don't care edition
so janny gave up then? how long did that one last
Does anyone here have any experiences with the Rees-Moggs?
there are over 1 billion indians in the world lads
my spirit animal
MIGHT have secured some freelance work to tie me over for the next month. Bit annoyed that I'm having to hustle whilst normal wagies are getting paid just to do fuck all at home, but needs must.
How bad is the homeless situation where you live?
Would you welcome a qt homeless girl in your home during these trying times?
met him once
was very polite
what? no
da ne
You cheeky little cunt - keep it up
reminds me of that story in Yas Forums
i dont have autism
>homeless girl
ah hahaHAHA
sure! HAHA
confirmed now that is it
What's so bloody funny
no breaks on this train
thanks for the blog dickhead
wait, do british people really call cotton candy "candyfloss" and weedwhackers "strimmers"?
made everyone burgers but i wanted to get a crust on them so way over seasoned making them much too salty and made a fool of myself
Toilberg has made it very clear that we need to ensure we sell cheap Chinese made garden furniture as it is important as groceries and medical supplies
tide mate
The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the pandemic is "accelerating".
Jazz saxophonist Emmanuel N'Djoke Dibango, known as Manu Dibango, has died of Covid-19 at a hospital in France
Hundreds of British travellers are stranded in Australia and New Zealand amid severe travel lockdowns
nothing is confirmed
apparently nothing is sacred either telling porkies behind ones back the very notion of it i tell you
Unironically enjoying how quiet it is in general lately. Less traffic, less drunk wankers, less wagies during peak hours. Can it be like this all the time please.
mboko must be sad his dad died
>candy "candyfloss"
fairy floss here
>weedwhackers "strimmers"
whipper snipper
welcome to /LDNG/, Lockdown Niggas General
enjoy the ride while China takes over the world
>Emmanuel N'Djoke Dibango
>86 year old dies of pneumonia
you have good heart mate. that's all that matters to me. and everyone learns from their mistakes
why are feet so peng lads?
anyone else really fucking proper hate yanks
like really full on
air smells really flowery too.
The WHO has issued a stern warning; "It's no N'Djoke, this is serious!"
burgers might damage that I'm afraid
want to lick them so bad
no i hate smackheads
no such thing as a
>homeless girl
Most of the country lives in poverty and the streets are rife with hobos
yes, we need to ban cars
want to punish chinks for this but also miss delicious chinky takeaway meals
just leave em on the barbie for some char, no need to over season it
ya done goofed son
Don't know
kek this was me
What if we made them all make takeaways forever?
Fuckin hell lads, toilberg has no heart, still in work, business as usual
Should've rinsed the burgers off under the tap wash the salt off
Repugnant stinking goblin horde
I miss being able to go the mass, faith is a very important part of my life
what a bloody mess
envisage the redolence
Hello e-thot my old friend
I've come to fap to you again
to a vision of you nude, streaming
I dump my seed watching you sleeping
and the feelings of regret and coomer shame,
still remains.
After the sound of cooming.
In restless nights I coom alone
with eight porn tabs on my cellphone.
'Neath the pale-glow of my phone screen
Traps and trannies, cuckolds, B-B-C
until my eyes are red from the six hour pornofest --
I return to rest.
Soothed by the sound of cooming.
>tried calling absence line at work - call didn't go through
>tried calling customer service line - call didn't go through
>went on webchat
>someone answered the chat
>too nervous to ask if I'm supposed to come in to work tonight
I’m gonna teach you about suffering.
Struggling, yearning, sacrifice and loss.
You will feel it.
Been fasting for 9 hours and already have the fucking shakes. Only 39hrs left.
thank you frenchman
never happend before i cooked burgers all the time before i just do extremely badly under any pressure
Have quite literally had it up to here with this bloody isolation nonsense!
never happened nasty little virgin freak on a plane
>I’m gonna teach you about suffering.
>Struggling, yearning, sacrifice and loss.
>You will feel it.
meanwhile, in london
rebarbative strumpet
What are the symptoms exactly?
Currently have three Google Chrome Windows for my own discipline:
- The /brit/ window
- The Working from Home window
- The 'other websites' window
How come the government has enough money to pay 80% of people’s wages if they weren’t predicting this? Seems to me that the taxpayers money was being put in a collective pot so the politicians and lords can skim off the top to find their lifestyles.
kek this is me
is qwant broken
Can slowly feel my mental health deteriorating. I like being active & busy so I ain’t gotta deep all the small things in life, sigh.
That's your body going into emergency starvation mode, don't do it mate get some food in you before you die
Wasn't BoJo ending austerity and going on a massive spending spree in 2020 regardless? Just good or bad timing depending how you see it
A multibillion pound loan is cheaper than the entire economy being wiped out.
In any case money is just magicked out of thin air anyway.
well failure is the best teacher, and ngl burgers can be hard to get right sometimes
you're better for it now though, thats all that matters
>cut the tube service
>shut down all food shops except the supermarkets (who all close online delivery)
>people still need to eat
>people still need to go to work
Looks like herd immunity is back on the menu boys
1x large dominos meatlovers
0.5x large dominos pepperoni
1x garlic bread
375ml pepsi
all down the gullet over the last hour
the government has permitted dominos to remain open as an ''essential service'' with an unrestricted right to deliver their decadent delights right to the door of a captive market trapped inside
over the coming weeks think not only of those that die of coronavirus, think also of we victims of big takeaway ignored by a complicit government
I got some herbal remedies to sell ya lid
15 quid each, sales are final
This is a 58 year-old French woman.
Ah, how I yearn to kiss her feet and her finely aged pussy
listen to this lad
fat bastard
Ah, oui, le gamme de histoire globalische... chess, mon frieu? Speed cheese por favre? Oui la... oui la strip chess la la... beaucoup j'monde
I have a lot to learn from you
Thanks mates. Just ate a family size pack of tim tams. Was a close call.
ive been sent home
big man on the left looks into your soul
45 images in my pepe folder and 53 in my wojak folder
Sounds like someone has half a pepperoni pizza breakfast tomorrow ;)
that will be the midnight snack before bed
I want to get paid for my guaranteed 3 hours a week and live on my extra austudy FOR FUCKS SAKE
Good man, we wouldn't be the same without you
>Hundreds of British travellers are stranded in Australia and New Zealand amid severe travel lockdowns
I'd sure as fuck prefer to be stranded in New Zealand then stuck in the UK right now desu, not surprised they haven't come back. Haven't they had only 50 or so cases?
Over a million people die from tuberculosis every year and up to a quarter of the world population. No one gives a shit.
If you suddently give a shit about this new virus you are an apple brained pleb who is far too easily manipulated by the media.
This pandemic is fucking nothing and this lockdown is a JOKE
Holly looking peng rn
gf is isolated away from me but is sending lewd photos to keep me interested
wasting your time on this board it's basically a subreddit
Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the Goblin City to take back the child you have stolen, for my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great. You have no power over me!
i made burgers tonight too but mine were good even though i had to make do without lettuce
Cheers, today was the first day WFH so I struck early and set up the protocols before I could be tempted
Been a NEET before you see
chickey nuggies and chippys for lunchems me thinketh
god made me 5'8 but gave me a big willard
I must be a joke to him
you should do porn, they like short blokes with big willards because it looks proportionally even bigger
Top parrot
ah yes
horde, singular
I am begging you, with tears in my eyes, to please have sex
>working from home
Boris is literally offering to pay 80% of your wage. If your toilberg still has you working then I'm afraid you're not going to have a job to go back to
Mate's dad died of tuberculosis desu. Thought it was one of those things we'd done away with in Victorian times
no reason for them to be though ive made burgers for me all the time
i still enjoyed it with the salt and some really sweet onion relish but its for other people
veal as well because ive never tried veal and was salty meat
>no maccers
>no greggs
WHAT THE FUCK? This has gone too far!
For the non-neets on here, how many of you are getting paid for doing fuck all at home?, thinking of telling toilberg im sick tommorow if im going to be getting paid anyway, say aye
could do worse, she looks about the same as most late-20s women
oh shi
Corrrr, career woman hitting the biological wall and ready to start family with anybody. Would sure as hell be her stay-at-home dad toyboy
>start a family
Boris will only pay you if your company puts you on furlough
i am a normie/autist mix
Why are they doing this?
>the year is 2021
>the pandemic is over
>the global economy is on its knees
>life has returned to some form of normality
>the world as we know it is changed forever
>you get a £60 uber to the pub
>you buy 6 pints at £15 a pop
>you buy a £50 pizza on the way home
welcome to the new world
>be ready to start a family
lass is 40 she knows the go
reckon some 25 year old lad could get quite the sugarmummy
based and lazy fuckerpilled
revolutionary new approach lads
>wants kids
literally why?
Nothing incel about it desu. She's on at least $100k, maybe even double that. She'd set us up in a huge house in the country and then go off to the city every day, whilst I look after the kid (you can pretty much do that with technology these days) and devote all my time to self-improvement
God made me 5'8" and gave me a 5 inch willard hehe x
reckon i still need to wait another 2-3 weeks before i can get my rape on
for me, it's waiting until my oneitis hits the wall and is willing to settle for me
i am an incel
why the fuck is idris elba on the tube he has the corona ffs