crying kitty cat edition
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
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could I get a cute nerdy black gf with this body?
why is the janny doing this???
thanks for cleaning up that mess janny
What the FRICK janitor???
new corona infections seem to be staying stagnant
happening looks like it might be cancelled lads
There's a blizzard outside right now. Pretty sure this was made by the government to force us to stay inside.
There are 15 new cases in my state today
someone died in my state but they had a bunch of per-existing conditions I think
>google map of north america borderless
>2nd image that comes up is a picture of north america with borders
>4th is a picture of south america
>half of the pictures are pictures of the USA
stupid machine
nyc gained 6,707 cases and 94 deaths tho?
wish i had some ice cream desu. i could go for some mint chocolate chip.
ive been eating a large amount of ice cream sandwiches lately
case numbers are irrelevant, its obviously going to rise since people are stupid and not self distancing. Watch the deaths/recovery ratio
Same. been a while since I've had any interesting flavours. Could go for cookie dough right now
i don't know about other places, but BC has been announcing 40-80 per day for about a week now
it's not looking like exponential growth at all(that is if you believe the tests and reports)
i already ask this on /brit/ but they're cunts so they didn't tell me
what does pound mean? why are people laughing at Dick Pound who has announced that Olympic Games will be postphoned?
you're not japanese.
choking the chicken
>Dick Pound
"Dick" means penis. "Pound" can mean "have sex with."
>Dick Pound
ok, 150 dead, ZERO recovered in nyc
It means the dick weighs exactly one pound
the more dead new yorkers, the better
omg what a terrible name
thank you so much anyway. you're the kindest person on Yas Forums. God bless you:3
pound means to hit something in slang, it can also mean to have rough sex.
>no (You)
>lE eDgE
don't want one from you anyway, dirt bag
to pound a woman = put the penis inside the vagina
dick = penis
pound me
fuck me
>type in Yas Forums maps
>some pedo shit comes up
okay listen here i just want some fucking maps
what kind of maps
ok, pedo
I'm trying to draw up treaty borders for when the USA liberates canadians from canada
If an animal takes pictures or video with any device by accident the pictures or footage becomes automatically public domain. It doesn't matter if it's your pet playing with your phone or a polar bear bitting a discovery channel camera.
That's interesting today at toil some boomers were talking about annexation as well. Btw one of this was coughing.
Why would we want an even more corrupt government than we already have?
like natural blondes with big noses and strong chins
Why would we want a bunch of socialist retards?
all questions will be answered if I find an adequate map
>big nose
will not
exhausted from work. want a beer so badly rn.
youre doing a good job
Bless you too, Japananon
>À tout le monde, À tous mes amis, Je vous aime, Je dois partir, these are the last words I'll ever speak and they'll set me free
What do y'all think of my suicide note?
shut up dave go make another song about aliens instead
With this album you made a masterpiece of buttcore. Good work, Dave.
Okay, the pandemic is no longer interesting, it has become boring and annoying
okay groomer
>tfw you are superior to Metallica in every way
mad cuz quarantined
thank you, user. i'm trying.
good afternoon /cum/
how's it been? how you feelin?
true except for the voice
caucasians disgust me and i don't like seeing them in my porn (unless they're females)
>listening to metal past the age of 13
why do the democrats hate the american public so?
both cringe posts