what's wrong with americas leader?
What's wrong with americas leader?
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He couldn't do it
You wouldn't understand his struggle since he's being attacked by the media 24/7. He's a lone soldier fighting an army of tyrants
>he's being attacked by the media 24/7
And rightfully so
Boo hoo, I thought he was a strong man who won despite the entire deep state and liberal media establishment against him? Surely he can take some mean words slinging against him.
that's a lie too
Facts don't matter
>orange man bad
please nuke this country
lmao @ this culture of personality bullshit
>tfw next election is between an orange reality show host and an orange creepy fellow with dementia who is just banking on being the obama guy
What a meme country
it didnt happen
He was warning people about the pandemic even before it was called a pandemic. The coronavirus will not be a big problem for the US thanks to President Trump and the history books will praise him for it.
He literally spent the fist few mouths downplaying it and saying how it wasn't going to effect us.
it's called social control, he doesn't want people to panic and continue with their daily lives. The media meanwhile stirs up the nation as if the world is going to end which has resulted in the stock market hitting great depression levels and chaos. Trump did nothing wrong here, the media is the enemy.
>The coronavirus will not be a big problem for the US thanks to President Trump and the history books will praise him for it.
No boot stays unlicked under this guise command. On a related note, morons like this is why clown orangatown remains in power: no
matter how reckless, disastrous and transparently fucked he is time and time again there's 1/3 of country ready to clean up and cover up for Dear poor Leader who is just a victim...of his own never-ending incompetence.
That's how Trump wins all the time. Never let the other side know what you're going to do. It doesnt matter if it's a human or a chinavirus, keep em guessing. Pretty genius if you think about it
You realize many of his voters don't like him? They just vote for him because the Democrats have flipped the fuck out, a Democrat president would give illegals more rights than you.
I think trump was kind of stupid in the beginning but not the worst option but at some point he just started to go insane
lmao americans are still going to vote for him this year. Amazing.
He's a PR wizard.
By pushing the idea that the media have it out for him and constantly reinforcing it he's built a win win situation for himself.
If he delivers his promises then he's a 4D chess master and true american hero. If he doesn't then it was all the stinky corrupt system's fault.
He will never deliver on the wall for example and his followers will still love him for it
>he's being attacked by the media 24/7
Literally the only good thing the media does
Are these proxies? No one in their right mind can look at the total shitfest that it's happening in the u.s. and actually come post this delusional, lowest of the low, apologist bullshit.
>Pivoting to m-muh meeme-
grants when talking about a clear pandemic disaster situation in the u.s.
I would at least like to believe you are getting paid to pooper scoop for this guy, but reality is sadder than that.
I get it we should not even have elections.
Having hollywood and the media choose the president would be good enough for you euro sacks of shit right?
Lol at these weasel dumbfuck muricans
All of these euro pukes running their mouths about things that do not even concern them.
Violence is what is called for here to be honest.
Not sure why you care Cleetus. I'm Swedish and I see more people care about le Drumpf bad, meanwhile our own nation goes to shit, it's just a European thing I guess to hate on Americans.
Kalle please
what the fuck
Shut the fuck up Hans.
>it's just a European thing I guess to hate on Americans.
After all we have done for you.
It is pure bullshit.
Well you are dumb as fuck anyway
Yeah yeah yeah we get it dude.
They put him in power in the first place. Media coverage choices have been more important than anything else in determining who gets party nominations since they got rid of the smoke-filled rooms and Trump got saturation coverage from the start
lmao there's probably some magapede shit who unironically thinks that
Actually he immediately tried to close the border
>total shitfest that it's happening in the u.s.
Except it's not bad at all and our economy is extremely equipped to deal with this issue? I doubt our supply lines are at any threat right now and with the Defense Act activated we have more than enough industry to deal with the issue. Furthermore the quarantine is going to slow down the overall burdern on hospitals.
>Hurr Durr Trump can never do anything good plz impeach
Memes need to end. It's been 4 years and it's probably going to be 4 more at this rate. Fucks sake, he isn't a disaster he's like the most average president we've had in awhile.
So he has not been attacked 24/7?
He is not a lone soldier fighting against an establishment that did not want him?
Had he sad everyone should be freaking out you would be attacking him for that instead...
I don't even know why we bother having elections.
>You wouldn't understand his struggle since he's being attacked by the media 24/7. He's a lone soldier fighting an army of tyrants
Who should be vote for?
Hey at least we aren't trying to get "herd immunity" by infecting crowds of people. Also that's Mississippi, they're a special kind of stupid
He's a jewish puppet, like all politicians.
Your precious and superior Denmark is going with that method, are they also muh stupid.
>Your precious and superior Denmark is going with that method, are they also muh stupid.
how about this fact retard?
None of you euros know the role of the executive branch yet you run your mouths, why?
You are the easily manipulated?
got this from a Yas Forums thread that got deleted last night
>he's a PR wizard
Trump could literally shit into the mouths of every Trumptard, this has nothing to do with Trump being smart, he's just catering to the dumbest retards.
Why do you think it is so important for Americans to vote for the democrat party?
Remember when everyone on 4channel was sucking this guy off? I do and I did.
Based retard.
nobody says anything about democrats? why are americans so partisan?
I just want to know what's wrong with demonrats and why they're holding up my corona bucks
>this is your brain in two party politics
You are..
YOu are saying we are all stupid for voting for Trump which directly means we should have voted for hillary.
Answer the question or don't fucking respond.
Where did I say anything about democrats or voting? Are you already triggered?
Reality is reality.
So why do you people think we should vote for the democratic party?