/cum/ Canada USA Mexico

snek edition

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if the province shuts down (((non-essential))) business, i think my company is going to ignore the order

>knit snake warmers
fuck yeah

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holy fuck guys

I'm telling

Society is going to collapse.



wtf don't

Wouldn't that do literally nothing?

im already going mad not being able to go anywhere

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im gonna fuckin die if i cant get a gf

why can't you go anywhere? there's no enforcement of these (((lockdowns))) just do what you want

Personally I love it.

just looks cute.

*literally nothing good happens*
*futures go up*

remind me again how the stock market isnt a meme

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You'll find one soon user. Don't worry.

snakes are shit pets

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everythings closed, plus i live in an apartment building and im afraid i'll get it just walking through the hallway

they didnt call me

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state is locking down tomorrow. gonna go check out some grocery stores.

nah, they are soft and cuddly and full of love.

I'm tired of this pink fuck

what state fren?

are you a geezer or have aids? most people don't even have symptoms






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ale you wanna be my gf

Die tranny. You don't belong in this world!

is your state/city closing anything down for coronavirus? that suck's that they didn't.

Pets are shit
All that they do is make me worry about them dying every day




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Me too. Do you want to be me gf? We can take turns being the gf

i don't need anything. might get some sparkling water though. i just want to people watch and walk around a bit mostly.

my parents have been going out and panic buying for the last five days, they bought so much shit that they couldn't fit it in the kitchen so they started using my brothers old room as a pantry

as long as they pretend to be a gf i dont care not like im gonna get real pussy anyways

>taking turns
that's cute
real cute

What do I do?

>as long as they pretend to be a gf i dont care

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take a hot shower, and then cuddle up in bed with a book. no more screens for the rest of the night!

ead da pussy

idk depends on if you are cute post a pic

>all these people realizing that their pop idols holed up in their multimillion dollar mansions don't actually give two flying fucks if other people live or die

do NOT do this, please.

Good morning, /cum/! Did you sleep well?

I had the gf dream again. Gonna play siege now.

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Same, I'm an almost 28 year old NEET and STILL a virgin. I'm a failure of a man. Complete garbage.

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Can only read on the computer now. Library went down to prevent spread.

Sometimes I feel very pathetic, but I’ve also had sex with seven girls, I guess sex isn’t everything?

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>ur gay
The simulacrum serves the same function as the original

I'm drunk

turns out

Wouldn't Covid-19 have a better chance of killing you if you had a girlfriend? This worlds going to be taken over by NEET virgins.

i can mail you some books if you don't mind that they're gently coughed on.

mom decided to have a loud phone call with somebody right above my room at 9:30 in the morning

wont be sending any pics tho
yeah some of my family members are not working rn

Mom woke me up about an hour ago when she came in my room to hang up my new shirt to dry. She washed it because she is afraid of corona.

>The simulacrum serves the same function as the original

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That's ok. Thanks though

>making a quiet phone call in her own house
looks like she got you again, playboy

the russian ignored me :(
what did i ever did to you placer

she had the whole living room, kitchen, and her garden, but noooo, it had to be right above me

>lost job over covid-19
>can't pay rent
>uni still going on
>don't have have windows to do the assignement

what am I suppose to do beside harming myself to have an excuse to cancel uni and not get evicted?

I dated a girl from Singapore for two years, it was terrible


why are they taking pictures from behind? did he shit himself or something?

ay me too

I don't have a life though and my job is for some reason considered essential so my life goes on as normal

call up trudeau and get him to come down and dress up as a homeless hobo for ya

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likely a man

you wanna mail me some books?


don't catch the plague, any chance they call later in the week?

who else is waiting for all the police in their city to get sick so they can go get some cool stuff

They're taking pictures/recording from all around because they are mindless drones that don't know how to do anything else when they see a true man before them.

business idea: /cum/ book club

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Cum, haha. They call themselves cum.

sorry, only offered to mail him books because i saw his penis before. kind of felt obligated.

u put the u in cum

You can just send me one back instead

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I'm noticing a pattern here, surely it's a yuuuge coincidence...

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idk they said this lockdown or w/e its called would end on thursday and thats when i was supposed to start so maybe the will? i hope...
wait hes supossed to represent "a real man"? i thought you posted him to make fun of him

Get a whore

>end on thursday
wow that's crazy.
my younger brother's school is closed down until at least april 20th, they just announced today. I know a lot of other things here will be closed down for at least 2 weeks.