What are the best sounding languages?
What are the best sounding languages?
I want an asian gf so bad bros
I really like how japanese sounds, to be honest.
how does slovenian language sound to you?
Italian. I may be biased but whenever I hear someone speaking clear Italian I'm always amazed by how nice it sounds.
Also unpopular opinion but I also like how Mandarin sounds. Japanese is nice too but the Japanese use a very nasal accent that turns me off.
Russian. No doubts
German can sound very nice
But also very awful
Still I like it
You guys sound like you're always singing, can't take it serious ever. I'm sorry
how do you stop wanting to look like pic related if you're a yellow subhuman
Russian, italian and portuguese. However, no language sounds good unless it is spoken by attractive women with very soothing voices.
Peruvian spanish of course.
Russian. The more lethargic, the better
Greek and Hungarian
Japanese maybe?
Brazilian Portuguese
Ancient Greek and French
Japanese, French and Portuguese
mandarin and japanese
japanese and polish. french would be included too if not for those disgusting throaty sounds it has which unfortunately reduce it to a mere mid-tier language.
worst is vietnamese. chinese is pretty ugly too.
Macedonian, Turkish and Finnish
i don't get why so many people like italian
to me it sounds pretty awful
american english sounds better tho
Why, of course Russian and French.
how can I argue with this
Romanian. It's like Italian without the fagginess.
For a slav maybe
>American Ebonic
Finnish is just inferior Estonian
Estonian is way nicer on the ears
>The best sounding language? Why Japanese of course.
Latin spoken by priest.
Italian, French, Russian, Finnish. How do you guys think Romanian sounds like, if I had to guess it would sound kinda like Neapolitan or some weird Italian dialect with a bit of Russian, but I can't really judge it's sound since I'm so used to it.
I meant its sound
Kiswahili sound pretty cute
Russian sounds the most heroic
German sounds the angriest
Chinese sounds the wisest
Japanese sounds the cutest
Italian sounds the sexiest
Arabic sounds the most dangerous
Portuguese, French, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Korean
Vietnamese, Arabic, English with Indian accent
>English with Indian accent
sounds filipino
>Portuguese, French, Italian, Russian
Ummm... based department??
Le retarded frog.
Estonian sounds retarded.
no offence to eestis
it sounds like a ukrainian speaking italian, woth a lot of -escu spunds thrown in. I wouldn't say it's bad, just different
sounds italian
I want a chinese gf so bad bros
french and italian. maybe spanish too if all these spics here didn't ruin the language
French, German, Polish
Korean, Chinese
Mix of Ukrainian and Polish (?)
Sounds good
french or russian
sounds like german to me
Finnish sounds so familiar yet foreign, don't know how estonian sounds to you though.
hey fuck you too buddy
Don't worry about him, Korean sounds a lot better than Russian.
danish and dutch
Italian, Sardu, Russian, Spanish (Spain's dialects) and I'm fond of Nahuatl.
did you invent the language or something? dogeaters always taking shit personally when it comes to their country
hey fuck you too buddy
British English
Ok, I like this one too but I don't know, a whispering woman could make anything sound nice.
Dutch sounds very familiar to English. If I had any intention on visiting the Netherlands I'd probably learn Dutch.
woman doing impressions.
Id say french. Even though I probably consider it subhuman too, along with english and russian. Just because I heard they use the word "le".
What's your problem with English?
Greek, Japanese, British English
I like norwegian, french and german
mandarin is nice when spoken by girls
>danish and dutch
top kek