Post pictures of American culture

Post pictures of American culture

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that looks fun

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I think so too lol

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Good job Quarteze :)

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thats now how melanin works is it

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Makes me sad

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What the fuck? Do they really?

To be fair Brussels sprouts are disgusting.
Lettuce and cuke are entry level greens.

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Brussels sprouts are not that bad I never get the hate that people have for them

this is really sad

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Wasting all that food...

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>I do not follow my passion

How bad must your diet be to reach those kind of obesity levels?

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>no profanty

Not really sure I thought it was a stereotype that Americans are fat but until I met one I couldn’t believe it. I feel like 6 or 7 out of 10 is overweight

That billboard in the back really makes this picture work

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>no sharing
Why tho if you paid for it do what you want

eat fried butter with ketchup

He looks like the Costco greeter in Idiocracy. What a unit

fucking based !

This man is dangerously based.

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A lot of restaurants have this rule, they don't want people to share because it cuts in their profits. Sometimes they even have shitty rules like if they catch you sharing in a significant way they charge you extra.

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Wow that’s scummy never heard of that before

Yeah, that's culture.

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This is most likely a McDick's in an "urban" area that serves "underprivileged" customers if you catch my drift

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Doubt bernouts would have tons of American flags everywhere, these are probably evangelicals that insisted on adopting.

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Why is he so fucking skinny????

b-but i thought america was land of freedom!!

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That and/or an area full of homeless people but the point remains the "no sharing' rule is bullshit.

That kid looks 40 pounds

holly sht

Are evangelicals common? We have some extreme Catholics but they aren’t the same level as those guys

ACTUAL customs and activities passed down from generation to generation or just fat people being fat?

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Please hand in your German citizenship. If you never tasted good brussels sprouts, you must be from a shitty household

So gross

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my favourite by far

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There used to be more of them and of course it varies by location but they're not an insignificant group. A lot of them are really into adoption, especially international adoption or things like taking unwanted fertilized eggs so it's not so unusual to see some with foreign/nonwhite kids.

Which state?

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the goose is loose

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which US state is the easiest to find a thirst fat chick to marry and get a green card?

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He’s a red looking fellow

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why is that 90% of these american dystopian images are from the west coast and western part of the country in general?

None. The blacks already beat you to it.

is he wrong, tho? I mean, other than the fact that it should be jews instead of islam

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Why do they do that? Why not just have their own kids?

>lamb stew and buttered bread
Oh my peng

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I would bet $100 that the "eat junk food or else" idea came from a fat, butthurt roastie.

that's one way to prevent school shootings

The majority of these pictures seem to be from the south

to be fair, american wages are really good, often double that what a euro would earn in the same profession. so its not so immoral to demand hard work from the employees.

They do, but they also adopt sometimes because of religious reasons, they're against abortion, think that fertilized eggs must all be saved, etc.
