Is this accurate?

Is this accurate?

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No but this is.

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>usa is not nurgle

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>EU is the best
Yep, it's accurate.
>inb4 nurgle babies and khorne autists start reeing at me

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wew, slaanesh is shit.


Excess in all things is so much more than just ''boobs, drugs and degeneracy''.


Slaanesh is cringe. Especially since most Slaaneshfags don't even understand him and just treat him as the porn god.

Khorne is best btw

America is Ultrimar
Trump is rowbutt gullibleman
China is tyranids
Africa is orks
Yurop is tau
Mexico is dark eldar
Russia is necrons
Middle East is chaos undivided

>Khorne is best btw
Khone is a brainless meme. Slaanesh is the best since he technically encompasses all other chaos gods. I personally don't know of anyone who's read the lore and still thinks of Slaanesh as just the porn god.

Reminder this is the fate of all Mankind.

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Africa/Niggers = Orks
Russia, former USSR states and China = Imperium
EU and West = Eldar just before awakening Slannesh(participating in debauchery and decadence)
India = Nurgle
Islam = Khorne
Jews = Tzeentch
Japan = Tau

Bullshit. Nurgle is the oldest and most important. He is literally life and decay over and over. Plus noise marines are cool but have nothing on blightlord terminators.

>ITT: Stupid Yas Forumsfags trying to shoehorn their enemies as Chaos because they are the "Bad Guys"

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Future belongs to the Xenos.

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>all these fucking chaos shills on the interwarp today

America is Chaos undivided

The Tau cant even into Warp Travel

Dunno, you tell me.

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You do realise that entire tau population is nearly third of population of Terra, right?
And that Imperium would exterminate them, if they didnt want them as a convenient buffer/had other, more important matters at hand?
Only relevant """Alien""" faction is Eldar.

They can travel well enough and aren't susceptible to Warp corruption anyway. The future belongs to them.

Attached: WH40K-zhou-kai-tau-empire-vs-imperium-final.jpg (1920x1374, 770.7K)

>And that Imperium would exterminate them, if they didnt want them as a convenient buffer/had other, more important matters at hand?
Yeah I've heard this excuse already. Just means Tau have god-tier levels of plot armor on top of their already formidable and rapidly advancing tech.

Attached: WH40K-battlefleet-gothic-armada-tau-empire-45929.jpg (1680x945, 1.68M)

This, though this is because GW makes chaos the Imperium's primary antagonist, while leaving the xenos out on the margins.

>already formidable and rapidly advancing tech.
Which is reverse-studied human technology left by the AdMech there.
Only factions that actually are technologically superior to the Imperium are Eldar and Necrons. Only reason Imperial technology is less visible is because of the overextension of the Imperium.

AdMech tech is stagnant whereas Tau tech has no upper limit. Also makes no sense to say Tau tech is just reverse-engineered AdMech tech when they're nothing alike.

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Swap Nurgle and Tzeentch

>He fell for the greater good meme

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>he will join the Greater Good even if he has to be dragged kicking and screaming from his corpse emperor

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>AdMech tech is stagnant
Dumb meme. AdMech is simply cautious. Thanks to the Humans intricate connection to the warp, a small innovation may end up with summoning demons out of nowhere.
>Also makes no sense to say Tau tech is just reverse-engineered AdMech tech when they're nothing alike.
Read the lore.

>Thanks to the Humans intricate connection to the warp, a small innovation may end up with summoning demons out of nowhere.
True, but not a concern for Tau.

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>conservatism is a force of change

Tzeentch is about change and Nurgle is about the consistency of natural cycles. Its fine as is.

>"My" corpse emperor

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It's fine.

Everything is fine.

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Did you know that best primarch is Georgian (Colchian)?

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Vulkan is no caucasian wh*toid, he is a BLACK BVLL.

what cunt for pic related?

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>Tfw nobody realizes who is the real superior faction

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Its more of a state of being
>Breed rapidly
>Clinically retarded
>Follow violent religion
>Ruin everything they touch
>Constant warfare against everything
>"ALLA...., uuugh, Iz Meanz, WAAAAGH!!!"

Oh yeah, come to think of it...

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Oh i didn't see you there

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>ate grots too, not a racist I just don't like em.

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>dfw somonez konquered all da chippiez

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And russia is

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A corpse and a fraction of what it used to be, it all makes sense.

Are Franco-Russian mutts the most powerful race????

Inb4 Russians are alpha plus psykers


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>Oh i didn't see you there
And you never will until it's too late.

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Now that i think about it. China makes a good analogue for the necrons.
Just as the necrons have been irrelevant to galactic affairs for millions of years until recently, so too has china largely been dormant for the past few centuries until their recent emergence.

it'll be fun when I drag your etherials kicking and scream into the sacrifice pits

Attached: Chaos does not like Tau.png (1920x1080, 2.37M)

But who are the Tyranids?


Based and blood-for-the-bloodgod-pilled

Slaanesh (mecca of degeneracy)
Nurgle (sloth and stagnation)
Khorne (belligerent peasants)
Tzeetch (out-kike the kikes)

also warhammer is shit

Americans, since they consume everything.


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