Why are you still going outside?

Why are you still going outside?

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that's fascism

>we will let the country die so its citizens can live

Yeah, complete collapse of economy won't cause even more deaths and casualties

Bruh I don't think that's a real thing Conte said

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at worst they can start handing food stamps and rebuild from scratch in a more self-sufficient manner, at this point a new great depression is awaiting the entire world regardless of what their individual countries do as a result of globalisation

Ffs, why in my prime age

they better get rid of useless elders first

thank god that italy has russia, you will definitely help them with billions of billions of € right?

Nah bro he never said it
This pic is faker than a 3€ coin

i am relieved then

so no collapse of italian economy?

no that's going to happen

the virus is doing it for them

same for german economy

>I'd rather die than give up on social life

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still wont wear a mask lololololloloollol

>Going from first world to Botswana tier in a single year just because you want to save a bitch of old people who will die this decade anyway

There is propaganda being spread all around. A lot of it is trying to weaken Italy and its response to the virus by spreading misinformation and a lot of it is trying to weaken the EU and break it up. People should be aware of this.

daily reminder that russian shilling, chinese blameshifting and american coping is in FULL EFFECT
DO NOT believe anything about italy written in english, italians DO NOT speak english

>a lot of it is trying to weaken the EU and break it up.
One can only hope fuck the EU it dying is the only hope for the individual nations to survive

>ussian shilling, chinese blameshifting and american coping is in FULL EFFECT
>DO NOT believe anything about italy written in english, italians DO NOT speak english
I know. We've been getting a lot of propaganda too.

I live in this shitty socialist country. Please save me from this retarded fags. God I hate so much this horrible communist fags-filled country

Just went out after a week home to buy ingredients for cooking. Wearing mask of course. Thankfully in Greece the situation is controllable.

seething europhile

Cause I need to activate. When I dont go outside someday, then my digest system do sabotage and I should sit in the toilet over 30 minutes. So I wear mask and go outside to exercise almost everyday

I am very calm and relaxed and yes, i do like Europe.

I do like European people not European politicians. They destroy Europe.

How true is this?

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Are you the debt shitposter who is still assblasted about your government getting you in that debt situation? Surely by now you'd know that it was you own politicians that got you in that hole.

I'm worrying about mr Ming...

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You confused my Bulgarian friend

It's all Germany's fault they're intentionally draining the south, shutting down it's industries and placing devastating predatory LOANS in their weakest moment, the EU has done nothing but enrich and empower Germany it should simply be Germany apologising for it's time as Nazis, stay as a trade union instead of trying to make it a country with it's "ever closer union" and it should ultimately aim to cripple germany drain it's money to the rest of Europe especially getting each nation particularily the mediteranean nations strong with their industries back to the fullest and the ability to rival germany at it's peak all individually

Germany (not the people but the banks and the state) has made Billions by lending money. You could say the crisis is a good investment.

Nice propaganda there. Now ask yourselves were those governments forced to take those loans or they took them to enrich themselves. The Greek government is mostly at fault. Bankers are bankers, welcome to the real world.

>Shitaly collapses

but italies already peaked, the cases and deaths have been decreasing for days now

what economy? lmao

He never said that
Why are we a target of so much foreign propaganda lately?

>i will die for my country and my country will do the same for me

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Yes and then the eu will seize all your public assets and rob you off all your deposits.
What a dumbass. Such statements cause panic and bank run.
Obviously they want this to happen as they betrayed their own country for the eu

As this post saysDont believe anything thats posted in another language

A based post from a ...BULGAR? wtf did I slip into a corona-based coma and this is all a dream?

他妈的, 我们被抓住了

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This, a full propaganda campaign is in effect as we speak. Question everything

He can't even get it right about difference between the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister, I won't even comment on the rest of the bullshit that follows afterwards.


Pure eu propaganda. The eu condoned such loans. They themselves believed that this was the way for the members to converge financially. Of course it was their banks who made those loans and profited. But when their corrupt and failed banks destroyed the global economy in 2008 we got all the blame.
Don't speak half truths and lies eubot.
DEATH TO THE e""""u""""

we have the whole world's eyes on us, it's like we're living in the future of every other western country

> Piero
> sends every 5 seconds Corona memes on watsapp

That's 40% of my day right there

I am so damn tired of this meme flu. At what price do we pay to slightly prolong the life of old people who are going to die soon anyway?

Cool, can't wait for all the qt Italian boys coming over here to work :3c

I don't speak italian, what's happening there bro? is it getting better?

I thought we were too irrelevant to be a target of such a campaign but I was wrong
Also I never noticed how much the M5S was shilling for China before, truly sickening

berlin last friday

what do you think?

Meanwhile life's completely normal in Sweden. And our infections are decreasing.

But what will you blame for your failings when the EU is gone? China?

Good but Sweden still has 4 times more infections per capita than UK.

imagining valuing wageslavery over your health and the health of your loved ones

we might be starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, we've registered the first sustained decrease in daily new cases and deaths of the epidemic, but it's way too early to celebrate
even if it was getting better, we're still a long way from having more recovered than new cases and thousands more will die

we're way more relevant than we realize
we're the 8th biggest economy in the world but we have a very unhappy population and weak government (not just Conte, everything from Berlusconi onwards has been clown town)
i wouldn't be surprised if M5S were found to be in China's pocket like Salvini is in Putin's

None, China doesn't force their agenda on people on threat of being kicked out while EU forced homosexual legality upon Ireland and pushes tons of propaganda on Ireland in an attempt to destroy and demoralise us as a nation to accept and celebrate our existence as a german province of germany/germany's fourth reich and forced usage of the Reichsmark, er I mean Euro

>i wouldn't be surprised if M5S were found to be in China's pocket like Salvini is in Putin's
They 100% are

>China doesn't force their agenda on people

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I take fourth reich