/balt/ + /ausnz/

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Do you hate life and people?

sad and in love


i hate you

with yourself?

TAVO vardas ne Anonymous, o Anonimas, tu tripfagini??????

hi I'm new to board, what's the history of these two distant regions sharing a general? excuse my newfaggotry, thanksss

No. I love every user ITT very much

with the sad troubled pot-smoking adorable hipster :(


You both like each other. But why don't you want to be with him?

I want tranny gf

Gyvenime nesu tripo naudojęs.

1. Different timezone (most of ones sleep, others bump the thread)
2. Baltics are small countries that use different languages so they inter-communicate in English, which is also comfy for aus/nz.
3. Some sort of oddly similar doomer mentalities for some reason.

Ar pasiilgot manes?

lol gay
just be in love with yourself

Balts were actually natives of Australia and New Zealand

sun never sets on the shitposting empire is all you need to know

criminals and criminals

>inna gas station
>4 zoomzooms huddle in front of the cashiers window
>before they even open their mouths
>cashier: ONE METER BETWEEN EACH OTHER and closes the window
>zoomers line up in "Finnish bus line" formation
>then gyvybes langelis opens up and they can buy their cigs

Also, Latvia tried to colonize Australia at one point in 17th century or around that time. It gave the two nations an intercontinental autistic link

KEK so they're actually doing it.

Aš tavęs nepažįstu

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He's problematic and I am afraid that his problems will end up becoming my problems and I will end up hurt one way or another

Labas, Aiste, malonu susipažinti, mane iš pradžių maišė su tavimi

bich I love myself already, but turns out I have more love to give

Пyтeн пaмaги!

Looks like territories to the south-east of Vilnius

When did this general become /soc/?

Kopli, home...

Attached: vztNHHMjs_c.jpg (1000x517, 201.41K)

When the Slavs came over for tea and vodka

Im sorry but as shit as this general is it is NOT anywhere near as bad as /soc/

All will be ooookay. He needs a 15th new, younger Russian waifu to be able to chill.
Btw, how are those buckwheat prices?
Any updates on the situation there? :)

Attached: Russian Waifuuu.gif (846x421, 3.74M)

simps keep feeding the thots

idk tired of buckwheat gonna make some SYRNIKI

Attached: obichnie_sirniki_iz_tvoroga-568976.jpg (607x404, 49.06K)

>>This place is out of order

Attached: Thot Patrol.jpg (660x960, 98.08K)

Literally had to look that up.
>> They are a part of Belarusian, Russian, Ukrainian, Latvian and Serbian cuisine.
Russia, Belarus, Latvia... but not here O.o
>>Gastronomic borders?

This is what the simps and the thots deserve

Attached: murder.webm (640x480, 2.75M)

it's varškėčiai

Tired of my job. I don't care if everyone is out of work. Tired of everyone stomping on my pride. I quit in less than 2 weeks.

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literal ape sport

bruh its just your usual pancakes, but made with tvorog, instead of milk


Oh...I never liked those, because I hate cooked curds(not Kurds, faggots - CURDS). Guess that's why I didn't realize.
Enjoy 'em, user.

boxing is the sport of a true british gentleman desu

Attached: cheeseman.webm (640x360, 2.95M)

What are you going to do now?

simp only wants to watch egirls stream


Drinking tea out of a flower pot again. My life is a mess

Classic and respected sport in Lithuania. See nothing wrong with it.

Attached: kavaliauskas.gif (480x265, 2.75M)


Took a shower. Now my flowing brown hair smells like oranges.

>but turns out I have more love to give

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>thinks i'm a simp

>>could be worse
At least it's not a masonry jar.

Orange scented shampoo?


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is picrel you?


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My eyes hurt from staring at this board all day

You posh prick