what SHOULD have been...
What SHOULD have been
How the fuck were Turkic and certain Uralics "displaced"? They came recently like in the 500s and 600s
Shit map, thought it would be actual Europeans
Without Indo-Europeans, all of Europe would just be a mixture between the original hunter-gatherer tribes and neolithic farmers from Anatolia (who have nothing to do genetically with Turkic peoples).
Europe would just be white people with blue eyes and brown hair, maybe a little less war-like since that was a really big part of Indo-European culture.
>Europe would just be white people with blue eyes
Dude, Minoans and Etruscs were brown
My FINNIC Brothers....
uh hello? based?
basque = swarthy whites
etruscans = black
elamites = black
semites = black
berbers = black
uralics = mongoloid
turkics = mongoloid
magyars = mongoloid
rest are irrelevant
I was under the impression that they were just white. I don't believe in that as dogma though, I'm open to being wrong.
I know that modern day Sardinians are the closest living equivalent to the European peoples before the Indo-Europeans arrived. And they're not brown.
W-were is l-Lebanon?
Under the leadership of the GREAT BASHAR
Turkic literally displaced Indo-European in Europe lmao. Until Russia happen and displaced them back.
Fuck off I don't wanna be a deernigger
cringe thread
>cringe thread
You're delirious and gullible or actually retarded
Yes they are. Whatever light Sardinian picture you have seen is not representative, it comes from the occupation of northern Italians and Vandals in the middle ages, plus Germanic people that were landlords during the middle ages
Kaliningrad should be finnic.
The Italian islands aren't Narbo. Corsica is Rasnal, Sardinia is its own Nuragic thing, Sicily and South Italy their own Sican or Semitic thing.
All of Poland belongs within Skiri.
I'm sure some ethnicities and thus countries would have kept the names after changing the language.
>lmao at the seething Indo-Niggers
>How the fuck were Turkic and certain Uralics "displaced"? They came recently like in the 500s and 600s
>Shit map, thought it would be actual Europeans
post a higher quality image, dude
>, plus Germanic people that were landlords during the middle ages
You've already said Vandals. After the Byzantines the landlords and ruling class was local often with Pre-IE names or with local variants of imported names, the Germanic landlords were North Italians who started owning lands in the island in the 13th century and who often descended from Germanic families like the Della Gherardesca and Malaspina. Then you have the Aragonese who were partially Germanic descendants and settled in the South since the 14th century and gained controlled over the whole island during the 15th.
A whole Sarmatian cemetery dating to the Roman period has been recently unearthed near Cagliari, and Byzantines often employed Germanic troops, I think most of the "whitening" of the Sardinians occurred during that time and during the Aragonese period, while the 8th-13th century was a period of re-browning of the locals who took over again.
> Let me tell you about your country
The pople living in grece and anatolia before helenic achaic ionian etc invazions are generaly refered to as pelazgi
Crete had its own thing in layers of migrations and invasions
Turkic incursions started after the 300eds, and seljucs and ottomans came to anatolia in the 6/700eds
Magyar invasions happened in around the 900eds
This kind of thing is why people hate americans
The map says "without" not "before"
> Let me tell you about your island
By Germanic people I'm referring to the obvious Germanic families that came from Northern Italy and Spain. Many of these didnty even have latinized surnames but were full on German, not only from Vandals but Visigoths from Spain and Ostrogoths and Longboards from northern Italy plus they married central European families and only then the surnames got shuffled with local marrying. The 8-13 the century if anything are a prime time of this whitening of Sardinia.
> Sarmatian cemetery
Care to link any source?
Pfft... Thats like saying 'without the finno-korean hyper war ever occuring'
We would all be speaking Arabic, Inshallah
>The 8-13 the century if anything are a prime time of this whitening of Sardinia.
Wrong, it was a time of re-browning of the island, with both the ruling class and the common people bearing pre-IE names such as Arzocco/Orzocco, Ithocor, Barisone/Parason, Gonnario/Gunnar, Furato, Torchitorio/Torceri, Torbeno/Durbino, Nispella/Nispeni, all of these names are pre indoeuropean and only found people from Sardinia, and are attested in epigraphs dating back to the 2nd century AD, other names of the ruling class and landowners such as Comita/Gomita, plus local variants of imported names Costantino->Guantino/Gantino were also specific to the island. The rulers of Cagliari were forced to take alternatively the dynastic names of Torchitorio or of Salusio.
>but were full on German, not only from Vandals but Visigoths from Spain and Ostrogoths and Longboards from northern Italy
These were from the 13th century onward, while the Vandals were in the 5th and 6th century, the 8th-13th century was a time of brown locals taking over again.
>care to link the source?
Mh ok it's interesting to see how the cemetery suddenly discontinued the Punic burial technique but we have no documents or anything about new people's getting there. It's clear the Romans didn't care so much for this island as to record too much about it. Still it's just an Hypothesis that's it's a Sarmatian burial site, we can't know for sure
Gonnario and Torbeno are germanic origin names, not pre-IE or brown.
"Iken"? As in the Iceni? They would've been Indo-European, Christ's sake the Romans are the ones who named them.
Wrong, Torbenus is attested in many of the roman era native stelae from the interior.
The Nordics will rule the world if Indo-Europeans never settled to Europe.
And Gonnario is never attested among Medieval people from Italy, Spain or France. The origins of the name being Germanic is not the common consensus, and the dynasty of Lacon-Gunale of which Gonario of Torres was part of was local with his predecessor bearing local names.
> Gonnario/Gunnar
Literally no such thing as the form "Gunnar" in Sardinia. You're pulling a few facts and then mixing them with a few things out of your ass
Gonnario =/= Gunnar
It took two posts before a language thread devolved into a race thread. I love this place
We don’t have documents about most necropoleis around the Roman empire apart from the ones where epigraphs are found. The dead were buried with Sarmatian objects there.
Some of those names could very well have Germanic origins since the Vandals ruled for a century a few centuries before that timeframe. Or you just want to ignore that?
Gunnar doesn’t exist anymore but it is well documented in the Medieval registers of Sardinia known as condaghes
Yes and the Vandals King was named Goda but apparently for many that is the only Germanic derived name during the middle ages
Didn't Uralic speakers come much later than everybody else
Find me a Vandal with that name. The guy who proposed the Germanic theory is the same guy who thought Torbenus was Germanic, which has been later disproven by several native stelae found in the island such as the cippo di Busachi
Goda does not exist in Medieval Sardinia
So? Vandals ruled over all the island. The villages in the mountains weren't spared. The delusions is this island is thinking it's pure when even the supposed most pure parts speak the language most close to Latin. I don't understand how what you're saying proves these names are not of Germanic origin
>Hungarians still moved to Europe
>Arabs never moved to Egypt (otherwise it would be labelled Misr, not Keme[t])
>Not Türkiyurt
I'm joking on the later but this map isn't good.
Just because they speak a non-Indo-European language doesn't mean they are all non-Indo-Europeans.
Basques share the same blood as Indo-Europeans even if they speak a non-Indo-European langause, and are the ones with the highest R1b percentage.
Estrucans are probably ethnically Indo-Europeans even if they speak a non-Indo-Euopean language.
Germanic people for example, all Germanics are admixture of Indo-Europeans (both R1a and R1b) and Proto-Europeans (I1). Nordics (I1) lived in Northern Europe longer than the Indo-Europeans started to settle here.
Nordics, Balkans and Sardinians are the closest thing to the old Europeans (all of them have I haplogroup).
> Source : my ass
It also says that a replacement of turkic (and others, but for those is correct) peoples by indo-europeans happened.
It does, it literally was a Vandal King that had this name
>So? Vandals ruled over all the island. The villages in the mountains weren't spared. The delusions is this island is thinking it's pure when even the supposed most pure parts speak the language most close to Latin. I don't understand how what you're saying proves these names are not of Germanic origin
No one is saying the island is pure, I'm saying the names I have listed are all Pre-Germanic, and that there was a revival of the local element, you clearly know nothing about the topic and just can't let it go that you've lost the argument.
>Vandals ruled over all the island.
No one denied this though, strawman argument.
>I don't understand how what you're saying proves these names are not of Germanic origin
Do I have to post this for the fourth time in a row? Almost all of the names I have listed have been found in Pre-Vandal epigraphs that are considered to be local by archaeologists and paleographers, such as Torbenius/Torvenius or Urseccur/Orzocco, names which were all used by the same dynasty:
Gonnario is not a vandal name and was used by a member of a local dynasty whose ancestors all used either local names like Orzocco, Torbeno or Ithocor, or Greek names like Costantino, why would they all of a sudden use a Germanic name, that is never documented among the Vandals or anywhere near Sardinia including all of Italy and Spain?
I was clearly talking about the 8th-13th century, not the Vandal period, do you lack reading comprehension?
Fucking retard, no, they didnt. If you are talking about turkey and hungaria - you are closer but its 1000 years not 500
Yes we're talking about the middle ages which started in the 5th century and lasted up to the 15th.
I was referring to that specific time frame as i have remarked several times, not the time of the Vandal conquest, 5th-6th century, when there clearly were Vandals living there
In ancient times, things like language, religion and culture were inherently tied into race. Indo-Europeans brought their languages obviously, but also their religion and customs. Same for the Early Neolithic Farmers.
A human being as a blank slate in which different modalities can be poured into, is a very modern conception. I'm not saying it's better or worse, merely saying that pointing out the connection between language and race in a smug manner is stupid when we're dealing with historical peoples.
Shut up aborigine.
>displaced turkic peoples
Other way around you fucking retard.
Anatolia Should be Hatti, not turdish
Is anything even known about the languages of pre-indo-european europe?
sometimes this board is really educational
They were indo niggers too
Weaponized autism + cringe. Post cock
The Basque people still speak a pre-indo-european language.
sorry but you are still an aryan and for this you must be removed
Im talking about Hatti, not Hittites