
play this game edition

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don't assume things dumb yank

Tell me, is it good?

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>play this movie edition
yea, nah m8


hi Yas Forumseddit

Yeah it's probably my favourite game.

absolute kino

landlords are the only investors I've encountered who expect their investment revenue to remain constant & level no matter what the market forces are

don't ask don't tell

this has much more Half Life 2 vibes than the Last of Us imo


guillotines when?

>those replies

teehee i'm a real woman now

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the reddit of us


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the last of reddit

Holy pengcorrblimey

Your country has been complicit in and participated in the slaughter of innocents by my country for decades for profit but now that they’re telling you not to go outside during a pandemic they’re crossing the line?

>oh no people are doing better than me!!

I don't think that hospitals are full because of people being obsessed, there aren't enough fucking respirators for who need em. I know that the social alarm is exagerated, but it isnt just a flu, don't be a Donaldfag, user. You'll end bad.

Yeah, the more developed city you have here besides Bs.As is Córdoba (just the capital of the province, around it you have a ton of shitholes like, and worse than, San Juan and Mendoza). Also, if you know spanish, you most probably found the accent of those two provinces funny, is just like chileans.

*deep burly manly voice*
teehee I'm such a klutz XD

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might call something i dont like reddit
thatll show them


fog looms, early morn

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was this supposed to be in english?

usually willing to give tranners the benefit of doubt but this is outright sexist

alri rorke

no i believe all of those things are necessary, even the lockdown

>Your country has been complicit in and participated in the slaughter of innocents by my country for decades for profit but now that they’re telling you not to go outside during a pandemic they’re crossing the line?

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don't be mean. They just started and have hope and happiness after a long period of depression. if you don't like it don't worry it will fade.

ha, showed you

already did

I liked it too, is like Uncharted 2, but better.


I'm getting the word..... US (or ally(Israel)) bioweapon. For me, the bat soup fish market disease research facility Chinese virus was all just TOO convenient for it to actually be Chinese

i worked hard and i bought a house as an investment and people pay me to live in it. just because this benefits me in the long term doesn't mean it's wrong

It's not sexist as they're women making jokes about themselves xoxo

in english doc!

oh piss off we're not clumsy wtf where do they get these bizarre ideas of femininity from

>i worked hard

>reddit the game
And yes i played it, it‘s fucking trash

I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end, it doesn't even matter
I had to fall to lose it all
But in the end, it doesn't even matter

did a massive shit this morning


this is just their bodies gradual decline as a result of being chemically mutilated

Was on one of th elast trains out of Euston last night as the announcement come over.

Felt like I was fleeing East Berlin or something was fucking nuts.

Just hoards of people arriving en masse in ubers with hastily packed bags and cases sprinting through platforms

australia? more like austredditalia

Going for a walk lads


They’ve been sending working class Americans especially the poor “white trash” to kill and die and watch their friends die for decades so that arms manufacturing companies can get a little bit more money. Its disgusting and to defend that is the worst kind of slave mentality.

They're mentally make and their entire idea of womanhood comes from porn. I've never seen a modest tranny.

i am a tennant in the house that i live in by the way

they’re LARPing as a deeply misogynistic stereotype of what they think a woman is, which only illuminates the fact that they are and only ever will be 100% men

After a tube strike, about 1 in 20 people who took a different route to work stick with that route permanently. They've discovered a better option to their previous route.
I hope that the shutdown does something similar to other parts of how we live too

>A close friend, who lives only 200 metres down the road, was hospitalised and rushed into intensive care with serious respiratory symptoms. He is 50 years old and had no underlying medical concerns.
>“We’d wake up and there are new measures announced overnight restricting more and more movement,” Catriona says.
>Soon even small gatherings of people were banned and Italians were told to keep at least a metre away from each other.
>“I would never have dreamed that we would be in this situation two to three weeks ago, I would never have imagined it because it is quite simply unprecedented. I have never seen anything like it.”
the future of borisian britain
are you ready?

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I believe you

left londers on friday

Gender roles are socially constructed!!!

*sees 2yr old boy playing with pink toy*


Working from home is an absolute nightmare
Bombarded with messages through slack and a ballache attempting to communicate exactly what needs to be done and toilberg is autistic about everything being done in a certain way which means constantly tweaking or changing each piece of work I send over, yet doesn't want me spending too long on an individual thing
Just want to have a fucking wank and go back to bed

holy canaloni r u a grill?????

people often stop on the side of the street to give me money. racked with guilt lads

is it illegal to have a wank in a bush on your back garden? just trying to think of potential things to do to spice up life over the next month

Based but they choose OOORAH

>50 years old
>no underlying medical concerns
Yeah, sure.

hello diego

you know what's sick
they actually propagate that nonsense to young children then defend their "right" to become the opposite gender when they want to be it
imagine little jimmy being told that men are all evil then being surprised he wants to be a girl. it's so god damn backward.

aye the queen owns all the bushes in england

i'm still living in london but i decided to not go back home because i'm worried about giving the ol disease to my parents

yea but they really hyped up the AI and when they game came out the AI was kind of underwhelming

done a few al fresco wanks in my time

bustin makes me feel good

olympics reported then

in south austrailr I was born
heave away
haul away
south austrailr is my home
we're bound for south australia

don't know what you're talking about mate

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when i was about 13 and started to get sexual urges i used to run around the garden naked at night when my parents were out

don't think janny has that kind of power

Like rats fleeing a sinking ship. Death to all L*ndonoids

/brit/ is reddit: the general to be fair

>sees gender roles are socially constructed
>a child has gender dysphoria and wants to treat it with hrt, which alleviates the symptoms
>nhs: ok but you have to live as a tee-hee caricature of a woman for a year first
>tranny: tee-her I’m a caricature of a woman

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phwoar wish i was your neighbour then

ah yes im a dumb frog. meant postponed

Some people PREFER to rent

Japan to be kiddin me

real women aren't like that though

For trans, taking estrogen really makes you clumsy? Can somebody redpill me on it?
I've never heard of it before. I know that what the ((girl)) of the screencap says is a ridiculous stereotype, but I'm wondering if its founded on something.

just told mum last night's dinner was reddit: the meal

When the boomers start dying your house will lose 40% of its value and you'll be in negative equity.

the corona virus rn

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LOL!!!! good 1 clogwog!

no it's just trannies being sexist as fuck and revealing that they aren't actually women stuck in mens bodies
they're like some bizarre walking parody strawman


could trannies be any more woke if they tried?!

Thanks bro

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*kicks you in the back of your head*

Old billy riley was a dancing master

this. Housing market is still a bubble.

i really enjoyed playing that. i've been toying around with the idea of giving it another go, but i don't wanna ruin it

What will the country do without anymore Owen Jones columns?

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it's okay, it was never about money
he'll be satisfied with the excellent public service that he provided to his many loving tenants over the years

the virus tested positive for chuck norris

playing Deus Ex lads
storyline is chillingly relevant
makes you think

bender has a phone, hardly the end of the world

Oh nooooooooooooooooooo

Diego just told his tenant that there’s other ways of paying the rent

they were coofing in that game too

is there any chance rona will wipe out the aids infected bumboys?

Immigrants will fill the gap

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>makes you think
not really

which one? I really liked Human Revolution

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nah, they're all on Prep and immune


yeah it's pretty redpilled

This has been announced on the UK government website - "COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK."

Next day entire country locked down.
Bit fishy lads.

surely he can afford to just spaff out some more money and order a new macbook online

rentberg is repaying me £500 because the heat and water tariff was set way too high

based day, lads

if gender roles are just constructs how can a "female" brain exist in a "male" body


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you use pounds in denmark?

so i can't get a haircut for months by the looks of it

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gamers need to be culled
now more than ever

Might go for a cheeky second run lads

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Should have got it cut earlier. Learn to cut it yourself.

Just cut your own hair bro

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Today I have made the tough decision to Self Isolate due to my sudden sore throat, cough and headache. I am already home from work for the foreseeable future but I have decided to remain isolated to protect my loved ones and the general public.

absurd than he took it in the first place
for the longest time I live in an appartement without using the heaters and only paid used the equivalent of 10 to 15€ euros in electricity, yet electroberg wanted me to pay 30€ every month because "that's the average"

if he can monitor my consumption hour-by-hour surely he can charge me exactly what I use


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Why would a male "jog" unless he wanted to turn into some wrinkled stringbean with knackered joints?
Lift some weights if you want exercise.


Actually based. But I have to say that they dont cut the dick off when they are kids, no. They tell them that they're right in his maniatical obsession, give em supressors of puberty, and, only if they want, with an absolutely reasonable age of... 12? Years, they can start all the process.
Of course, its completely different. It isnt like if allowing a maniatical kid to do what he wants in the future is like taking the decision for him.

because “a female brain in a male body” is just trying to sum up how a complex mental issue feels in a single sentence.

get dabbed on wheels

this starting XI never actually played together

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social media guilt tripping on social media has begun with people naming local businesses that still are open and taking pictures of people on public transport going to work.
fucking freaks

>under lockdown
>there’s still flights coming in from Iran and China
Really makes you think

how can quarantine even work. how do avoid a second wave when we need to go outside again

What would you do with it? Get into supermarkets an hour earlier?

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running in the garden shortly

some virgin on runescape got mad at me for crashing him

Corona beats Ebola

Good on you! I hope you have a easy and speedy recovery!

so the men in fact DIDNT kick the ball?

mate of mine returned from italy to the UK after the lockdown

gerrard was so shit compared to the rest .

went through this the other day
strong lung and heart is more important than muscle mass right now
maintaining mass would also require eating more food

oh dear marky

Say I'm a doctor and do house calls and do crime and shit

there is no exit strategy. it's buying time with intermittent lockdowns until the vaccine arrives.

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