Lmao, look at how tiny these baby European countries are

Lmao, look at how tiny these baby European countries are.

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It really blows my mind when Europeans dont understand what americans mean when we say someone from Maine isnt the same as someone from southern california.

we're all the same to them because we speak the same language.

There are more cultural differences between say Rome and Naples than between Vermont and LA. Probably because in order for there to be differences in culture you need to have a culture in the first place.

That's not true at all. Europeans have stopped producing culture and now consume American

Do you realize that there are also cultural differences inside European countries?

no there isn't

You think that because you're from Denmark but in Italy there is still some soul left. But you wouldn't understand.

No, they don't, because Americans are fat and stupid.

I've described america as a Spain-like nation where diffrent corners of the nation have their own thing going for them

Typical saxon.

Aww ho cute, a man from this tiny little boot gave name both to your continent and country

At least put it over New England the fly over stuff is just corn and depression and you know it

Do you know that such a small country as Slovenia has 46 dialects of its small language?

One of those idiots tried to tell me that rural Alabama and San Francisco are the same thing

Seems pretty based to me, if they can get by despite being fat and stupid.

he didn't say european countries weren't culturally diverse

>ah you see, we call it pop instead of soda

Pure bullshit

Lmfao are you serious?
We were divided from 1500 years and Rome and Naples were part of different states with even different languages.

But your diversity is nothing in comparison.

theres more cultural differences between helsinki and vantaa than the europoornited states and england

there is literally no discernable difference between a pole and a russian.

Unironically true

yes, you are right

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Waaa waaa (*Cries in cute little baby*)

Will you protect me dadda? :3

lmao look how tiny usa is compared to this european country

Attached: map-of-united-states-compared-to-russia-size.png (535x176, 4.08K)

>without alaska and hawaii
>include the asian part of russia
Kek you need to cherry pick to win

>n-no i-it doesnt c-count!
lmao cope more europoor bitch

>n-no a-alaska and hawaii don't count

nothing wrong with big dick russia. were both big countries while you guys live in state size countries.

cope europoor ahahaha
>m-muh citizenship mu-mufugga!
typical eurocuck, grow a real identity sissy

There's more cultural differences between Sussex and Liverpool than between Vermont and LA.
Americans just cope

That's not Russia

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>i can say it doesn't count but you can't! c-cope!
Finnish shitposting at its finest, this is Yas Forums tier autism

Let me guess, you think Middleofnowheretown, Nebraska is the same thing as the coastal big cities

You're still smaller than Russia without Alaska by a LOT

i accept your surrender europoor, now suck my big yellow dick you cumskinned faggot

there’s more genetic difference between two Indian castes from the same state speaking the same language than there is between all of Europe combined

Funnily enough there are literally no cultural differences between Russians from Murmansk and Kamchatka

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Compared to Gipuzkoa, where people speak an alien language, to Madrid, where people speak Spanish, yes, it's the same thing, my dear amerimutt friend.
You're not the only country with an urban/rural divide

From my experience the big coastal cities have more coloreds in them.

kill soda-sayers

>speak same language
>have same president
>look the same

It is.


Do you think Irish gaelix speakers hate Irish people who speak English?

What Spain should do is make Basque an official language and teach it to everyone as well as catalan

>Here's your culture bro
>New York
>New Jersey
>Nova Scotia
>New England
Americans, they never learn

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>uh huh
>nuh uh
>uh huh
>nuh uh
this is a wonderful argument, very enlightening

Just as Israel has Yiddish Hebrew and what not languages Spain should twleach everyone Basque and Catalan in school .

>the fabled intelligence of the chinese

Still bigger than Spain mi amigo

Nova Scotia is in Canada
Have sex


Language isn't the only thing that makes a place different. Using that logic we're the same as British people. I never said there aren't any cultural differences in Spain either.


>canada is not in america

cope or seethe or dilate

>Using that logic we're the same as British people
close, but actually you're the same as all other indo-europoors. its basically just a bunch of dialects anyway.

> Using that logic we're the same as British people
Uhhh based department?

Thought you meant the US not the continent, sorry Portubro

Have sex

Indo European languages have become too different over time to be just dialects. There's basically no mutual intelligibility between a Slavic language and a Romance language.
Congratulations you get to be the same as Mexicans now


stop lying, i know you can all understand each other. you wont fool me cr*cker

lmao at these americans thinking the differences between city people and country people qualifies as cultural differences

Leave them alone, Pierre, they have special needs

enjoy your african rapists erasing your culture off the planet you fucking french faggot