Is your country going back to work?
Has your country ended its lockdown?
Is your country going back to work?
Has your country ended its lockdown?
>lock down is gonna end
Finally. Do you know how gay this bs is? Cant do anything.
2 weeks from now and we'll see dead people on the street
ameriwagies go back in cagie
>my province's premier announced they're shutting down all non-essential businesses starting Wednesday
>they finally released the list of the types of businesses considered "essential"
>it includes literally almost any kind of store because of the vague descriptions
Well, if I'm going to die, at least it will be in good company.
Lebanon fag, I been talkin to one of you womenz, any words of wisdom for me?
Every time I think Trump has edged the democrats out and has all but assured his re-election he does stupid shit like this. Can't wait to see how the democrats fuck up to make the cycle continue.
Ontario is keeping LCBO open because people with alcoholism will die if they don't lmao
Clown world
based trump is going to kill biden and sanders with corona. kek.
8d chess
Trump isnt any safer
i don't even care anymore. we can cower at home and watch the economy really hit the bottom or pretend like nothing is happening and coof ourselves to death. pick your poison bro
he will become a martyr 10d chess
hehehe, yes he is
I'm an incel so I don't know.
Good luck I guess.
What province? Alberta?
he gets to live in a fortified bunker while sanders and biden have to make public appearances as part of their primaries.
US isn't going back to normal for at least a month.
The chinks have ruined everything.
Despite what trump thinks no we aren't.
Thanks man. Good luck to you too
>pick your poison bro
>my country's economy is equivant to my life
>close borders
>get praised for doing so by CDC
>economy starts to crash
>tries to calm people down, say things will go back to normal
Loving the current News Cycles tbqh
trump is actually fucked because he has no way out of this.
what good is my life if i'm penniless and forced to stay at home all the time. just take me already
Nah, I think Americans have finally realized that the media is completely full of shit, and will just ignore whatever opinion pieces they shit out.
I'm so glad they've grown up.
so you don't spread the infection and kill someone else. if you die, that's fine, but don't make it worse for the rest of us.
It's not borders to blame but dumb tourist, he didn't want to hurt the airline industry which should have been sacrificed to save the rest of the economy
you can be like third worlder and immigrate for work after all this is over
>t's not borders to blame but dumb tourist, he didn't want to hurt the airline industry
He cancelled flights from China at the first opportunity dummy, all the way back in January
You are mega retarded
i think you're overestimating the Americans
Probably, but I can hold out hope, right?
Fucking based. Alcohol is a necessity for life.
"Essential" here as well. Hopefully they give us medals
americans have realized this then forgotten this so many god damn times its insane. Face it aussie, we're 1984.
I pick staying in the comfort of my own home instead of working where I interact with hundreds of people everyday who have no concepts of basic manners and coof right into their hands
Based. I wish we had a Trump in charge.
>a Finn who wants to work
Nice, try, Sven.
based hypercapitalism
wish i lived in US, maybe Melania could help
essential chad here. n*n-essentialfags should be gassed. This is proof we do not need them
We still active. But have been prepping, just in case.
Lockdown only really started in any serious degree here yesterday and there's still shitloads of workers that haven't been stoppped yet; myself included.
But fuck it. I hope shitloads more people die and then after that I hope that the virus kills me, too.
>virus wipes out his voter base
>zoomers and millennials mad about being forced into work and getting sick
>doesn't get re-elected
Trump dominates the zoomer demographic though.
Love this man’s optimism, absolutely brilliant.
Sir! We’re sinking. Compartments 5 & 6 are flooded, down by 20 degrees to the stern. Our allies have already evacuated their ships, the divisional officers are sounding the evacuation. What is your order?
Engines full power! Every man to his post!
I don't know what's funnier the fact that this video exists or that people believe it
>Men, full speed towards the iceberg!!
Needs a Trump face shopped onto the captain.
You could probably go outside and see dead people now.
>The chinks have ruined everything.
Oh god no no no this is wrong think. It was America who started all of this! Either that or italy! maybe it was even the Iranians! But god forbid it wasn't China's fault.
>China made Trump reject test kits
Wow wtf China?
one of the easy and makeshift solution is to wear a mask but modern westerners are cunts so wouldnt do it
My retarded governor put everyone on a pseudo lock down
this would be a better image if it had sauce
masks are a placebo
If you have access to N95 masks, and you're really good about not touching your face, it does definitely help prevent getting the coronavirus.
So now he is pushing the Hydroxychloroquine hoax as a last straw and all the morons sing the same tune.
I wonder what happens when people realize they bought hot air once again and numbers just keep exponentially rising.
re-election outlook not so good...
>re-election outlook not so good...
le orange man would have to quite literally die to lose against the demented dem candidate.
Unless they're N95 they won't stop the spread and N95s are hard to come by right now.
I hope people buy into the hydroxy hype and overdose on it after not getting prescriptions for it from a doctor with the recommended dosage because none of this shit is approved so they have to get it illegally.
give it another week, by that time you will have worse employment numbers than during the great depression. Sorry Drumperino, but you had your 4 years of memes.
no. what i learned this time is that you are really overwhelmingly religious and old fashioned when it cones to changing your norm. you cant change it. dont want to do it at any cost. it look like a tribal society to me. you still have a strong pre-modern christcuck mindset. this is definitely the biggest flaw of the western civilization after modernism. you dont know how to change your norm. enjoy mass outbreaks.