I just found a picture of my brother's birthday from 2002. A fucking carpet on the wall and bootleg t-shirts. Almost all of them are now either in Poland or Germany.
I just found a picture of my brother's birthday from 2002. A fucking carpet on the wall and bootleg t-shirts...
pretty sad
Iktf, but not quite.
I moved multiple times all throughout the world.
But by never really making friends it doesn't sting as much. I am rootless.
Have you found new friends?
I have never had a birthday party
Good, birthday are haram and a closer step to the grave, they shouldn't be celebrated.
That's a good memory to have.
Seems like they had fun.
The last time I had a birthday party was 23 years ago when I was 7
no friends or poor or both?
wait, people emigrate to Poland
>A fucking carpet on the wall
Why slavs do this?
iirc there are several million ukrainians working in Poland as some sort of guest workers. They do simple, menial jobs there which poles dont do anymore because they themselves moved to western europe to do simple, menial jobs there.
keep warm
who emigrates to ukraine then
slavs are so ugly
that on on the right looks like a literal monkey
russian soldiers
Bosting pic from birthday
which are you?
Middle under the hand
Most people don’t make friends with locals desu
I'm still in Ukraine but my brother made plenty of friends in Germany because he is not a shut in autist like me.
Shut the fuck up muslim-gayrman, your place in mosque, internet is too much homophob and haram for you, piece of shit.
Me circa 2008
Honestly, he was bullied for his looks a lot.
Interesting why haven't you left op?
Mirin that jawline, are you still a Chad?
I don't have any work experience yet to move out
I'm ugly
Here have an alien drawing, hopefully all works out for you
Not the hot one
Left is now a model
You can be ugly and be a chad
Yeah i wanted to comment on her cocksucking lips but for some reason people might think that would be pedro.
All the kids ITT look fucking miserable
that hand looks like its about to flip someone off
me and my brother, i was like 4 or under in this pic
Last digit of the first reply to this post will be the pic I will post
If 9 or 0 I don't post
What are you holding in your hand?
where are you from originally and how long are you in Germany now? How do you like it in Germany and do you plan to stay here?
some kind of toy, i don't remember
a house of some sort
Many such cases.
Last digit 1, posting pic #1
How is it going with the chink flu? Also 6 would be nice.
Looks like my birthday parties just more brown. Goes to show how similar humans are despite all the shit flinging
That's Yas Forums tier
Me when i was like 10
do you get off to people looking at your pictures or something? I see you post pictures of yourself an awful lot
Are Ukranians the Central Americans of Europe?
Looks like is slowing down, she should see the effect of the lockdown in the next days
Likely +300 deaths per day for a week or two
Hot climate in the next months should help too
I imagine myself surrounded by Yas Forums users and they seem kind and friendly then their arms turn into tentacles just like in my hentai
Tag: female:lolicon, male:monster, male:muscle, female:double+penetration, female:all+the+way+through, misc:group, female:stomach+deformation, female:inflation, male:tentacles, male:big+penis, female:rape, female:anal, female:mind+break, male:bbm, female:ahegao, female:cervix+penetration, female:impregnation, language:finnish, male:dilf, female:urethra+insertion, female:gaping, female:double+blowjob, female:prolapse, female:squirting, female:nipple+fuck, female:sweating, female:x-ray, female:navel+fuck, female:double+vaginal, female:double+anal, female:ear+fuck, male:huge+penis
>Hot climate in the next months should help too
I've heard this as well but considering Australia has 2k+ cases now i'm not entirely convinced.
But i'm glad its likely is over its peak in pastaland.
>false hope: zero proof it will disappear in summer
oh boy
Hot climate in Spain didn't help
Spain is still sub 20° it's early spring.
Keep warm from the steppe wind
>zero proof it will disappear in summer
It's a new virus that we never saw in summer, how can you have proofs?
It's just a theory based on how other virus act
But the wall does that
noise damping in commy blocks and somewhat better insulation
> ginnatsichefag pure su Yas Forums
dio cano
Torna su NC ameba
>noise damping
That would work if you put carpet everywhere, not only on a tiny part of the wall
i mean more of transferring it to you neigbours and less about acoustics
but i'm just guessing lmao
Slavs are not so sophisticated, it's probably just to cover the holes in the wall