>1,3 billion
>less casualties than Italy already
>almost no new infections
They're obviously lying
Do you believe that they're falsely reporting numbers?
Never doubted it, even for a second
Makes me wonder why nobody don't just push the fucking nuclear button and take me a nice vacation.
worry about yourself. thanks
Never doubted it, even for a second
>and take me a nice vacation
Whatever you're paying for those English courses is too much.
If they control the virus this well already over 1,3 billion people they obviously had the cure and the virus seems man made
why is water wet? No idea
They are probably not even testing, and nobody wants to reveal he has it because they'll entomb him in his apartment, so officially there are few cases
because allah made it so that's why
Theyre already greenlighting people to go out to work and to the stores again in Wuhan
Considering they kicked out all foreign press right before the numbers died down means yes they definitely are
>They're obviously lying.
Yes, they are.
>noooooooooooooooooooooooo China can't be doing good, the only data that is le real are the ones that portray China in a negative light
>i don't care if the data is from WHO it's all PROPaGaNDa
because their economy is tanking so they're telling people it's okay to work
As honest as the Germans.
Australian flag EVERY time lmao
are there actuall australians left on Yas Forums or Chang replaced every aussie
or nice like australians
>are there
China literally bribes the WHO, dumbass
why would you have faith in an organisation which still encourages circumcision?
What the point of threads like like this?
You answer yes or you get called Chang.
There is no discussion, no shitposting, just circlejerking and mental masturbation.
>bribes the WHO
China is the best country in the world
>China literally bribes the WHO, dumbass
t. Chang from Amur
We may never know. But we DO know that quarantining does help. Along with lots of testing. For example, South Korea and Japan. And now with Italy as well, as you can see from the last 3 days of less confirmed cases.
>14th thg 1
Whats the actual date
That's when the virus was relatively unknown you small-brained slavic ape.
only colossal retards """trust"" ccp
dont shit yourself chink
chinks knew but since china is totalitarian shithole they were trying to sweep it under The rug for months
Another thing I want to add is that the virus doubles every 2-3 days. China's numbers stopped at 80,000 for an entire month. If this thing were to continue on unmitigated, it would be well over 100,000,000+ cases.
Recently they've let movie theaters operate again and crowd gatherings are now allowed. If the virus isn't stopped, there should be an outbreak within the next 7-14 days.
Countries really do need a stricter quarantine. You can end this virus in 15 days if everybody stayed home. But of course, some businesses are still operational and people are still going to beaches. Or in Europe, mountains to skii.
I'm willing to believe they contained it, Worst Korea contained it too. The rest is hidden under fog of coff.
>all foreign press
Are you talking about the propaganda machines that are the NYT, WSJ & WaPo, or actually all the foreign journalists?
>relatively unknown
By the population you mean, because it was well known by both (silenced) doctors and the Party
>January 14 2020
>it was unknown
observe as insect like always tries to do revision
It's time to face the facts: they are superior.They won and we lost. All we can do now is hope they will be merciful masters.
Totally nothing suspicious or inconsistent about this
Perhaps not. It's not a democracy, they don't need to be nice, give two shits about the media nor think about the next elections. They just do what needs to be done and people obey because they're used to obeying or else...
They shut down Wuhan. No one in no one out and enforced drastic measures. So perhaps they succeded.
>lots of testing
Literally most of the data we have for Corona came after mid-December 2019 when it exploded. Yes there was supression but the symptoms weren't as well known as they were thereafter.
Also the virus reached America in November before they finally closed everything up recently.
I would literally crush your ape skull with one hand.
You can literally walk up to like two of them and push them both down without difficulty.
>it was unknown ping pong
>no it wasnt
you wouldnt crush shit with your tiny yellow hands you 170cm manlet lmao
There's much more than two of them for everyone of us. We're outnumbered and outskilled. It's over.
i'd literally bend you over and open your anus wider than dirlewangers stretched your grandmothers you fat subhuman
'Casualties' is a countable noun so 'fewer' should be used instead of 'less'.
that tweet was from mid January so you just contradicted yourself like always exposing chinese government incompetenct
i'm sure you have evidence to prove your allegation right? just because you wecterners can't handle the pandemic doesn't mean everyone can't
>chink skelly manlet acting tough
my sides just got 1989 Tiananmen Squared
13.6 million chinks died
not great not terrible
Thank you Stannis
Are we going to hit 1M during this week?
what cope, you literally said that this tweet was from before wirus was known and then said that in mid-december symptoms and how virus spreads were known while that tweet is literally from 14 January 2020
if anyone's coping it's you Chang
No, user. It's 4:1, advantage: us.