Post chad leaders from your cunt

This is sultan Alparslan. He beat the shit out of greeks in 1071 and made Anatolia the new of the Turks. He also destroyed the then capital of armenia

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Other urls found in this thread:

>He also destroyed the then capital of armenia

How was he ever a leader of your country? Are you larping as a seldjuk?

singlehandedly d estroyed wh*Te race by using weaponized refugees

Attached: e91.jpg (849x565, 94.52K)

Turkey is the successor to Ottoman Empire and Ottoman Empire is the successor to Seljuks. Simple

>Ottoman Empire is the successor to Seljuks

No it's not

Ottomans were one of the beyliks created after Seljuks fell. You don't know anything about our history. Don't embrass yourself

Killed Turks

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Ottomans conquered an area that was at the fringe of the Seldjuk empire which wasn't centered on Anatolia at all, you cringy larper, the Ottomans aren't the successors of the Seldjuks and you personally have absolutely nothing in common with them.

>Ottoman Empire is the successor to Seljuks.

>post chad leader
See flag

>which wasn't centered on Anatolia
It wasn't af first obviously. After Alparslan's death. Oghuz Turks started to migrate to Anatolia. Alparslan was a Oghuz Turk. Same race

>Same race

Not your race

My race. You're probably one of those retards who thinks Oghuz Turks are mongoloid so I don't even try to argue with you

Friedrich Wilhelm I. of Prussia, known as the Soldatenkönig (soldier king)
>absolute Francophobe
>beat his ministers with his walking stick
>didn't give a fuck about a luxurious lifestyle as a king
>sold all the fancy stuff from the royal court
>ate simple food like pea soup and pork instead of huge feasts
>invested all the saving in the Prussian army
>doubled the Prussian army (from 40.000 soldiers to 80.000, which was a huuuge army and serious competitor in Europe, despite Prussia's low population)
>under his reign, other countries started to respect Prussia
>implemented the canton system, which was the early version of military conscription
>implemented compulsory education
>perfectly organised state
And much more. Would take hours to list all his achievements. Without him, Prussia probably would've been a non-relevant state.

Attached: 00000012_Friedrich Wilhelm I1.jpg (450x666, 79.32K)

We Armenians literally dindu nuffin ever. I dont know why you guys even dislike us.

No. Take a DNA test and show me your central asian genes, I can't wait.

So to make it short, you admit there's no political links between the Seldjuk Empire and the Ottomans or modern Turkey therefore you claim their achievments as yours because they belong to your race (when they don't)?

This is Tsar Simeon the Great. Not only did he conquer more territory than any ruler before or after him, during his time Bulgaria was a center of culture. He turned the capital in a display of our prosperity unlike most other capitals which were just forts.

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The only reason Turkey is called Turkey is because of this guy. I don't know what are you trying to say here. It's ridiculous. According to you, we have zero history, right? Come on just say it you fucking nafri

Krum is the very definition of chad tho.

>leads Germany for 15 years of prosperity, guides us through the financial crisis, helps bring the EU forward, stays out of the failed interventions in Libya and Syria, helps hundreds of thousands during the migrant crisis, doesn't give a fuck about seething Yas Forumstards

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>Come on just say it you fucking nafri

>Mohammed calls me Mohammed

No, he has nothing to do with why the Young Turks and the Kemalists chose to call their country Turkey out of ethnic nationalism. Absolutely nothing.

I'm just making fun of you panturkists who claim every single altaic achievment when they are anatolian mutts themselves. You're not a nomadic steppe warrior Mehmet.

Yeah yeah just mind your own business historically illiterate nafri subhuman

Cope harder

ultra mega based
>under his reign, other countries started to respect Prussia
hmm no? Prussia did only start being respected after his son, the ultra mega based Fagderick II, conquered and defended silesia.

Idk if Prussia would have become the major german state, bigger than the Habsburg monarchy, if Frederick William I hadn't existed, but I really doubt that it would have become irrelevant. Prussia was blessed with a good string of monarchs since the 30 years war ended, and the existence of ostpreußen gave it a good economic edge against the other german states.

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this guy was pure unfiltered concentrated Chad energy.
I know it's a mainstream opinion but Rommel was simply and unironically great.
Great ethics, great ideals, masculine, great record of success, knew the high command would fuck everything over early on

makes me energized and hopefult that this man roamed the same lands as I do right now

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Chad Getúlio Vargas
>Ended the corrupt and oligarchical milk with coffee republic
>Continued the southern ideology of castilhismo, centering the republican state under an enlightened ruler, utterly crushing the direct liberal democracy and regional symbols
>Increased welfare and defended the worker's rights
>Started the process of industrializing and urbanizing Brazil
>BTFO Nazis
>BTFO Integralists
>BTFO Communists
>Was a nationalist, rekindled brazilian culture and made it known throughout the world
>Brazilian Expeditionary Force
>So Chad that when WW2 ended and he stopped being a dictator, the people voted him back to power

>"I am exiting life to enter the annals of history" were his last words

Easily the second best statist Brazil has ever had, only behind Omega Chad D. Pedro II

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>hmm no? Prussia did only start being respected after his son
Friedrich Wilhelm I. provided the basis for Friedrich II.
Only thanks to all his reforms and militarisation Prussia became a military power.

Prince fakhr eldeen almaaani the second
He is responsible for the pic I'll post next

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Aren't turks just steppe nomads that mixed with anatolians? To the point that the average turk only has around 30% steppe genes.

Turks actually do have Central Asian genes though, do you think they have to look Asian for that? By the time the Turkics settled in Anatolia they were already pretty mixed themselves.

Turkey has been humiliated by arabs throughout its history

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Starving nigger
>steppe nomads that mixed with anatolians?
>To the point that the average turk only has around 30% steppe genes.
Much higher than that. Our ancestors are from today's Turkmenistan. That 30% are Kazakh (kipchack) genes. We are from a different branch of Turkics

imprisoned richard the lionheart

Rent free son of a bitch

Why we are living in your heads H/24 ?


I fucked it up

>oh turk bvlls please food!!!!!!!

He looks like them

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>oh Europe pls help us control the Lebanese bvlls we can't do it on our own.
Thenstate of the sick man of Europe e

Lmao we fuck the asses of turkish whores daily, your women literally flock to Syria despite it being a war-zone so they may suck our levantine arab cocks.

Every video about Turks
There is always a Turk in the comments section mentioning Arabs ?
Why turks are so obsessed

He's country has been humiliated by arabs since the dawn of the millennium lol.

Because they realize how humiliated they've been by the Arabs since even antiquity.

Starving like niggers hahahaha
That's a nice cope. Most of the prostitutes here are syrian btw. They are extremely cheap but I would never put my BTC in one of them. My BTC is not that cheap

They are probably insulting



Can someone post the kara boga poster face

lol you fucking bastard spawn of greece, arabia, and asia. The fingernail of a syrian infant is more dignified than you. We own your women like we owned you in the battle of anjar.

Why Arabs live rent free in their heads despite arabs not caring about them or being friendly

What sect are you fren?

Women from all over the world come here to taste our mighty BTC
Shut up starving nigger
arab is an insult here. like saying nigger. Don't think much about it

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It's not invasion since you and Turks speak Altaic languages which makes it friendly visit from brotherly nation.

Thats why your women literally open their legs when they see a westerner

In reality

>all the seething arabs with western flags
at least i live in my own country you brown diaspora cowards
the leb is based tho

Why tf is the frog seething soo much lately?

its a nafri not a frog

The King of based and ind*o remover himself.

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turks have like 20% east asian gene which is around 40-50% among the central asians who invaded anatolia

The pitfall you people keep falling into is thinking east asian dna=Turk dna when in reality the original turks weren't 100% east asian. There have been countless studies on this and all of them point to the same thing im just sick of repeating these things over and over again..

The only unique (which means not common among the local population) dna Turks bringed to Anatolia is East eurasian dna, this doesn't mean the Turks who invaded anatolia were 100% east asian this just means the only difference between them and the local population they invaded was their east asian component.

Attached: orta asya genetik.png (602x797, 282.28K)

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the east asian component varies from person to person which is why some turks look japanese like pic related

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