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My local Walmart got renovated and it looks nice now. Doesn't give me a dry throat when I go there. Still prefer Target though. I'll pay extra to not see poo ppl.

>Boeing going under
Washington is fugged :DDD

>walmart, universities and healthcare
they really do huh....

>americans literally giving megacoorporations state-like powers and perogatives

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Northerners, how do you feel about southerners? Do you look at them like they are near-subhumans?

they also were the first to be hit by Corona and are in full lockdown, right?
poor Washington is gonna come out like Detroit from this whole thing

>americans are so fat they have a clinic dedicated to mayonnaise called the 'mayo clinic'

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They still have Amazon

They still have Amazon and Microsoft

>production, education, healthcare
>our three largest employers are in things we're terrible at

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i would

United Supercenters of Walmerica

It’s literally the best hospital in the world

lately i've been noticing how north dakota is always portrayed positively in these meme maps

they're based

yes, from southeast to southwest they are all disgusting

It's the best hospital in the world you mong

No but we look at Canadians like that

west north central (aka western midwest) states all typically do well in everything, even muh drugs and opiods epidemic arent too bad in those areas. we just dont have much population or big cities, and the nature is mostly plains so it is boring to many people. as a NEET it is nice for me

of cause you would say that you fat ass

>university of nebraska
better than w*lmart at least

We'll be fine

shut the fuck up you tranny hooker

Ok all you Europeans, what SHOULD the largest non-governmental employer be?

Now I see why a structural reform of US healthcare would be a massacre, you're gonna get rid off of millions of administrative positions.



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Wait till the tsunami hits hard and the american shale oil industry go bankrupt.


walmart really isnt that bad, what makes it shit is the people that go there. you will find the dregs of society while walking through that place. even at 2 am i saw crackheads and some fucking freak running on all fours there

low skill jobs that offer pretty good benefits last time I checked.

all those shitty administrative positions is part of why healthcare and education cost so much too though

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Pretty tame tbqh


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Woah, people of walmart truly is all anglos

Named for a 'gloid as well

Ok gimme a quick rundown on shopping in LOS
What kind of people go to do groceries in Walmart (?) where average people go (?) where do you go americans anons (?)

North is definitely better

Most people just go to whatever store is closest to their house. They're all pretty similar except the high end places and the small ethnic grocery stores. Wal-Mart sells a lot more than just groceries btw

>What kind of people go to do groceries in Walmart (?)
poor people
>where average people go (?)
>where do you go americans anons (?)
amazon grocery

walmart is the cheapest so you will find people of all levels there, but mostly the poorer people which are more drug addicts or fat lardos. average people might go to something a little better like kroger, albertsons, hyvee, publix, wegmans, super target, or whatever local grocery chain they have. best stores are usually whole foods (expensive) or wegmans (only in the northeast). trader joes is found many places too and ishigh mid tier
i go to hyvee (midwest chain), unironically have only seen one black person in there in my life

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Walmart is dirt cheap and it sells almost everything. Food, clothes, appliances, motor oil, almost anything that you would have a domestic need for.
A lot of people end up shopping there because it is so cheap, but there are a lot of other supermarket chains and what not that people usually go to if they're close by.

Trader Joe's has the twee aesthetic of an overpriced store for bored middle class people but the prices are mostly pretty good.

>mayo clinic
Do Americans really?

they don't have an answer
they are dribbling retards who just repost the same reddit images day after day, saying the same shit

t. mushy peas clinic

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why do american universites employ so many people? are there so many professors in america? im confused.

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They have more than one campus. The University of California system has 10 different campuses

administrative bloat, also something like University of California counte many universities as one university network, such as UCLA, UCB, UCSD, etc

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William Mayo was a gloid from Lancashire

>2 am
stores in america are open at 2 am?
da fuck!

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The SUNY system in New York literally has 400,000 students. They are enormous state wide systems.

it depends on where you live but the vast majority of stores are not open at 2 AM. Walmart is an exception and is open 24 hours a day. in my city most shops are closed by 9 and not open at all on Sunday

Not all of them are, Walmart is open 24h. Most other Big box retailers and supermarkets close at around 10pm, opening times vary.

They're not open at 2 am in Austria?

>Walmart is an exception and is open 24 hours a day
is that even profitable? i mean who goes shopping after midnight?

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It would actually be more expensive to close the store down and disrupt operation desu

A lot of people. Maybe it's saturday night and I forgot to buy something earlier
Maybe I work the night shift at work

Our universities are really valuable as research centers. It's what happens when you import the smartest Pajeets and ching chongs and jack up the price of tuition to a bajillion a year.

since every other store is closed all of the traffic goes into walmart. Usually they just stock additional items during that period. You can see all the little immigrants and boomers moving around with pallets restocking the shelves

nah wages for the staff would be more expensive than revenue because night work means double the wage, at least in austria.

>Maybe I work the night shift at work
how can you shop in walmart at night if you have the night shift at work?