Italy update in 90min

Italy update in 90min.

How many deaths and new cases today?

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I was in that bridge

With luck, many thousands

deja vu

3000 cases, 800 deaths

I hope it goes down again. The sooner they do, the sooner we will.

Stay strong Italy, the worst is over and in 24h the US will have more cases than you do, that should shut up the obnoxious cunts.

You're not funny.

I wasn’t joking

Eat shit you fat fucking prick

Fuck you, you fucking retarded sociopath.

No thanks, I try to avoid British food



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No sir, as long as our death rate stays at 1% compared to Shitaly's 10%, I'm still shitposting


Now that was actually a good post

not cool at all.

can you cracKKKas finally die out

I really hope Corona hits the US hard in the following weeks

Bonus: Trump, Biden and Bernie die from it

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>as long
That's ~72h then. By that that you have outperformed China on its case numbers.

We already have 400 million cases and 400 deaths you dumb faggot

Fratelli d'Italia,
L'Italia s'è desta;
Dell'elmo di Scipio
S'è cinta la testa.
Dov'è la Vittoria?
Le porga la chioma;
Ché schiava di Roma
Iddio la creò.

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Death rate is deaths/(deaths+recovered), not deaths/total cases. And for now the US' death rate is higher than Italy's

Has Spain released numbers today?

>2 deaths per million vs 101 deaths per million

dumb moor

600 deaths probably

Holy kek

they'll say 601 so it is as if they can count

No you dumb fuck you have 50k cases and the fatility rate will rise as soon as your health system colapses. Just wait a couple days, you'll see.

fuck off you nazi fuck

Just Trump then, would still be funny enough

>Implying a huge guy gonna die from this virus.
Just replace lung if shit happen and done.

My last 3 digits

>I hope innocent people get sick because I'm a Yas Forums neet who hides in a general all day shiczo posting to distract myself from my shit life.

You're a fucking loser. Hopefully Italy's deaths continue to level off and drop.

That's not "death rate" holy shit you dumb burguer.

what's wrong with you?

>Hopefully Italy's deaths continue to level off and drop.
100% with you on that one, because I feel bad for them
But I want to see every single mutt either dead or impoverished

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>Bonus: Trump, Biden and Bernie die from it
double bonus if our entire senate and house of representatives die

you're a weirdo

It’s gonna be even less than yesterday, again
Screencap this

There is no such thing as a innocent American

why are you guys so obsessed

Because everyone hates jews and you are their biggest sponsor

last 3 digits of my post it is

too based to be true

l have family in America and would prefer them to not die

i like jews

a girl can dream

I want out of this looping timeline



You don't like Jews because they are racially superior to untouchables like you and I

B-but I like jews.

Not everyone, just worthless losers like you.

This board is Yas Forums with flags every anti-American poster is upset about either something a poster said to them, or some sort of government propaganda, or for attention. Let's be honest this board is polluted during the daytime hours by euro neets who want a distraction from their terrible life, and making bait posts about women, the coronavirus, or general posting is the only way they can distract themselves from that fact. Good luck Italy.

jewish girls have big milkers


you're on a bridge, not in a bridge

Nothing wrong with me. I just can into exponential growth and have a good idea what the numbers will look like in 48h from now.

>Americans are triggered again
Go easy on your cardiovascular system, you will need it the following weeks

Fratelli dItalia
LItalia corona
Dell malaiso di Chinjo
Se cease to exista

>Bonus: Trump, Biden and Bernie die from it
what would actually happen if this came to pass?

>we already have 46k cases

lmao when you say it about America it's cool or funny though right? get fucked losers.

Luckily they don't have many morbidly obese people or/and people with Diabetes. That would be really bad.

6 million. They can then build museums and guilt people for donations.

fewer than yesterday

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based anarchist

Yeah, and at least they have a good health care system, which is easily accessible to all citizens

Maybe he's a troll.

America's going on a diet baby

t. peruvian

how big is your feminine penis

p-please respond

>lmao when you say it about America it's cool or funny though right?
right. because you dumb fucks have been sheeeetposting on this for weeks now and by this point everybody has just Schadenfreude for you guys. The Yas Forumstards don't exactly help with that.

why is virus spreading in Western so fast?? and so many dying??

Health Care is only easily accessible for white people in my country


400k reached

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Hey at least they got a generous social system so they don't go broke from a couple days off work.

the vast majority of the threads are made by leafs or euros


Oh yeah because it totally all just started a couple weeks ago

These threads have been pretty bad the last two days, what happened?

He isn't a kraut. Krauts dont give a shit about us one way or the other and mostly stay in their general. He's a sand person or the Russian.

lack of sense for "sanitation"


Let's bend that curve baby

Hope of a mutt-free world is blossoming
Passion follows

our old people didn't all die in artificial communist famines so now they are dying from corona instead

it's only 7 inches long, but it's really thick.

they dont wear a mask because it looks bad to them and are making a bunch of "why we have to hate masks" narratives. a bunch of them are gonna die from corona.

The vast majority of shitposting has been done by clownflags. see here And you've been doing so for weeks, mostly Trumperionos that either claimed hoax or blamed Europe or China and praised El Presidente. And now your numbers are exploding and everybody remembers your shit threads from last week.

Cockiness. The typical western country thinks disease outbreaks belong in the past century and that some chinese virus would do no damage on our societies.

East Asia won.

what a mentally ill thread from both sides of the atlantic good luck spaghetti bros

No idea, maybe normal people as candidates