A biolemoncello general
Eyyyy, it's Tony Simpanero
Here they are
The final dozen
toil is my only social interaction. now it's furloughed indefinitely i fear for my mental health.
i lost my job a week back
i spent the entire day posting on Yas Forums, like literally from the time i woke up (11:30) to now with breaks to eat and shit
i feel depressed, restless but also lethargic
how the fuck do neets do this?
Another victory for Juche.
based botswana
Are people with drug addictions just fucked now?
is it me you're looking for?
might be time to meet up with the ol' 'sins in the 'swana
like prisoners, eventually you get conditioned to the point it's extremely difficult to ever go back to the outside world.
went out to get some supplies and saw a group of young asians hanging around. when will police patrols round them up?
Does anyone feel uneasy about the government forcing people of colour to stay at home? I know there’s a global pandemic and it’s sadly necessary but I don’t know, it just seems wrong.
will nonce hunters still be noncehunting if we are on a lockdown?
Why does he feel the need to tell non infected people to stay home? He is the one with the virus, not his twitter followers
the gf is really horny and wants to fuck all day just because we're both at home
I have work to do (remotely) and shit's tiring
we've done it like four times a day since Thursday when I started working from home
Bloody hell you swifty ninja bastard.
Why is everyone using corona as an excuse for their bad cooking? You can turn many frozen ingredients into delicious meals, most of the ingredients are frozen in the restaurant I work at.
Also seasoning lasts for years if stored properly, no excuse for beans on toast
watched 5 seasons of Catastrophe last night
Sharon Horgan would get it
Nobody would even be able to keep track of corona in fucking south sudan. Yemen is also a bloody warzone, not much to protect there.
wasn't worth redditspacing in the last thread either
Uganda be kidding me!
1.7 billion people under corona lockdown
No inquiring was made
playing more vidya
I dont know how to cook, usually i just call for takeaway or uber
Feels a bit sinister to me
There was only crunchy peanut butter left at Waitrose, all the smooth stuff was sold out.
Bit miffed but at least this proves the majority of people have good taste.
normoids disgust me
god I love rice bints, so tight and wet
much better than white women
thank god for the the Taiping Rebellion
Because at least half of the population is legitimately stupid.
Any good ones?
How come Israel only has 1 recorded death? something doesn't add up
Crunchy is the superior peanut butter and this only reinforces my view that the british public have awful taste in just about everything
NHS sent me a text saying to stay at home and that i may receive more detailed advice regarding my health condition soon
i didnt know i had a health condition
How can you eat smooth peanut butter
different methdologies
old data
there can be many reasons
Be careful you don't put her too close to the heater, she'll melt.
All those genetic abnormalities from inbreeding gave them a natural immunity
micro penis
Schizophrenia is not a disease that happens to a few people - it is the normal state of humanity. Everybody is divided, split. You can watch it in your own life. When you are not with a woman, with a man, not in love, you think, you fantasize about love. Love seems to be the goal. That seems to be the very meaning of life. When you are with a woman or with a man and in love, suddenly you start thinking in terms of spiritualism: "This is attachment, this is possessiveness, this is lust." A condemnation arises.
You cannot be alone and you cannot be with somebody. If you are alone you hanker for the crowd, for the other. If you are with somebody you start hankering to be alone.
This is something to be understood, because everybody has to face this problem. You are born in a schizophrenic world. You have been given double standards; you have been taught materialism and you have been taught spiritualism, together. The whole society goes on teaching you contradictory things.
nah I only like rubbish games mate
Greater New Zealand
its the phimo lad
any 'rona on the chatham islands?
Big nose more efficient at filtering the virus
>tfw no southern ex-military gf with fake tits
god why can't you let me be happy?
peanut butter jelly peanut butter jelly wayat wayat wayat wayat now daygo daygo daygo daygo peanut butter jelly peanut butter jelly peanut butter jelly peanut butter jelly peanut butter jelly
The nature of the mind is dialectical, it is opposed to itself. On each and every point, mind is never unanimous - it cannot be. By its very nature it is always divided, a house divided against itself. So on the one hand it will say one thing, on the other hand it will say just its opposite. And this is how mind creates tension, this is how mind creates anxiety, this is how mind creates anguish. You cannot do anything. If you do one thing the other part says, "What are you doing? You will become a misfit." If you listen to this part, thinking that "I don't want to be unfit, I am not ready to be crucified or to be poisoned or to be stoned to death," then the other part says, "You are not man enough. You are a coward." You can neither go this way nor you can go that way. You are always on the crossroads, and the mind says all kinds of things.
Javert was a lovely man. A real upstanding citizen
don't think so
took this photo whilst walking in the lakes in january
meant to post this.. dunno how the ginger bint got in there
>nose piercing
which degenerate culture is to blame for claiming this could be attractive to anyone?
We know you told us yesterday
TikTok rappers are nonces
Only 78 new cases in China
Round of applause for them
hat that fucking chancer
low test
love nose piercings me
*feeds you a carrot*
It is simple that you have presented only two sides; mind can say many things contradicting each other, and supporting each with reasoning. That's how people go mad. Mind is the ground of madness, where madness grows. It is where one becomes schizophrenic. For example your question can create schizophrenia in you - whatever you do will be wrong because the other part will go on teasing you, "Listen. You are going wrong. You will become unfit. Then don't tell me that I did not warn you, I told you everything beforehand. Don't be stupid. Come back!" If you go back, the other part starts saying, "So after all you are a coward, no guts, afraid of being a misfit. Then what is the point of your living? If you cannot even search the truth of your own being, what is the point of your living?" This is the situation of the mind about every question.
and what a singing voice
chur to them
Its awful
like the look of that bridge
do you mind if i save this image?
Never understand why states like North Korea go down this ridiculous route that obviously isn't true, at least underplay the figures or something.
Makes no sense to me why they pretend everything's fine.
>he got the gimpy part of antarctica
deary me
I wonder if people actually know what exponential growth is
This, is Devon Island.
The largest uninhabited island on earth.
The size of Croatia it is.
It's frequently used by space agencies for rover testing because apparently the terrain is extremely similar to Mars's for some reason.
Ah yes the mystic sex pest with 93 rolls royces
Remember when Osho's followers tried to spread salmonella?
save it, its all yours my friend :)
Got some smoked salmon in the fridge
>Mcdonald islands
why arent those ours?!
It's just ice, we have polynesia
It took 67 days from the first reported case to reach the first 100,000 cases, 11 days for the second 100,000 cases and just 4 days for the third 100,000 cases."
Well hello uninfected... you must be Harvey’s sneeze. And you are uninfected. You look nervous, is it the cough? You wanna know how I got it? Come here. Hey. Look at me. [He pulls her close so that he’s breathing into her face] So I had a wife... she was unifected, like you. Who tells me I travel too much. Who tells me I oughta wash my hands more. Who trades and gets in deep with the DOW. One day it scars her lung tissue. We have no money for a respirator. She can’t take it. I just want to see her breath evenly again. Hmm? I just want her to know that I don’t care about the coughs. So... I stick bat soup in my mouth... and do this... [he mimes drinking an entire bowl] to myself... and you know what? She can’t stand the sound of me! She leaves... now I see the funny side. Now I’m always coughing.
You don’t have to be smart to know how to cook, most of the chefs I know failed school and can’t even do their times tables
we're fucked
Italy’s cases are slowly starting to die down as well.
Because of this post I looked up Novaya Zemlya and found out 2,000 people actually live there
o dani boi
Probably because the Middle East hasn’t been hit hard and Israel have a strong border, hardly a conspiracy
I don't really like this scare tactic desu.
That is true and obviously it's accelerating, but a lot more places are testing, people are HYPER aware of it now compared to 67 days ago, everything like that.
Sure the cases have rocketed but it would seem much worse.
The same culture that started piercing ears and slippery sloped to where we are now.
Mum told me that when she got her ears pierced as a wee girl in the 60's her Grandmother was furious and said "why did you mutilate your ears like this?".
How many chefs do you know
just googled it and to my disappointment there is (most likely) not a mcdonalds on the island
yes lads
What's the first thing you're gonna do when normality comes back lads?
Yeah because everyone's dead already
They also have 1656 reported cases of contamination, making their fatality rate impossibly low
Terrified of this virus
Will we be ok?
Reckon Rishi Sunak will give free gibs to the recently unemployed too? Feels like I'm the only bloody one who's getting fuck all in the way of government handouts desu, why couldn't he have just done a universal basic income for the time being instead?
thats what you get for doubting me
It's not even scientists living there as you'd expect - actual indigenous people living there WILLINGLY.
Wonder if they mind the nuclear fucking bombs.
Devon mentioned. very based
No. You'll probably be fine if you're not obese but old people are gonna start dropping like flies
its a very pictureque and interesting part of the lakes, hardknott fort ("mediobogdum" roman fort) is very near where that pic was taken
most of the recent victims are between 20-40
how old are you?
It'll be fine, it's literally nothing
remember to sign on for universal credit
figuratively have sex
go to a rave and do copious amounts of drugs
30 haha
Things I will be reading about during my indefinite period off work:
Founding fathers of South America - Bolivar, San Martin, O Higgins etc
The voyages of Captain Cook
The British colonisation of North America
Mutiny on the Bounty and Pitcairn
The history of the city of Washington DC
Finnegans Wake
The military doctrine of Singapore
China is starting to reopen their movie theaters lads.
absolutely mad that there's still prozzies working in times like this
salute to the troops
Smack bang in the middle ahah
I'd get fuck all with UC, £75p/w
You're already dead m8 sorry
plus the christmas bonus
knew that 10 years ago
aha this needs updating with the pound in freefall
>how dare you answer a question have sex incel
What's the bonus?
Computer is kaput so dont have any bradleys at hand but
>one-off tax-free £10 payment
wish there was cool stuff like that here
why are there so many boomers on /brit/
moving to Belushya Guba
I'm expecting to either see rozzers on horseback outside, or groups of people enjoying the sunshine unabated
uganda be kidding me
lads I dont like hard liquor very much
I have an old bottle of cognac I stole from a house party before all this
whats the best thing to mix it with?
apparently if the public dont respect the new strict sanctions that permit us an hours exercise then the next stage is to put us in complete lockdown which means you'll face arrest and a fine of up to £2000 for being caught outside lmao
like pissing in the wind innit
my eyes aren't what they used to be
can't keep up with the other boards anymore