Do Americans really...?
Do Americans really...?
One trump supporter gone.
Nothing of value was lost
I hope Alex Jones starts selling chloroquine on his web store.
is this an over the counter drug?
just how much did they injest?
Based Trump cleansing the boomer menace
this but unironically
Trump is the only world leader actually fighting the virus. He has to. Otherwise communism would win.
No, they're by prescription only. They probably bought them from dark web or an illegal online pharmacy.
>The elderly man died after taking chloroquine phosphate, an additive used to clean fish tanks.
Nigga took an entirely different compound from what Trump recommended lmao
Kinos about a President killing their own citizens?
It's used for cleaning aquariums, these retards probably bought it from a pet store
>some retard self medicates and dies
>this is somehow President Trump's fault
Trump's a retard but somehow it always seems to me like his detractors are always determined to beat him in a race to the bottom
Elderly people are pretty much the only demo that still likes Trump.
>take pills without doctors approval
his base is retarded old boomers who take everything he takes as gospel. The more of them who kill themselves, the better
They have been proven quite effective
>He took the fish tank version
Korea's been using this to help with Corona, we just stole the idea.
post the whole story leaf, it's too good
something that isn't mentioned is that chloroquine phosphate is fish tank cleaner not intended for human consumption. It's chemically different from the drug lmao
Based tree.
>1 tbs
>President of the US say something pointless retarded
>his horde of swine lap it up and do as he says
>Someone dies
How is it not his fault? Why should people not listen to the literal head of state during an emergency?
>ingest random chemicals from your pantry to cure disease you don't have on the advice of someone who has never seen you in his life, has no background in medicine and is just using technical terms to sound smart
>"Don't believe anything the President says :("
honestly those retards have nobody to blame but themselves
>mixed 1 tsp w soda
Dumb fat boomies
>Why should people not listen to the literal head of state during an emergency?
because all he said was this new drug was a "game changer" and never told anyone to start eating random chemicals? Also because he's not a fucking doctor?
Mutts are all going to die.
>1 fucking tsp
What the hell were they thinking?
Setting aside the retardation in ingesting something just because someone on tv told you to, a tablespoon is like 10-15 grams right? Surely something must have made them think “wow maybe this is too much to take in at once, aren’t painkillers like 500mg each”, right?
I thought (ashkenazi) jews were supposed to be smart?
He's a retard. His dad had to donate millions to Harvard to get him in.
They are...this is all part of his game.
>stupid people do stupid thing
Wow, its not even the same compound that Trump mentioned either.
What was even the point of his tweet? We all know his followers are a bunch of low-IQ baboons. If he said you needed H2O to live I'm sure one of his followers would ingest hydrogen peroxide because that's the next best thing they could find.
>believing average americans are able of independent thought and critical thinking
oh nonononononono
You have no idea how stupid mutt boomers (trump's diehard supporters) are.
>How is it not his fault?
Because they ingested a different chemical. The corporate media intentionally phrased the title of the article to mislead readers. Seriously read the damn article, those people died consuming a fucking aquarium cleaner because it SOUNDED like the chemical Trump was talking about. Our corporate is so vindictive it will mislead the public in the middle of a pandemic as a way to score against Trump.
holy based
What exactly was the substance in the cleaner? Regardless, the therapeutic window of chloroquine is very small (the amount that kills is not much more than the minimum required to be ingested for it to help with illness) and should not be administered without medical staff standing by.
Looked it up, and the substance in the aquarium cleaner is chloroquine phosphate, the same substance as the malaria drug.
Why are you asking this? The guy who took this is an American.
Honey it's 4pm, time for your 1tsp dose of aquarium cleaner.
While it's astounding she and her husband made it this far without being told "Don't ingest strange chemicals you find under your kitchen sink", I'm curious how they landed on 1tsp as the proper dosage.
Most elderly white people in muttistan see Trump as a sort of demigod. If he says that they should consume a chemical then they most definitely will consider it.
Better make it 5 tablespoon, God Emperor Trump said this stuff really works!
>just eating random chemicals in your house because the man on the tv said something vaguely similar
Is trump getting elected with all of these white boomers dying ?
He's not lol
>half of your voter base dies from coronavirus
>the other half of your voter base dies from eating aquarium cleaner you told them would keep them safe from coronavirus
yes honey
Americans are so stupid during the Vietnam War they had to lower the recruiting standards to allow mentally challenged people to serve, because in a country of 300million people they couldn't find enough non-retards to fill the ranks
that's the kind of people we're talking about here
>I was in the pantry stacking dog food and I just saw it sitting in the back sheld and thought, 'Hey, isn't that the stuff they're talking about on TV?'
The issue is that the people most likely to die of the virus and the ones ingesting aquarium cleaner are all Trump voters. You'd think Trump would have tried to keep his voter base safer than that.
Right-wing media more or less told their readers to stock up on aquarium cleaners
If you watched Trump's presser from a few days ago, it's even more maddening.
He told American citizens that this stuff was safe to ingest despite not even having clinical trials or being FDA approved. Then he steps off the podium and the media ask Biden and White House medical correspondents if hydroxychloroquine is actually say and they say they have no idea since it hasn't been tested. When asked if they disagreed with Trump, they said "we didn't say that" and that it just isn't tested. It's like they can't even say they don't agree with Trump's statement on that the medication isn't safe for those who do not have Malaria.
>“And I said, ‘Look, I don’t know if I’m going to make it until the morning,’ because at that point I really thought I was coming to the end because I couldn’t breathe anymore,” Giardinieri continued.
“He agreed and authorized the use of it and 30 minutes later the nurse gave it to me.”
After about an hour after taking the pills, Giardinieri said, it felt like his heart was beating out of his chest and, about two hours later, he had another episode where he couldn’t breathe.
He says he was given Benadryl and some other drugs and that when he woke up around 4:45 a.m., it was “like nothing ever happened.”
He’s since had no fever or pain and can breathe again. Giardinieri said doctors believe the episodes he experienced were not a reaction to the medicine but his body fighting off the virus.
I guess some do. It's truly ethereal stupidity.
I'm 100% in favour of dragging Trump out of the White House in chains, but this isn't on him. I cannot even fathom how stupid and subhuman you would have to be to just start ingesting random household chemicals because they sound similar to something used in a prescription medication discussed on TV. This is a level of dumbfuckery that isn't reasonable to blame on someone else. I can't believe these people even lived long enough to be this old.
>buy stocks of companies making the crap
>shill it to your senile father-in-law
>fuck his cowtit bimbo daughter
All part of keikaku
>I'm 100% in favour of dragging Trump out of the White House in chains
It's literally the same exact chemical, and the NY Post let all their MAGA readers know about that.
>random household chemicals
It's a pesticide and according to the reports it was the same chemical. Those boomers just took a tablespoon like it's a coughing syrup.