
>when you get the 'rona

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really looking forward to getting my neetbux
this virus was a blessing in disguise

Lads, how long has it been since your occupation/education has been closed, and what have you done with the time?
>2 weeks
>Spent first week lying in bed all day, watching and playing video games, on Yas Forums, eating ready made meals which I panic bought, drinking milk
>Spent past week watching self improvement videos, writing, reflecting, reading interesting pages, stopped watching vidya shit, not on chins as much, accepted my skeleton fate and eating just one meal a day

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dogshit clogwog edish

first for 190 is a pedophile

how old are your sisters

fuck off clogwog

Everything is still fairly calm here across the pond

Get great glee thinking about the panic going through the minds of Italians hahahaha

we are officially closed today till the 7th of april
before that we were already having to cut hours
i haven't been doing much because i'm very anxious

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terrible new. i legitimately hate this prick

>2 weeks
>having panic attacks over just how much worse the situation might get and over the fact I’m not sure it’s even worth applying for postgrad at this point

March 23 (GMT)

54 new cases and 8 new deaths in the United Kingdom, 4 in Wales and 4 in Scotland. The figures across the rest of the UK have yet to be released

mate it's literally the flu

no panic south of rome rly
people just being socially responsible n bored


>IT had to remote into my work laptop to fix something
>realised after I had image files of a soyjak and instaslag on my desktop
state of me lmao

Our company will literally never close. They'll send out one of those expeditions in a couple of years to find out what happened to Japan during the pandemic and everyone will just be a dried out husk collapsed at their office desk.

panic attacks? shit mate the world has been through worse than this and we're still here

*coughs in your thread*

lmfao it's literally nothing can't believe they're shutting the country down because of this

it's not the flu i am worried about
it's how they are shutting everything down

I know, but I have no idea how long this will drag on for, and I have so much in the pipeline that I don’t want to be delayed for too long.

going to make bank when the stock market rebounds

what are you worried is going to happen?

Japanese be on they purpose, keep it up kings fuck these hoes to sleep!

>rentberg is ba-

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Wait until you learn about deflation.

>More deaths than recoveries
That’s no bueno

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says increasingly nervous man for the 17th time

The rioting is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it.

as a gaylord ain't you more likely to die of the aids.

told my boss I don't have the motivated to do the work given to me and he was nonplussed

Don't understand these continentals. Why do they keep gender in their language? A pizza isn't female you frog fucks

Ummm sweetie this post is NOT it

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lol yeah this is it, the market will never recover!!

>5 months
Yeah he owns his tenants' wife for sure

The US will be much worse than Italy shortly.

I haven't left my house in 3 months

Yankoids don’t know the difference between sand and gravel lmao

Jordan Peterson says that the average person is only running at 51% of their capacity

Mental how USA is a global monolith with unprecedented amounts of wealth, power and military and none of you had an efficient plan for a pandemic.

Fucking nuts

Of course it will recover, you just try selling, that's the broblem.

do they do they really?

who asked though

cant wank to anything other than bm/wf

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he's running at 2% permanently now haha


anyone here ever meet the queen IRL?

I don’t pay you to talk you fucking brickie now go make me a driveway with that sandy gravel shit

wied boi

i hope i get coronavirus and it kills me senpai

mikey niggers have rioted in london and paris why not America.
Is it because they are too fat.
Also what's your diesel gains I know some idoit asked you about petty earlier.

I don't need to sell any time soon

why is he so racist?
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Haven't seen that picture of Emmett before.

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ffs first fish getting their walking going and we've got cats evolving into primates

wasn't the plan always just to let whetever pandemic take its course?
hence the fema warehouses with millions of coffins in.

Yeah lad, we have a regular bridge game on Wednesdays. She cheats, but if you say anything the guards kick you out

yeah i'm unironically 104th in line to the throne

Fuck lads just realized Jordan Peterson is fucked because of clonazepam and I’ve been on clonazepam for years

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Grant Shapps said 2 metres was 6 foot on the telly
hope he gets bollocked for that mistake

How much hazard pay do you think janny is getting working through covid 19?

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saw her at eastbourne train station catching the 10 to 5

Must be descended from Vic then.

time and a half

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I'm sure the government will pay 80% of his wages

I heard they doubled his wages.

time and half at least

saw her in the square pegg in birmingham sipping on a carling

genuinely shaking and crying rn

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he's not working though

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remember the football player hazard?

Seriously does anyone else here take clonazepam? Are we gonna die?

>Salmond innocent
Based Scottish legal system

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this seems like forever ago but i remember it like it was yesterday




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cats foot
iron claw
toilberg screams for me
at paranoia's poison door
21st century schizoid man

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14 year old girls on twitter?

he was just a belgian lee hendrie

the fucking chin on that

Not guilty actually which is not the same as innocent.

I read an article about it
apparently if you want to get off it, try get it right the first time. if it doesn't work it'll be more difficult on subsequent attempts (as is what's happening with JBP)

But I think JBP's situation is drastically different to what yours may be. And apparently he has some autoimmune disorders n paradoxical reactions n shit.

how is the government going to pay for all this free stuff?