Other urls found in this thread:
imagine having a gf to be quarantined with haha
pretend i posted the image of the doorstopper buttplug and repeated the spoi-oi-oing joke OP made. thanks
>tfw i'm trapped in edmonton of all places during the coronavirus pandemic
lol that's a worse fate than being me
is that the place that smells of farts
I'm going to go cook myself some dinner. I will post a picture if I come back and you guys posted pictures of cute Japanese girls.
coom coom coom
I must coom
still listening to this so thread theme
What is that facial expression supposed to be?
imagine all the sex you'd be having rn
Gets stuck in my head every time you post it
thanks, I'll be here all night in lieu of anything to do or anywhere to be. just like you
good then your mind is melding with mine
ran into the coons that have been fighting outside lately, but there was the strong scent of skunk around so i left them be for tonight. ain't trynna get skunked rn smdh
spousal abused has actually gone through the roof during this
$10 for an oil barrel doesn't help does it
Sounds kinda frightening. I like having my brain space.
Insane hoarders bought all the dairy and I had to buy a different brand of milk.
ACKSHUALLY...yeah ok nobody cares mr gloomy
me tickling your brain-stem
You post the cutest shit
it would be a great trial run of living together.
you have trouble getting your fancy milk on a good week
hey bro homosexuality isnt cool so imma need you to delete this
No, I don't and even if there was an issue I could drive to the dairy and buy it there.
>there will be a wave of quarantine pregnancies
how to get in on the ground floor and stop them from aborting?
i'm sorry, but what is gay about that?
>i'm sorry, but what is gay about that?
Are there not two men in that picture?
yes. is this pic gay? there's two men in it.
To bed with me, then. Wouldn't want to be late for work!
Yes. There's a guy on his knees about to be penetrated. This is one of the gayest things I have ever seen in this general aside from Canadians.
i'm sitting at my desk with a perfectly room temperature wheel of brie cheese, whole mustard, and various jams
w-what are you going to do user?
Outta work lads. I'd feel dirty excepting unemployment though when so many more are in such greater need than I. Feels bad regardless.
The Canadian here are arguably less gay than the Americans
Sounds like you should just take it lul
wouldn't you like to know
We should start having auto-da-fé for your kind.
absolute state of wagecucks
Baby humor is not the slightest bit funny
Might just get me some gibs and maybe them trumpbucks will make it through. I'll practically be rich if they do.
cope incel
I'm not an incel, I'm a Chad. What's your body count, nerd?
>match with someone on tinder
>they unmatch immediately
This image was from a time before our culture diverged from the main currents of forum culture. It is an embarrassment to see reminders of this past.
I matched one time on tinder. I don't really have photos though and only stupid people would swipe on as empty a profile as I'm able to make.
i'd say maybe they realized you were too attractive for them, but that doesn't happen
hey, man, the wagies still waging are the good guys. society is literally in place currently because they are all getting coronavirus for us and their meager wage.
where's a few billis for them boys and girls?
all that said, this is why you don't get a job in the first place - always some extra shit you never signed up for.
No they aren't.
how many calories are in a newborn, let's say eight pound baby? i bet they're nutritious as fuck
might start working again wednesday. sick of not working but not sure if my boss would be mad or happy about that.
on a more serious not I petition to change the name of wednesday or at least change the spelling
go to west ed :)
They got all them placenta nutrients in em. Make for damn fine eating, I'm sure. Could wash down a nice fillet with a tall glass of mother's milk.
what would make them significantly more nutritious than a full-grown person? i imagine the meat of a baby would be a lot more tender, but i see no health benefits to eating babies over adults
>it smells like a fart... but with real density
Should change the name back to Wotansdaeg.
I was thinking Wodnesday
how about we swap the first D for the N and remove the E? "Wendsday"
they've been sapping the nutrients out of the host for like 9 months. it's probably incredibly nutrient dense meat
>on a more serious note
wait 'til the watercooler gets a load of that!
I eat poop
It wouldn't be pronounced the same if you did that.
The dinner.
>swiss cheese was moldy
>no buns
>no chips
I wish I were fucking dead.
u 4got to toast ur bread, bud
>not just wensday
the fuck is that? i think i see a patty, but regular fucking bread? spinach? WHAT IS THE BROWN SAUCE??
Them are some sad burgers. You should have buttered the pan a little after making the patties and toasted the bread in butter and grease. If you're going to eat like shit you can do better.
It tastes so good though
We Canadians like to spell things funny...
bread looks cold
It's brown sauce you retard.
I have no buns. It is A1 sauce.
Everything on my plate is healthy. I cook in pig lard, not butter. Lrn2cook
business idea: invest in toilet paper and sit on it for 10 years and sell it as a novelty
My presumption would be that it tastes like shit. I don't care what you do but I worry about your health my American bro.
Land of the free
spinach and bread would've been better if slapped in pan
where to get a gf now that everyones in lockdown
Even if we weren't you'd still be undateable.
Human trafficking
fire up the ol' tinder. i've been meaning to check it out during quarantine.
'murica 4eva!!
That's not a word you idiot.
You cry then masturbate. while masturbating you pretend the person you're masturbating to is lovingly giving it to ya
you dont know that
I've one photo I feature in from the past four years. So much for taking a chance on tinder, right.
you have to do it
Even if you weren't you you would still be undateable and especially unfuckable.
Use pictures of me and see what kind of responses you get.
you dont know that
make a fuckin tshirt mask, and a take shirtless mirror shot
You're ugly though.
Wednesday = Wotan’s Day (Odin’s Day)
you have to do it
Make this your profile pic, you will get all kinds of girls messaging you.
I'd rather be drowning in pus if it meant taking a "selfie;" even if it meant I'd drown in puss by doing so..
Why pay for it when there’s gunpoint haha