new's here
good lad
get fucked
Yep this is the one.
can't believe we have such an insipid obnoxious underage american in our midst
almost want to study him like a specimen in a zoo, fascinating little creatures
we're in here
Can all yanks please die a slow painful death
This won't be over in 4 weeks
Coming home
Pretty sure we're all in here. Take a lag, fatty.
cricket > hockey
>can't believe we have such an insipid obnoxious underage american in our midst
almost want to study him like a specimen in a zoo, fascinating little creatures
I’m severely depressed
>being a christcuck
on lockdown sub edition
>Take a lag
Will be working from home on less than 5 hours sleep when I wake up in the morning
Toilberg will be ringing me to make sure I'm awake and to receive regular updates
Yanks getting the filter until further notice.
its gonna be ok
toilberg should go fuck himself. you should be allowed to snort addies and watch porn while you work. your house, your rules.
gay arse bumming
someone remember to link my thread at the end I gotta go to the gym cheerio
>so donald trumpf
No, not Trump. Some hotels in Scotland were busted because they were owned by secret billionaires who aren't on any Forbes list. Their money is virtually untraceable, and they drive around in Ferraris and Italian cars, with us non the wiser.
I don’t think so
Is it grim to go to the pokies alone? I was going to go with my dad but I canceled my visit to him since the 'rona would literally kill him. Was looking forward to gambling :(
it’s going to be hard but you will get through this and things will get better eventually.
I've been waking up feeling exhausted at 1pm these past few days
Tomorrow will be a struggle having to get up before 10am
still don't know who that is.
having a go
get out of our thread -- please
haha mind if i have a go and all
Havent heard a car go by all day, it’s so eerie. I-I’m s-scared, bros.
Trying to think of my old Runescape login
sucking an n word ball
>get out of our thread -- please
I've heard about 5 go past in the past half an hour
ah yes, Australians
based inmates
Seems unlikely
Why contain it?
lost my first account because someone said if you type your password backwards it gets censored in asterisks
still don't know why I did it to this day, was one of my most vivid memories as a child
Simpler times.
What a subhuman
not sure what to do with all my neet wealth
might buy a car
I want to smell Emma Watson’s wonderful farts.
You can’t help but feel that the Antipodean people are a subspecies
morrissey is a shitstabbing faggot
Sometimes I impress even myself.
1488 is back on the menu, boys.
This made me LOL.
we need more yanks in here tbqh
no you don't
and no it's not on the menu
be quiet
Saw Yank doctor on the news explaining situation
>Hospital testing for coronavirus had limited test kits
>in order to save them they started testing for influenza instead
>idea being that if you test positive for influenza you get sent home and aren't given the coronavirus test
>you can have influenza and corona at the same time, but they are just gambling that's unlikely
>influenza test requires the same reagent as the coronavirus test
>they run out of the reagent
>hospital can now no longer test people for influenza or for coronavirus
Another case
>hospital does drive thru tests
>runs out of kits in 1 day
>gets new shipment
>now you get asked: have you been to China, Italy or Europe. If answer is no, you don't get the test.
>everyone answers yes
>tests run out in one day
ROFLcopter, so relatable! you sir, have won all of my internets, mind if I post this on my myspace page?