Italy update in 60min

Italy update in 60min.

How many deaths and new cases today?

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more than 8 for both
trust me, i have an insider source

i was in that bridge

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They're lowering the mumbers of tests to make ''less infected'' and try to restart the economy.
Yesterday there were less infected and the medias sperged about ''the end of the pandemic'', but the tests were diminshed by 1/3 in Lombardy.
I think, after a government meeting with the managers two days ago, they want to restart the factories and adopt a ''submerged'' UK-like model

deja vu


looks like the counter strike map

holy shit are u alive

Yes but i'm infected (i'm not even memeing).
The worst thing (after the drowning-like costant sensation) is that the loss of smells and flavours that is unknow if it will be permanent or not.
I hope this shit will end soon.

uh oh.... jan jan aint gonna like this one

1027 deaths today, also check

Any recommendations on how to rest if one gets sick?

it's just because you have some brain damaged due to lack of oxygen
It's likely back when your brain fixed.

how did you get infected?

How will you enjoy gabagool if your taste doesn't come back Giuseppe?

wtf bro are your family also infected

I predict:
3000 cases
500 dead

Habbening postponed. They will now either
A.) lift the curfew so the economy starts up again and new clusters form
B.) not lift the curfew and Italy's economy collapses completely

originaloleowoe since copy pasta post

>after the drowning-like costant sensation
I remember this from when i had pneumonia.

Fuck i really don't want to go through that ever again.

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How do you describe it? You just cannot breathe?

IDK turkish bro. It's not the end of the world for us millenials but it's shit. I'm resting and eating lot of fruits and liquids
Hmm let's hope bro
Sono bergamAnon di qualche giorno fa, non so se hai seguito i miei post e quelli dell'altro user bresciano sul Filo.
Non lo so user, non ne ho idea, probabilmente al parco in mezzo agli anziani qualche settimana fa (del mio paes,e tre dei quali morti) o dalla zia che è infermiera ed è contagiata anche lei.
Non respiravo più, febbre alta che non passava, ho detto di essere stato in contatto con potenziali infetti e sono stato testato.
Pensavo anche io sta malattia fosse un meme, ma poi si è rivelata non esserlo almeno qui da queste parti.
Per carità non morirò o altro, però sticazzi

will this thread get deleted?

IDK since ''gabagool'' isn't an italian thing, but american
No, i live alone luckily and my mom is ok. I feel you bro.
Luckily i've tons of salbutamol+cortison that help a lot

Clean air, stop smoking now if you smoke, oxygen bottle if you can.

gabagool is just coppa

How many deletes and angry jannies today?

Why aren't Spanish bridge threads being made? Their numbers should explode very soon


Clean it up...


Ci sono arrivato ora del perchè del nome ... hanno anglicizzato la pronuncia calabra di capocollo ... cap'coll è diventato ''gabagool'.
Si, ho decisamente ipossia cerebrale da covid

I hate chinks so fucking much!
So fucking much!
And all of you as well!

Does any one know any one who actually get "Corona" not beer?

If millions dyeing where is bodies? How it is that no one who died from "corona" virus has any relation to any living people? when 1 human die it is a tragedy to many people around him.
Now die thousands? or million? and they all are total orphans, with out friends, job and any one who would know them? What I am saying we need more crisis actors to show tragedy to people not just statistics. How dear you not to fear flu.

yes and breathing hurts. Every breath you take feels like someone's driving a knife through your chest.

Except you know, China told about the virus in December already but no one cared

>And all of you as well!
Why, angloHobbitanon? We love NZ :-(

Two people I know recovered from corona and have been bed bound ill for 2 weeks.

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>If millions dyeing where is bodies?
We aren't in the millions yet. For now, it has been killed much less than the common flu

China literally censored everyone who tried to warn people about the virus.

The Tiananmen Square protests or Tiananmen Square Incident, commonly known in mainland China as the June Fourth Incident (Chinese: 六四事件; pinyin: liùsì shìjiàn, literally six-four incident), were student-led demonstrations held in Tiananmen Square in Beijing during 1989. The popular national movement inspired by the Beijing protests is sometimes called the '89 Democracy Movement (Chinese: 八九民運; pinyin: bājiǔ mínyùn). The protests started on April 15 and were forcibly suppressed on June 4 when the government declared martial law and sent the military to occupy central parts of Beijing. In what became known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre (Chinese: 天安門大屠殺; pinyin: tiān'ānmén dà túshā), troops with assault rifles and tanks fired at the demonstrators and those trying to block the military's advance into Tiananmen Square. Estimates of the death toll vary from several hundred to several thousand, with thousands more wounded.

Today at 2 AM my father who works at a public hospital, was called in to grab a bodybag for a corona victim.
What chances of survival are we looking at here?

Thank you for proving my point.
I hope you know what "preliminary" means too

>conducted by the chinese

do you know any one that get sick not by "corona" beer? all of it is played swindle

yeah l know this guy

That's not true. They openly noticed the WHO.

I was in that bridge

Lombardia today had 1555 new infected and 320 dead, lower numbers than yesterday

Which region, user?
Corpse-living trasmission isn't a thing as far i know

Only Lombardy or entire Italy?

is the loss of smell and taste a real thing or another internet meme?

then Italy will probably have 3500-4000 new cases at most


>China told about the virus in December already
>except they kept lying about it until late January and still lie about transmission rates and their own numbers
China has been anything but transparent which led many naive countries into a false sense of security, but even 4chins knew how much they were lying and bad it was actually turning so it's not an excuse for the countries that responded to it so late, apparently intelligence agencies are worse than fucking Yas Forums at actually gathering independent data.

Yeah, like yesterday with ''lower infected'' because they did 3300 tests instead of the usual 9000

I really hope Italy gets well soon

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Yes, after hidding it for over two months.

take your fucking meds inbred moron

As i predicted

>except they kept lying about it until late January
Except they didn't. The post you posted proves it.
>China has been anything but transparent which led many naive countries into a false sense of security,
The world knew exactly what was happening but decided to do nothing because of muh economy.
Even our chimp of a president said that it was just a panic caused by the media

I was caught in a moment of fury
I love Italy

Fuck, that sounds horrendous.

That's not true.
They told the world in 2019 already.

still saying.
you are doomed Joao :(

Flu is like acne purge of your own body that you do not move enough you lazy cunt! Lymphatic system has no pump like blood heart has. So you need to move and sweat . Now drink a lots of tea, Yerba mate, and sweat , get in to sauna and go sleep early. You will be fine. Prolonged fear for nothing, can cause respiratory symptoms that looks like flu so if you are undesirable for gov. you may get injection and die.

Take your meds.