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aon scéal?
>trains still aren't down
I would be surprised to see them shut down travel.
A lot of OAPs and disableds genuinely would be fucked.
Suins ghe scroggit ghins wul be fou forfeuchten an we sal ring our thon Ylan alanerly.
oh no it's a corona zombie
I wonder if norn anons will disobey Westminster's rules
If there's a lockdown it's not really feasible to undermine the rules in a way that improves anything. The time to oppose westminster was to preempt a lockdown and make it go faster. An Irish sea border could be pushed for, but there is still the argument to be made that there are vital supplies going back and forth.
On a related note it's been hilarious yet disturbing to see yanks "muh guns" bluster about the situation, as if they're going to shoot their way back to normality.
should I?
the n word
are you planning to ejaculate on it?
I'm not planning on removing it from the box
do you have a big collection?
I want to explode all over Megumin!
I have three
that was when I decided that I didn't really like them, they're kind of awkward and have to be treated delicately and they never look as good as they do in photos
I've never had a really high quality one before though so I'm intrigued at this one with the fishnets and baggy separately modeled shirt and power cord that doesn't seem to go anywhere
Níl aon scéal anois
Fucking hate being alive but don't want to die
defeatist talk in the age of corona
the north?
*puts weebs in a labour camp*
heh, nothin personnel kid
*breaks out of the camp*
not so fast degenerate!
*draws your attention long enough for my anime brethren to escape*
click the numbers to reply to previous posts, newfag
I think you are underestimating the high surveillance of the labour camp.
Look at that pure bred Gaelic lass. By God would she get it.
Heard we're on more of a lockdown now lads.
'til 19th of April
It's got to be less than a week now until the gangs start looting and shooting
When the FUCK are they going to stop the buses? They're seriously one of the main vectors for spreading the virus.
if people are getting on buses in the midst of all this they deserve death
yank government talking about ending the lockdown lol
>On a related note it's been hilarious yet disturbing to see yanks "muh guns" bluster about the situation, as if they're going to shoot their way back to normality.
Are you saying that they won't?
That's actually really cute.
Your sacrifice will not be forgotten, user. We will ensure that at least one GAA club is named after you; the highest honour that the this country can bestow.
given how far this country has fallen, I wouldn't be surprised
Barrett's sonar is certainly a significant surveillance threat
>not wanting a GAA club named after you
America is a powderkeg.
Even if their political/economic system was able to do a top tier job of managing the virus (which seems unlikely), the potential for localised disasters to spill over or escalate into social conflicts is quite high.
Yeah, but only in Dublin.
Why aren't the big men of the parishes lining up to fight the Coronavirus?
They're hiding in their bunkers
They should be doing more to help their people.
>plc college keeps begging me to check my college email i never received.
fuck off nerds.
depends on how good they are, I don't want them dragging my name into disrepute
A valid concern.
chkd, the way things are going I don't think you'll ever graduate lol
I'm not sure he ever intended to.
I don't give a shit if i do, i can get into college with my lc results.
The course is so fucking bad it's unbelievable.
>Revelations 9:6
>In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them.
bit of a waste of registration fee then, why not just go straight to college?
I see Lieo didn't have the balls to include the construction industry is his """"lockdown""""
>Work closed for an indefinite period instead of till Monday
Based, I'm loving the NEET lifestyle
All cars are female. Everybody knows that.
Fuck off cunt. The building sites are right to stay open.
But the picture doesn't say he?
Lol, what an illiterate tard he is
There is about 100,000 people in construction. 3 weeks closed to slow the spread was necessary here. Leaving them out was a mistake.
Faggot paki then
Depends really.
It's obviously finances and politics motivating it, but it'd be nice to have buildings completed on the estimated timeframe since it does have a knock on effect on businesses that can't open without premises. And it's possible that building sites aren't particularly virus-prone sites, since presumably it's a fixed number of people working for a period, often outdoors and/or with masks on even before the crisis.
go to éire/pol/ nazi cunt