What the fuck do we do with Landlords?

What the fuck do we do with Landlords?

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Pay them rent and try to understand that their income depends on you and they suffer as much as you
I'm a landlord btw

I'm taking lower rent or giving one month free. If it's students or old people without families then I'm giving them 3 months free

Hang them from the lamppost until their feet stop wiggling

Youre not gonna do anything, because every online commie is a coward who gets a nervous breakdown just from answering the door.

and you rightwards piss yourself at the sight of brown people and write on your incel Nazi forums how redpilled you are and how you owned those foreigners/refugees/immigrants

>Buy properties he can't pay for
>Rely on tenants to pay for it
>Can't save up money bc nigger is in debt
>Properties prices raise scarcity
Get a real job lazy cunt

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Maybe you should look for a job? Just a thought.

>tfw just a regular centrist
Struck a nerve, huh?

>I'm a landlord btw

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I didn't buy it
I inherited it from my granddad and have considerable amount of saving
I'm taking government exam to become a lazy bureaucrat right now, but it got postponed
Now i'm posting on int and collecting rent monthly, i plan to give them discount this month though

>agree to pay rent
>cry about how unfair it is later
I hope you freeze to death.

>I'm a landlord btw

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Agreed, they could also not be heartless cunts. The reason most people can't buy houses is bc landlords buy them too many properties thus making the price of houses sky rocket.

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I just want to say: THANK YOU. People like you provide people with a place they call "home", you work hard so that people have a safe abode. But apparently asking for some compensation for the good you do to humanity makes marxist trannies hate you. Stay strong.

build more council properties, private landlords are mostly scum who should hang

I literally don't understand why commies are angry if not for landlords houses would be owned by banks or not built at all. Is that better?

> uni quit all courses for 5 months
> landlord says I still need to pay rent

I don't want to live around crime ridden shit holes.

neck yourself

private landlords are bigger criminals than anyone you'll meet on a council estate

How about you do something productive to create wealth for the community?

Since having a dignified home is part of the constitution and human rights, it just doesn't make sense that living buildings are owned (by someone who doesn't live there), sold or rented.

>Buy properties he can't pay for
you mean take out a loan and rent a property so he can rent it to other people

Drug addicted niggers?

Buy a house inside of whining like a bitch

landlords are far more damaging to society

Do you believe the government will take better care of a house? If you made the government in charge of a desert they would soon tell you they have run out of dirt.

>owned by banks
Banks are also landlords
>or not built at all
Yes this is better. There's more houses than people. There's more empty houses than people without home.

You take care better from your own house since it's yours. Renting is illegal and the state cannot be a landlord either.

my family is about to be a landlord and it feels great :)))))))))))))))))))))

>Do you believe the government will take better care of a house?

Name one thing that is publicly run that is also private that the private thing isn't superior at all times. ONE. From healthcare to schooling everyone prefers the private on if they can have it.

>if they can have it.
emphasis on this part

>tfw going to get evicted in october because sweden went full nothingburger

Lady luck's no friend of mine it seems.

Based, where'd you get the starting capital?

land can't be owned by anyone
it belongs to the people and the motherland

So you are one of those idiots who want to ban private healthcare and schooling?

>it belongs to the people and the motherland
based and georgismpilled
natural monopolies are cancer that erode society

the problem with privatization is that eventually greedy profiteers end up exploiting consumers, government regulation becomes necessary to reign them in


>There's more houses than people
This is false

>that is publicly run that is also private that the private thing isn't superior at all times
most utilities?
also it entirely depends on the country

Why are you retarded? No wonder spain unemployment is 15%.

such as?

Schooling definitely, private education is just a tool elite families use to retain their wealth by guaranteeing their children have better connections and education than everyone else, it's utterly corrupt

Healthcare is a more complicated question, not sure

The price of houses skyrockets because of foreigners buying up the housing market you fucking retard. Blame mass-immigration (specifically Chinese immigration). You fucking commies love to ignore this because it doesn't suit your open borders agenda.

There's plenty of empty houses that will never have inhabitants here. Even whole towns. More than needed to provide a good home for everyone. I don't care about the situation in the United Leafs.

immigration has little do with foreign landlords, brainlet

Thanks you to fren
I don't own them anything
but i sometimes give them free rent of a month or two if they are sympathetic enough

So you admit private schools are better and the way to bridge inequality is to bring others down rather than make public schools prefferable to private? I hate people like you.
And you. I hope you both are poor until you die. You are both dangerously idiotic the world would be better off without you too academics.

>So you admit private schools are better
Of course they're better, everything in life is better when you have the money to exploit and fuck everybody else over, you're missing the point

It has to do with the inflation of housing prices idiot. The reason you can't buy a house isn't because landlords are gobbling up all the houses it's because the prices are being inflated by increased demand from foreign buyers.

Why are commies incapable of understanding this?

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how are private schools exploiting anyone? Next you'll say private healthcare shouldn't exist because its not fair people die using public healthcare.

now that is based, america

mass executions

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You won't do anything. Yas Forums is so edgy.

>the prices are being inflated by increased demand from foreign buyers
foreign buyers aren't the same as foreign immigrants, brainlet


Foreign landlords and immigrants are different things m8

>4 hundred thousand people coming into your country a year doesn't inflate house prices

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Now this is correct. Immigration is an enemy of the working classes.


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Every landlord leeches will hang. You are absolute scum and only keep confirming it every single day with the rundown hovel you """run""" for my customers. Fucking parasites kike piece of shit.

Immigrants buy houses too retards. How is the quarantine in London you weak wristed commie faggots?

>how are private schools exploiting anyone?
They hoard all the best teachers and universities for themselves, get a clue mate

>Immigrants buy houses too retards.
They can, but most of them don't because the average immigrant is a poorfag also being exploited by predatory landlords

What do you mean hoard? Are all the good teachers going to private schools? Why would that be?


Almost like teachers don't want to spend their life trying to teach subhuman niggers.

>moving the goalposts from housing being expensive because of foreign owned housing to housing being expensive because of resident immigrants
absolute brainlets, are you even capable of arguing in good faith

landlords used to have an actual purpose, but now they are a vanguard for the jewish elite

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lmao. Maybe in your shithole cunt you paki loving cum guzzler.

Shut the fuck up. Geez why are canadians such retards, the worst posters on the board. You won't do anything.
I guess we better put a price cap on how much people can earn? Should we tell google they can't hire the best workers for 300k year starting becuase uncle joes computer shop can't compete?

>loses the argument and starts sperging his Yas Forumstard nonsense

>are you even capable of arguing in good faith
That's rich coming from a commie. You still holding on to the incorrect narrative that all immigrants are poor brown people you delusional racist?

Question to all the commies itt if landllording is so profitable and you are so unfortunately poor why not take out a 40 year loan and become a landlord? I mean it is so high paying isn't it?

Sure thing schizo.

>kill landlords
>replace landlords with the state, who do exactly the same
Commie bootlickers are so fucking retarded

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>That's rich coming from a commie.
not a commie
>You still holding on to the incorrect narrative that all immigrants are poor brown people you delusional racist?
not that other poster
take it you can't argue in good faith then
quarantine is fine btw, I live in an irrelevant part of the south west, almost nothing has changed for me

Prager-U tier brainletism on full display here. This is the kind of shit a GOP-voter here would write lol.

>agree to pay loan
>cry about how unfair it is later

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Alright scomo, you can shut up now, no one's buying your sub80 iq argument when this country went from no. 1 economy to no. 37 following trickle down economics and privatisation.

Cope, poofter.

because I have morals m8, I earn a clean living with honest work and not through land exploitation

NOOOOOOOO you don't understand all the commies Itt will be part of the polituburo and they will own everything.

>my only valuable contribution to society is not having a bad credit score
absolute state of the 'hard working' landlords

>not a commie
Tell me what flavour of "not commie" you are then. I know you lefty retards are real sticklers on the minute differences of your pathetic ideologies.
> it you can't argue in good faith then
Is that projection?

>I guess we better put a price cap on how much people can earn?
It's a difficult question, I don't know what that would do to the economy

However, I do believe the government needs to regulate the ultra rich and protect the public from their greed

>replace landlords with the state, who do exactly the same
No? At least welfare-states since the 20th century actually have a history of providing some housing for the poor. That's why public housing here was so viciously attacked. Here you either pay half your income towards rent or live on the street, public housing is an obvious fix to an obvious problem.

You are a disease, you fucking chink garbage money sucking dirty old mouldy worm. I hate you and every day I have to enter your various decrepit human farms only strenghten my beliefs.

>muh capitalism baaad dude, those native landlords? totally evil dude millions of immigrants replacing the natives and changing the religion culture and race of your country? shut up racist! bigot! it's all about capitalism and marx get replaced already!


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Shut up you bogan faggot.

Landlords are bad for capitalism. Capitalism needs cheap housing, not renters sucking the blood out of the production system.
True capitalists and communists have landlords as a common enemy, they should join forces to end with them. Public housing is something that a government can actually do pretty well, it benefits the people and it benefits capitalism. There is no reason to do it while you severely increase taxes on property.

>No? At least welfare-states since the 20th century actually have a history of providing some housing for the poor
Yeah, and? You can still be a landlord in those welfare states. Or are you one of those "Sweden is socialist" retards?

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I don't think capitalism is bad, I just think it's bad to let rich people do whatever they want because they have money

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>dude I'll just resort to name calling and fallacy, that'll prove my point

Well, you do make a good point flaunting the fact public education failed you though, so carry on.

Why do landlords think what they do is a salaried job rather than an investment with potential setbacks? Fucking retarded faggots.

>I have to enter your various decrepit human farms
My what? On the topic of farms. Read a book, animal farm. It might open your retarded eyes.

Nice middle-schooler take. Do you believe you're arguing with Ancaps that don't want regulations on rent and property ownership?

>seething wagie
the society doesn't own you a living faggot