
aussie time zones edition

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desuarchive.org/int/search/text/proper hate yanks/


son of gabe newell talking about how brain interfacing is already a thing and that we will see prototypes in the public within the new few years. talks about how they can read peoples brains without them even knowing and can even write to peoples brains. terrifying stuff but also reality and much closer than people expect

>“I think connecting to people’s motor cortex and visual cortex is going to be way easier than people expected and doing things like […] reading and writing to somebody’s motor cortex is way more of a tractable problem than making people feel ‘cold’

anyone else proper hate yanks

>Tommy Robinson was the one who confronted the youths who coughed on the elderly couple
>News doesn't mention this

yes lads

First indian itt

just as well we're probably going into lockdown, think i've got a COOF

Don't hate them but they can be incredibly annoying.


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Tories must be loving this, getting to cherry pick their draconian public surveillance and lockdown measures with impunity

i like them

Curfew in my state ladaroos. Thinking of picking up an indoor hobby.

my left nipple feels weird again lads

>new half life game
>it's a gimmick vr game

/brit/ won't survive martial law
Many will die of starvation
Could well be the last day of normal /brit/
Been a pleasure lads

pick up wanking mate

You know that people in countries in lockdown are still allowed to go out for exercise right?

What is Bojo announcing at half eight lads?

bad post

DODid he release the CCTV footage proving his daughter got nonced yet

can you fuck off to /cum/ then cheers

i'm a sperg and unironically think that this whole social isolation thing is good in a weird way. puts me on a more level playing field socially with everyone else

It's the entire bourgeoisie loving it

i wont survive because i didnt prep

>Hi i'm Katie Ann Gray and i post videos on motherhood, health, shop with me videos and everything in between.
>Im mummy to 2 children, Parker aged 4 and Danny 14 months Also wife to Dan
Why are half the videos on this channel about dommy wobinson.

devvo is ere and its fuckin fuckin buzzin
ave a can o kestrel and ill kick me girlfriends head in


barbers are shut and I'm due a haircut

anyone caught outside tomorrow will be shot on sight

hello 2005

Londoner containment zone.

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he's got aids


Not in France, Spain, Argentina, Philippines or Lombardy

Can go out to walk the dog in Spain though



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benders are shut and I'm due a bumming

Time for beer #4, last one tonight mind

it's alright la, we will probably all look like Tom Hanks in Castaway when we come out of 'tine

wtf why does one country need so many time zones

It's weird how little you need to be happy but you can't attain even that. Life is such a joke

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WTF is it with leftypol and their need to defend China?

Even so, it’s unenforceable.

We have four time zones, eastern, central, mountain, and pacific

first midwestern man itt

yes it is
government have called in all reservists to set up nationwide roadblocks
anybody caught driving will be arrested

French police handed out over 4,000 fines Wednesday to people found violating an order to stay at home, on the first full day of a lockdown aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus in the country.

"Since this morning, we have begun procedures and 4,095 people were booked (for violating the rules)," Interior Minister Christophe Castaner told TF1 television.

"The fine was 35 euros ($38) yesterday, and now from today is 135 euros and it can go up to 375 euros. It should be a factor that dissuades people," he added.

I don’t mind them

Purely because they’re below me on the brit hierarchy

six if you include hawaii and alaska

dont care about happiness

um so if someone gets stopped and harangued for being outside when its "only for essential reasons" what's to stop a person just lying and saying they're on their way to a shop because they have no food at home?

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can't even order nandos or maccies now if we run out of food :'(

desuarchive.org/int/search/text/proper hate yanks/
what's his problem

good question 2bh

if you need to go to the shop then you have to drive and there can be no more than one person in a car

am I being interrogated???


Raab has asked Brits abroad to return immediately. I guess that means they will be closing the border to non-citizens and cancelling all flights in a couple of days. And quarantining arrivals for 2 weeks.

Makes no sense to have a strict lockdown if you don't also prevent new cases coming in.

Burger King

There are millions who do not drive
That is insane

got stopped on the street earlier, armed bastards, cops in masks asking where i was going. told them im going to the spot. they looked the other way and said "do it fast".

What should I care about then? Procreation? Money?

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Just heard from a government contact. They’ve confirmed that it is a nationwide lockdown that’s going to be announced.

got dat damn muddafuggen coonvirus

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yeah but how long is that gonna last?

Lads I refused to buy into the panic buying all I have to eat is a chicken ham pie and and half packet of rich tea biscuits

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it will be a complete border closure to citizens and non-citizens alike

silly idea
not everyone has a car

Doesn't matter, if they supsect you of being infectious or vulnerable to infection and public health officer can quarantine you for 48 hours mandatory

KFC is still open lads
Every cloud

Cage memers btfo

Dunno bruv

This is a plan for the bourgeoisie to terrorise and kill us.

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>And quarantining arrivals for 2 weeks.
why didn't they do this months ago ffs
this entire mess could have been averted


and the likelihood of them knowing somebody who drives that can do their shopping is high
other than that all supermarkets offer home delivery
these are measures that are currently in place in france/spain and italy

Someone coofing outside

you'd just have to get someone who does have a car to go and pick up food for you


Donald Trump announces that in the event of a nationwide lockdown fast food stores will remain open because they are an essential service.



Were going for herd immunity bruh

grim, but i suppose beggars can't be choosers

martial law is all part of (((their))) plan
next they will have enforced vaccines with microchips

I love it, but I also have a sexual fetish for authoritarian and totalitarian rule. When I went to China I used to get erections looking at CCTV cameras.

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wish we had that tbf

>Almost two thirds of critically ill coronavirus patients are overweight and 37% are under 60, NHS audit reveals

fat bastards

Big Brother Watch has questioned whether relaxation of protections on mass surveillance powers could signal that the powers could be used more extensively during the pandemic. Countries including Israel and China have reportedly used phone tracking to enforce quarantine restrictions on people suspected of infection with COVID-19.

News reports this evening suggested that o2 has been asked by the Government to hand over “anonymous mobile phone location data in order to ensure people are following social distancing guidelines”. However, phone location data is rarely truly “anonymous”. Big Brother Watch demanded an explanation from Government.

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Remember when hundreds of English rang 999 because KFC ran into chicken


The cull of the fatties.

nah that's silly
plus me walking to the supermarket isn't going to spread the disease
your idea is silly

whats your relationship like with your father?

There's literally a video of Spanish police pinning a woman to the ground and throwing her into the back of the car for jogging during quarantine.

He's not wrong tbqhwyfm

mental how being fat is detrimental to your overall health
how did nobody realise this before now?

Panic on the streets of London
Panic on the streets of Birmingham
I wonder to myself
Could life ever be sane again?
The leeds side-streets that you slip down
I wonder to myself
Hopes may rise on the grasmere
But honey pie, you're not safe here
So you run down
To the safety of the town
But there's panic on the streets of Carlisle
Dublin, Dundee, Humberside
I wonder to myself

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>I love it, but I also have a sexual fetish for authoritarian and totalitarian rule. When I went to China I used to get erections looking at CCTV cameras.

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I still can't believe this is real. It's like a nightmare you can't wake up from. How are people going to eat? To avoid homelessness? It's utter dystopia and I want to scream.

*out of chicken
it was a national emergency 2bh

Running on the treadmill, while phoneposting on /brit/, and listening to an audiobook. Yeah, self-isolating is a doddle, mate.

over 1000 jordanians have been arrested
many of them women, which is a step in the right direction

people are going crazy at the supermarkets


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are state-sponsored gfs an essential service?
asking for a friend haha

yep, someone at toil said it's like living in a horror film

2019: we laugh at Chinese accident videos
2020: China laughs at us


Who will light the spark of the British socialist revolution?

went to the supermarket and it was completely empty
not one single item of food to purchase

Sixty-three per cent of patients in intensive care in UK hospitals because of the killer virus are overweight, obese or morbidly obese.

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It's obvious to literally anyone with a functioning brain.
Fatties themselves don't realize it because one of the other side-effects of being fat is it lowers your IQ.


hoping you get home safe lad

hows the lockdown lads

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thats roughly in line with the national average though

He used to beat me and locked me in a cupboard when I was naughty. He used to put cigarettes out on my skin. He's in prison for drug dealing and firearms possession.

When will modi announce modibux. I hope it is at least 1 million rupees per person. Inflation can go buy oil

Just go raid from a rich cunt.

virgin panicbuyers on suicide watch

you think it can't get any crazier and then it does
mental how fast it escalated.

tesco don't even have the individual slots marked out as unavailable now. just one big fat message going 'nothing available try another day'. cunts.

Going to the supermarket this morning, will probably be filled with the same mongs that went panic-shopping last night

Have to go into work today to sort out if I'll be working from home over the lockdown. Should be getting wage subsidies so I'll have money either way.

this is what britain used to be all about


>retard didnt stockpile

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would rather starve

just leave your phone at home lol

China is evil and needs eradicated after this. It's honestly that simple.

>In the 2017 survey, it found that 28.7% of adults in England are obese and a further 35.6% are overweight, making a total of 64.3% who are either overweight or obese.

I'm losing weight these days yay

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If you don’t live in a city.m, avoiding enforcement is easy.

Very ironic post

it's not going to get any worse than the impending complete lockdown and martial law
the only thing to see now is how the virus spreads and how many people will die

It's not China's fault you dunce. Our rulers want you angry at China.

I'm going to avoid them today if I can. Honestly, only solution might be having police at the door and posted throughout the supermarket to control people

BBC1, ITV and C4 gonna broadcast Boris at 8.30. Must be big.

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please god let us exercise alone

same here the panic buying idiot cant seem to buy enough

yea they're paying 80% of peoples wages here too, makes sense really why would you want people risking going into work

you sound like someone who's never lived even a day where soldiers walked the streets.

Stockpile? All I need is a big bottle of lube, my 11 inch big black dildo and sissy hypno videos.

Get on my level, plebs.

Why do peacefuls do this

all warfare is based on deception


need my nads locked down right now

it is good that I will die

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it's gonna be "we'll fight them on the beaches" level big
probably the biggest prime ministerial speech since that one

Thank you


There is a video of police in my city getting beat up by a chav on a motorbike then refusing to follow him because he was "too dangrous". He also smashed up their car.

it’s literally their fault

Day 3 of the corona
Starting to think I've just had regular flu

Wish people would stop using the word "Draconian", that implies the measures are overly harsh when in fact they're completely necessary

shut the fuck up you dirty ugly evil little chink cunt. you and your ilk need shipped back where you came from and then nuked to hell and back.

He beat his ex-gf, entered the US illegally and got beat up in a prison shower for being a poser.

There are four UK flags posting above you, so I doubt this.

Just order from grofers

are you lot still beating up innocent muslim protesters or what

going to do a public suicide and blame it on corona

uganda be kidding me!

you won't though

British workers will either die for their rulers in China or overthrow the ruling class. Simple as.

World economy could contract 20%, will make the great depression look like a joke.

At least we get to experience a historic event

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Do you work in binance Uganda

Yeah, but how would the media scaremonger if they didn't call it that? Ever thought of that?

hello boris

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>they're completely necessary
no they're not you batty crease

the speech is just going to be announcing a brexit extension

in that order?

Enjoy your government distributed slop

It's raining here too, so it's going to be filled with bored normos with absolutely fuck all to do with their day as well. Fuck why even bother.

>work wants us to "work from home"
>~10% of our work still needs shit from the office
probably going to get arrested by some powertripping cop next week too lmao

Honestly, it's kind of exciting that there's a real happening. Makes people feel their lives are meaningful

Deaths should slow
We will just be on lockdown for years

>innocent muslim


imagine if bojo came on and said he has information that the 'rona is a bioweaon developed in china and announces total nuclear war with immediate effect

>Boris Johnson reportedly spoke to Xi Jinping for 3 hours today by phone
Yfw Boris announces Socialism with British Characeteristics at 8:30

Definitely breathing easier due to the lack of traffic pollution. Just a few days has made a difference. Might have to move to the countryside when this is all said and done.

Boris is going to genocide the brown people?

one of the old puerto rican ladies ive been shopping for got hauled off today. an ambulance came and picked her up, dont even think it's virus related. im in tears