/v4/ + friends

night scrollin' edition

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First for being a fucking nigger and don't caring about /v4/ business

Second for death to all womanoids.

Fuck Wh*te people

you should care about v4

xth for magyar cigany

fuck off spaghetti nigger

Feels good to be wonderful.

make me fatso

I've created fake girl accounts on numerous sites too, penpal sites that aren't supposed to be about sex at all but it's a public secret that nobody gives a shit about that rule and it is all about sex anyway.

Even if you want to, you just can't fucking keep up with the orbiters. Most incels you can just tell from looking at their thumbnail that they're thirsty ugly betas, and the sniveling shit they write is so pathetic and estrogenic, I can hear their nasly voices through the screen.

I only ever opened the messages from the good-looking guys. A lot of them aren't even cocky, just normal and looking for a conversation without acting like animals.

Oh you didn't? What's that then? desuarchive.org/int/thread/115673080/#q115675216

Fucking women always lie.

>Feels good to be wonderful.

Attached: coper harder argie.jpg (1600x1167, 146.68K)

Kek they truly are sub-average. That Said dude is one unfortunate-looking fella. Manuel looks like the only normal dude.

But it also goes to show the kind of men you attract as a woman. If the 4 - 5/10s think they have a chance with you...

Oh but you're in the wrong here, I never read their messages, I was there only to speak to sloni, which I did
All these thirsties messaged me in the first hour of creating the account

Argie is a womanlet spic in her mid thirties, I don't know whom you think she should attract. Brad Pitt or what?
How is it relevant whether you read their messages or not? You got exposed as a liar, femoid. Like all w*men.

>Oh but you're in the wrong here, I never read their messages, I was there only to speak to sloni, which I did
All these thirsties messaged me in the first hour of creating the account

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It's even funnier when they swarm you before even uploading your first pic.

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Did you set your location to Bulgaria?

>How is it relevant whether you read their messages or not?
Because the argument was about me leaving people on seen, dum dum
>You got exposed as a liar, femoid
How did I lie?, you accussed me of leaving peoole on "seen" which I didnt, since your own post proved that I didnt see these messages, interpals texts get grey when you have read them
Try again, perfidious incel
You enjoy it, do you? lel

i was swarmed by turk and middle eastern girls when i first created interpals

Incels aren't perfidious, incels are good people. The best, in fact.

does interpals signal to the person that you have seen their message?

It doesn't.

That was a fake gurl acc. And yeah it's a fun experience for the first 10 minutes, after that it gets annoying. Don't know how you girls keep up with that shit. I'd just drop it altogether and wait to get snatched by the first chad who pursues me.

Pity actions speak louder than words, otherwise maybe Id believe it :3
I think so, as far as I remember the grey text (the site equivalent to "seen") is visible for both persons I believe
I dont even browse it anymore, I created that account months ago to speak to sloni and never went back
Though I admit that its fun to stalk qts :3

Don't know how girls do this shit. I have no respect for puppy guys who are always there for you. I'd get be in NSA relationships with chads with commitment issues or just be a volcel chick, but most likely turn bi and stalk chicks instead (that might just be hetero projecting onto a girl).

That's what most of them go for. Women hate guys who commit. Men who play the loving boyfriend get cheated on. It's female nature.

if i went to argentina i would dropkick you in your karate artery

my descendant... stop using cringe emotes

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Some people like puppy-like partners to be in control, either for insecurity or for dominance, its the same with the losers wanting submissive gfs/wives
I'm more familiar with turks than with italians, Im a moor descendant from spaniards

Double mating strategy is a blackpill. As a sub-chad male, your options are to accept always being 2nd or close your eyes to it, or just not play the game altogether.

As a sub-chad male with commitment issues and non-existent need for companionship, I'm in an extremely disadvantaged position. Can't have a relationship when you don't care about building one or keeping one, can't have a lot of NSA sex when you're just average, so I just don't play the game, but I'm also not bitter about it.

italian blood runs through your veins, stop denying it my descendant

Yeah, no point in being bitter about it. It's just how mother nature intended them to be. If it intended them to be evil cheating whores, it's not really their fault. No point in dwelling on it.

No! I have literally 0% pastanigger blood, and everyone in my family have spanish surnames

>losers wanting submissive gfs/wives
do losers want submissive partners? what about the mommy dominatrix and mommy fetishes
how old are you? you can say you have no need for companionship but that will likely change as you get older and lonelier

holy cringe

>do losers want submissive partners?
>what are weebs

>what about the mommy dominatrix and mommy fetishes
Traumatised losers wanting to fugg/being fugged by mommy

the longer I live the more I believe in a god

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Honestly, I wish I never found Yas Forums. If I didn't, I could live in blissful ignorance of womanoids' true nature. Even if I got paternity-scammed and ended up raising some other man's kid, it wouldn't affect me psychologically because I simply wouldn't know about it. Now I will never trust a woman unless I get a paternity test done.

I look at the good side - I have friends my age who go after religious chicks for stability, or high schoolers for a quick thrill. This strategy exists for us too. You can still make it work, but it's too much work for me. Thot times make these decent chicks stand out in contrast, but you'll be tempted by the young meat and hurt your chick. I don't wanna do that either. Puppy-people are so repulsive and their vulnerability is unattractive.

30 soon, and loneliness has never happened. The lack of it is a huge handicap. Imagine you suddenly lose passion for something you're really good at. What would happen to the quality of your work? Imagine your chick wants to do something together or go somewhere and you never have the desire/passion to do it, it'll come off forced and she'll think you don't like her and run away or cheat.


the hate you feel right now will get old and fade as time progresses
you're handicapping yourself, 30 is not too late, you can find a way to feel the need for a partner and love again

>you can't be both soft and dominant in a relationship
ok retards

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Me top autismo strategy for NSA sex is to look at young moms in their mid-late 20s who have that postpartum depression shit. They already have their marriages and babies, they aren't going to want a relationship or babies from you, and they might feel like their husband doesn't love'em anymore because they'll have driven him away with this baby powder shit and constant nagging, so they'll need time off from the apartment. So you can safely shag and then cut loose, she'll still have someone to come home to.

lmao are you serious

I've revealed this tip-top strategy to a bunch of people and they've all been surprised. How is it not logical to think of this scheme? It sounds perfectly straightforward and not as risky as simply banging single moms.

On one hand I feel like guys who follow this strategy are part of the problem, by enabling women to cheat in the first place. On the other hand, if they're gonna cheat anyway might as well take advantage of it, eh? Carry on, you glorious bastard.

a bloo bloo pee pee poo poo

That's exactly right. You don't need loose teeth in your mouth, better have them taken out.

I would rather be loved than feared

Manolo u here?

I've realized that among all the shitty flash porn games I played my life not a single one was an RTS.
Imagine a porn RTS, with dozens or even hundreds of units on screen literally raping dozens or even hundreds of enemy units. How is this not a thing.
I have no clue how to code, but I'm gonna set up patreon in a sec and get showered with money.

That doesn't sound that hot t.bh

>eh relazzionship is like deh spaghetti - issa long, issa slippery, you twist and spin and bend, but eventually you reach eh the end... it is eh consumed and turned into shit-eh


>you will never ever have a pure, cute 2d waifu
Sigh... guess I'm gonna cry myself to sleep. Good night.

nooooooooooo you cant just make fun of my accent peepeepoopoo

everyone go to sleep. this is my independent bumping hour.

but it's only 7:40 pm...

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But but but :(

keep my thread alive for me while I take a nap user

Damn he is literally me
Mamma mia

go to sleep anyway
you're allowed
your thread is safe with me


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can i stay too