What happens here, and why it's not danish clay

What happens here, and why it's not danish clay

Attached: IMG_20200324_090023.jpg (600x644, 132.01K)

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>What happens here
mind your own business
>and why it's not danish clay
because they have voted long time ago that they don't want to be a part of shitmark

The Jutland peninsula has always been barren and poor.

It should be Danish. The Danish natural borders go until the Kiel Canal.

My ancestors ;)

> Canal
> natural border

learn to read

How culturally different are Danes and Germans?

Eider, Treene and Dannevirke*

Attached: 800px-Dannevirke.english.png (800x801, 705.39K)

Just like you and Latvija

like swine and cattle

dont ever open your mouth about europe ever again you retarded fucking faggot


A lots of homosex and it was Denmark before.

Back in 1920 we were offered to get Slesvig and Holstein back, but we did not want to push our luck after getting our ass kicked royally in 1864 by the germans over the same land.. So we took the easy way and let the local vote where they wanted to belong, thus the border looks like this

Because it's rightfully German with Germans living there and only a minority of Danish

No such thing as natural borders

Germans wanting to be part of Germany, who would've guessed?

Danes are North Germanic, Germans are West Germanic
Danes are closer to Swedes and Germans are closer to the Dutch

My ancestors :)

no such thing you should have been totally dismantled after 1945 Nazi scum

Attached: Europe_without_Germany.png (1000x776, 1.49M)

And look where that appeasement got you, invaded and annexed again in less than 20 years. Never trust Germans.

Half of Slesvig chose to be danish, and there is still to this Day danish speaking colleges, schools, and large minority in Slesvig-Holstein

Attached: denmark.png (496x195, 8.82K)

it is saxon, the original homeland of frisians.

Basically Bismark meme'd on the entire world when the Danish King died and the Danes decided to go into against an intl agreement signed in 1851 which stated that schleswig hosltein would remain an independent duchy

The Danes genuinely thought they could stalemate Austria and Prussia and paid for their arrogance and then Fredrick IX - defeated and humiliated - begged to be part of the german Confederation but wilhelm I and Bismarck said no lmao

>why it's not danish clay


Attached: bismarck.jpg (940x528, 116.33K)

>Never trust Germans.

This is a lie.

ALWAYS trust Germans. For a better world -- for a better tomorrow.

>How culturally different are Danes and Germans?

Germans are the original Danes.

German populations would now politically and economically dominate all of these countries if that had happened.
That realisation is the only reason it didn't.

>Half of Slesvig chose to be danish
That is true, I assume they were majority Danish so it's only fair
>large minority
75000 out of a total of almost 2.9 million is not very large though. I guess you could've legitimately gotten more of the northern areas like Flensburg back then, but now it's too late.

I don't find it completely unreasonable to assume that Netherlands would have been assimilated by the Germans, thus becoming a minority in their own country.


why is that not austrian clay?

Attached: South_Tyrol_in_Italy.svg.png (1200x1508, 378.63K)

I wish Germany would have taken more of Denmark. Denmark should be limited to Copenhagen only

why is Austria not german clay?

that is the true question, mainly because they got brainwashed to not be german after ww2 by the amerimutts

honestly though, would you really want them at this point?

Germany should be Austrian clay, Prussians had their chance, now its time for the south to run things.

More so they brainwashed themselves so they dont look like ebil nazis and stay a unified nation

Isn't there a small German minority in North Schleswig as well?

Yes but they arrived much later

The south had hundreds of years in control and all they did was get btfo by french and turks for 90 percent of the time

Sure. Germany is a federation of german countries, they are german countries so we would welcome them.
I don't really see why they would want to though, as long as the EU still exists at least.

Oh yea and then after the south stopped the turks then the prussians came in and btfo you

Freedom for South Tyrol!
Proper white people being ruled over my Moors.


Attached: south-tyrol[1].png (467x304, 299.64K)


friesland is home of the frisians


Germans are good people

Stockholm syndrome?


The source of the Anglo parasite......

>Italian education

>why it's not danish clay

Because Italians are backstabbing cunts with no semblance of honor or duty that are willing to fuck over the world for a shitty piece of territory

They absolutely deserve whats happening to them right now

Yes German people must be united

I wish germany took more of it.

I wish denmark ceased to exist.

anglos > g*rman > latin > chinese > indian


How is life down there? How fucked are you guys in case of a serious outbreak? You're right next to South Africa, which will probably be one of the hardest hit regions in Africa, you should close the borders if you havent already.

And tell about the germans and german influence in your country, is it still prevalent? Are you ethnically german?

Südafrika geht ab dem 26. in einen kompletten lock down von daher...

Und ja die Südwester halten sich

the question of danes was answered with blood and steel a very long time ago, a better question is why south tirol is still italian

Not much happens there, and even Danes prefer it NOT to be Danish clay. After all, it's where they drive to buy beer, which is heavily overtaxed in Denmark and cheap and affordable in Germany.

excellent seen
nothing like a proper prussian ura wave

Gut zu hören. Du bist der erste deutsche Namibier dem ich auf Yas Forums begegne, hätte nicht gedacht dass es euch hier gibt.

Was ist deine Meinung von Deutschland? Warst du schonmal hier?

Constant fucking rain and wind, almost no sun and just fuck this place.

why not change the scenery? trapped by work?

The funniest part is that despite being one of the bad guys, italy after WW2 experienced a economic and quality of life boom that lasted until the 60s and made it the country that is today, while the only thing that Poland, one of the poor victims of the war, experienced was the gynormicous girth of soviet cock ravaging his tiny asshole for 40 long years. Kinda funny how the world goes yep