

Attached: corona.jpg (423x328, 19.89K)

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literally crying

bacon and egg roll down the gullet

where's my money at

i will rape jason and throw a flaming bag of feces at his house. i am not an addict.

Emma wants YOU to practice social distancing lads.

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cheer up x

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would if i could

wow she really hates men

you could be dehydrated, have a glass of water

this is your website aint it

what pornographic film is this from?

prefer goon me



I think the bacon and egg roll was a good sendoff to the last eggs im going to see for a while

old news

*Open the HTML*
*It's full of comments about sniffing Emma's bicycle seat*

what's wrong mate

I second this fine request

anyone else extremely bothered by the phrase 'my truth?'
The 'truth' is objective by definition - 'my' truth is just a lazy and egotistical way to make your opinion seem more valid

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She is Aj applegate

smelled a fanny for the first time and it didn't really smell like anything, wtf bros i thought it was supposed to be fishy

Schizo habite avec sa mère

I am now

good lad

no gf
mentally ill
life in the toilet
but wait! theres more! aha

ah yes "lockdown"

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do all aussies have AC in their house?


fake fanny. made of plastic m'fren.

just get the attempted murder of emma watson out the way so i dont have to keep seeing this shit every fucking time i come here

no gf can be a blessing mate, you absolutely do not need a missus
sorry to hear about everything else mate hope things can be improved

give us some sauerkraut and ill tell you

are you sure? i happen to know aj applegate quite well and this doesn't look much like her

you might have the rona', loss of smell is common

London is grim. Seal it off from the rest of the country now before they give their corona to us

wow die mit der brille sieht schon geil aus

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Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-24 int - brit - International - 4chan.png (280x358, 211.21K)

Then I don't know

not emmayank but im genuinely giggling at this post

is this actually what it's like on trains

most do
you need it

>the community of organisms that live in the vagina.
god i wish that were me

Here it is


Attached: 1.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

I don't, I just have a high spec pedestal fan and it seems to do the job as long as I stay in the airstream and stay in the nud.

gross. hate anal sex me

tis her

big fan of this gimmick
there we are, us, the girls

have AC and evaporating cooling throughout the house

please say this is a porno

so my friend said that aussies are very outdoorsy and would go insane in case of lockdown
is that true?

haha, let's spend absurd sums of money on drinks that don't taste particularly good and that have a high caloric content. yippee

Shit, Bluey's on

no they’re even fatter than brits

yeah the sheilas!

Attached: 5.webm (1280x720, 2.26M)

have sex

>counting calories on a nightout
do aussies?

mate of mine has been unironically DMing riley reid

holy shit, m8, you need to have sex

everyone's fucking dying of corona what the hell is going on. it's definitely not just a flu

The plan in America literally is to draw the outbreak as long as possible so hospitals aren’t overwhelmed and we can control it so boomers don’t die

We just need to infect everyone all at once and get it over with, i fucking hate boomers, once again they ruin everything. I want this virus to kill every single boomer.

we treat patients from alsace

They're not supposed to be fishy but theydo have a unique smell.

It's an absolutely average/ not attractive smell but because my brain associates it with sex it still makes me rock hard


mates of mine have been unironically DPing riley reid

me on the right getting a handjob just out of frame

it looks like purchasable stock footage

So how many of you has toilberg sent home?

Attached: Ass Bomb.webm (620x350, 2.86M)

what the fuck is a postfeminist

thank you based hans. you can take alsace back

you should confiscate their land as payment

tell me more tell me more, did he get very far?

must be nice to sit there and let her renters pay for everything while feeling morally superior. A true Brit's Brit.

never used to like fig rolls but they're lush


do you reckon rachel riley and riley reid are aware of eachothers existant

in times like this europeans have to stick together.

why did you wake up this morning?

Toiling from my couch

just sort of happened, didn't mean to

god I love feet me

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We voted brexit fuck off.

been up all night actually

It getting sunny and warm is going to test people's patience with lockdown UK

have to toil from home now. and toilberg wants me to send him an email before 8.30am so he knows im awake