Hey, would you look at that, it turns out those scary bad guys everyone always told us to be afraid of actually came along to give us substantial help in the moment of need, whereas our neighbours and "friends" we were supposed to stick up with to confront those aforementioned bad guys are turning out to be selfish asshole and possibly using the situation to pull a Greece on us
Hey, would you look at that...
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just let old ppl die dont be a pussy
ALLAH created this virus for a reason
lol guess executing political opponents or putting religious minorities in concentration camps isn't so bad after all
t. shitalian
Pro-EU parties prosecute political opponents aswell
Also, i'm not taking shit from diaspora subhuman, go catch corona licking the boots of your german masters
>pressing charges against a politician is the same as murdering your opponents
>if you show sympathy with people persecuted for their religion/ethnicity that means you must be diaspora
yeah go suck Chinese or Russian cock now I'm sure that will make Italy great again
and the EU did and does help Italy, it simply doesn't make as much propaganda about it as China or Russia but subhumans like you are too retarded to see beyond that
Aww what a good little puppy
Come on, bark louder for your master
It's a propaganda thing. Putin doesn't care if a bunch of russians end up dying so he can afford to help Italy to sow division inside the EU. Seems to be working.
Based Putin
Hope he will nuke br*ssels by the end of it
Silence, finnshit.
How is it propaganda? The EU did nothing and Russia is helping.
Rent free, finskaya oblast'
I wouldn't care about russians dying if my life depended on this help but it is very clear what he's doing here.
it is literally just a PR gesture and you are being their wilful little cucks
Europeans can't send much help because they are all preparing for similar nightmare situations in their own countries. Those doctors and supplies are needed in Russia in a few weeks and Putin just wants to look good at the expense of his own people. It's clear as day.
There is a proverb here: die yourself, but help your mate.
I'm well-informed finnfilth won't get it since they're barerly human, though.
the eu is not a country you moron, they can't do anything to help italy, only the member states of the eu can help italy. which we already do at the moment.
>die yourself, but help your mate.
That is incredibly beautiful. It shows Russian compassion. I wish we had friends like you but we have nobody. I pray for Russian victory.
here's another example of Russian compassion
so beautiful
Lol Putin isn't going to die but your grandma is
You and Russians are both imperialists who stole large amount of resources and bullied weaker countries. And you are slowly becoming police state just like Putin's mafia land, except that instead of oligarchs and ex-kgb you'll be controlled by politically correct Marxists who'll slowly destroy you inside just like communists destroyed Russia.
What do i care if it's PR, if it's saving italian lives while EU countries do nothing if not actively antagonize us?
Of course, of course, the EU and european solidarity only exists when we need to adopt austerity and fuck up our economy to bail out your corrupt banking system
EU countries are busy themselves with containing the pandemic
EU countries are helping Italy, even if it's not that much
EU countries are not antagonizing Italy
the EU doesn't control healthcare, regardless how much passive-aggressive lies you spout.
>or putting religious minorities in concentration camps
Elaborate on that. I don't understand what are you talking about.
China's treatment of the Uyghurs
You should know who are you going to invite inside your country.
>EU countries are busy themselves with containing the pandemic
So is Russia, and yet they're still being helpful
>EU countries are helping Italy, even if it's not that much
Oh yeah, you're "helping" us, the same way you helped Greece
>EU countries are not antagonizing Italy
>Seizes medical supplies directed at us and only give them back after significant backlash, if at all
Oh, it's not about Russia, ok. I agree that the chinese are too harsh with the minotities.
>So is Russia, and yet they're still being helpful
Russia has 500 confirmed cases, Germany alone 40.000
>Oh yeah, you're "helping" us, the same way you helped Greece
we are, even if you rather insult and lie about it: berlinspectator.com
>>Seizes medical supplies directed at us and only give them back after significant backlash, if at all
many countries enacted export bans for medical equipment to look after their population first, which is reasonable. I'm pretty certain this wasn't motivated by hostility towards Italy.
>Russia has 500 confirmed cases, Germany alone 40.000
You were behind the curve like they were, still no help was given
Nice propaganda you have there
>many countries enacted export bans for medical equipment to look after their population first, which is reasonable. I'm pretty certain this wasn't motivated by hostility towards Italy.
They weren't your supplies to begin with, you literally just stole them from us
It's almost like Judeo-christian civilization requires sacrifice or something.
>Nice propaganda you have there
oh no a newspaper reporting on Germany has a German name
what the fuck is your problem even? You just want to believe everybody hates you, so go fuck yourself.
why is stopping terrorism and educating minority bad?
Because it's only good when we do it.
>mario makes thread to thank russia
>your saltyass goes yeah go suck Chinese or Russian cock now I'm sure that will make Italy great again
cope harder eusoy
Hey, would you look at that, Putin sends help to europeans, who would never help us in the time of need. How wonderful.
Russia released the virus, it's why they don't have as many cases in the world, was better prepared for it and are able to send supplies to other nations.
it wasn't a thread to thank Russia, it was a thread to whine about the EU you lying faggot
As many cases as surrounding countries*
Although the EU should do more to work together, all this stuff about china and russia sending aid with big Russian and chinese flags plastered over everything and cutesy hearts is so transparent and grim
Oh it's not just me Hans
I've seen some of the most rabid pro-EU shills do a complete 180 these last few weeks you guys have no idea
You only see who your true friends really are in the moment of need, and we will not forget this
>Those doctors and supplies are needed in Russia in a few weeks
That's why they are sent out to gain expertiese.
ok janny
>oh no the faggots who blamed you at every opportunity will be seething even more
leave the EU and suck Russian and Chinese cock then
Poland helped italy too by blocking and delaying the russian planes heading towards italy with equipment and doctors.
Poland is the based bulwark against the enemy in the east. Im sure italy will remember with gratitude.
Its a 3rd thread where an italian says the same and you rush in you defend your EUs pride and honour. It is cute, keep at it.
Why do Europeans hate each other so much? I don't get it. You are all white. Stop the infighting.
Did you just call me wh*te?
I see so much divide and conquer methods being exploited by multiple outside parties, Euros of course are going to fall for the traps
Only Americans care about being 'white', here we refer to what country people re from
Ok that's a good point
1. Our ministry of foreign affairs denied these fake news - Russians never asked us anything.
2. Why would they fly through Poland if this is not the fastest possible way?
3. You are either Russian troll or brainless w*sternoid. Second is more likely.
he's talking about uyghur in china getting free education, food, development to become normal society
Yes pole "people" never lie.
I guess its the fault of racists that Pole "people" fill our prisons too
Why are Germans so insecure about muh EU?
>Why would they fly through Poland if this is not the fastest possible way?
It clearly is the fastest possible way.
>flying through Ukraine
>he really thinks that making straight lines on map makes the shortest route for a plane
Planes don't use highways dumbass
and Earth is not flat
Mate you're fucking retarded
Russian planes are banned from Ukrainian airspace.
unless they gave you respirators, they are not helping, only trying to make themselves look good and the eu/america look bad