip to Russia. I want to visit both Moscow and SPB, will take the train between the two cities.

I already went to Phuket and Pattaya so no need

i cant lol

lol phuket

are they really in so bad shape that its cheaper to build new than renovate them

1800s Russian architecture is beautiful

Renovation > demolition

Attached: xx.jpg (686x900, 217.86K)

Saint Petersburg is better

Khruschevkas dont look bad at all, most are kept in good condition

>thought that painting was Karl Marx
>it's not

St. Petersburg is the definition of a SOULLESS city

Agree! Also I find in them original aesthetics

cool i was there 2 weeks ago

They have

>>marx graffiti on the wall

Attached: 2.jpg (550x550, 38.44K)


Shitty example. I get that Hansa style is based but you either use a time machine and built it like people did it 2 centuries ago or don't bother at all. Here is another Kaliningrad example, and I like it much more:

Attached: 10.jpg (1024x768, 232.32K)

I agree completely but I hate the grey

No. I want to go to Pidorsburg to see the Hermitage and the Dostoevsky museum

I want to go to Russia, but I don't want to spend all my time in Moscow.

I think it would be ethical to spend money in the baltics or poland

Nope. That's completely unethical.

How far can I get with English in major tourist areas? What about signs?

Fuck renovation. Krhushevkas are meant to be operable for 50 years at best, so they're simply not realible anymore. Go go demolition!

Attached: kuzminki-spektrum-arep.jpg (1200x820, 288.9K)

you wouldnt be able to go anyway since you need a visa

You can get around most of Moscow easily with just English, as well as a few parts of SPB.
No lucky anywhere else.

I have no idea why anyone would want to keep a bunch of old cornlord prefabs if they had better options.

All signs are dubbed in English also

>cornlord prefabs

You bet I'm leaving my tropical paradise to visit a brown, grey shithole with a broken economy.

Yes indeed.

will a qt gf be provided?

yeah just use grindr bro

Tell me Ivan, how did this total autist manage to win the post-Stalin power struggle ?

Attached: No! This is not Corn!.jpg (837x1024, 213.73K)